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Everything posted by Neesy

  1. Joanne, I don't know anything about the swine flu either....just wanted you to know I'm praying for your little girl and your family. God Bless. Denise
  2. You have been so helpful. Such good advice and so many things to think and talk about. Blessings to all, Denise
  3. We have 5 dc. Our oldest is 16 and still being homeschooled (since preschool). Dh put our oldest boy (14) in public school last year so he could continue on with basketball (uggh...very long story!). Our youngest three are black and adopted. Our dd is 10, and the youngest are 5 and 3. Our dd loves sports and is naturally talented at them. Dh is wanting to put her in ps in 6th or 7th grade. He has also started talking about the little boys going to ps for sports. Our 5 yo is the size of at least an 8yo or 9yo boy and our little one seems already to be naturally athletic. I HATE the idea of them going to ps...EVER! It makes me nautious to even think about it. BUT.... I am also trying desperately to be a submissive wife and let God lead through my dh. I feel like I've been fighting against some invisible "force" our whole homeschooling journey. There is so much more that has surfaced and been spoken of by my dh. I really thought he supported homeschooling all this time and was "behind" me. I'm just now learning that he apparently just decided to be quiet about his thoughts and "let me homeschool them". He has not been an active part of our children's homeschool journey for 13 years. I just thought he was trusting me and happy w/ it all. Come to find out, he just didn't really care and was "biding his time" to bring up the ps thing. He said, "Well, I figured the homeschooling thing was okay for elementary and the oldest two were doing okay, so I didn't say anything." I would go on and on about the perils of ps, the benefits of homeschooling, "drag" him to homeschool conference after homeschool conference, etc. etc... He would nod and say, "Mmm hhh." I thought he was being supportive, apparently he just knew how much it meant to me and didn't want to "make waves".....until he "had" to. The other side of his "argument" for ps is of course the socialization card. He is concerned about "throwing them out there" in college when they've not had any experience with prejudices while we are around to help them through it, defend them, teach them, and prepare them as he says, "for the real world". We live in a predominately "white" community. There are a few minorities in our school system, mostly Hispanic. Oh, and the youngest two boys have undiagnosed learning/behavior difficulties/disorders(?). I am thinking it is true blue ADD for one of them and very mild autism for the other one. Asperger's has also come up as a possibility. I'm not sure whether to get them tested or WHAT! We think there was some drug abuse with one of the boys' birthmoms, the other boy we KNOW there was, and we also know with our 10yo dd (marijiuana). So....I need advice on any of these issues that all relate together for my children: Learning disorders, socialization relating to race/prejudice in public school, ps for sports, girls in sports through highschool, dh lack of support, etc. Thank you so much for any advice! Blessings, Denise P.S. Feel free to email me. I
  4. Looks like what I've been looking for. I will check it out! Blessings, Denise
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