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Posts posted by itsheresomewhere

  1. 23 minutes ago, Shoeless said:

    It's just anecdata, but I know of several people with cardiac issues after contracting covid. One person was 60s, obese, and already had significant health issues that covid made worse. 

    I don't know of anyone that had long term issues post vax. I know a few people that felt kind of dumpy for a week after vax, but nothing serious. 

    The only one I know personally is someone who has a lasting long term isn’t a cardiac issue.  They had the extremely rare side effect of the vaccine attacking their spinal column.  The doctors say he was one of few cases that have been reported.  He was very health before hand and became paralyzed from the armpits down.  It has been over a year and he has slowly relearned to walk and mostly recover.  He is still weak strength wise and has to take it easy as he can have flare ups. 

    • Sad 10
  2. Oh no!

    He was such an experience if you ever have been to one of his concerts. I never had more fun at any other concert. From what a friend said, he was always polite and nice to the workers.  

    I will have a cheeseburger this weekend in his honor. 

    • Like 4
  3. FYI for anyone on here who is reading this-  kennel cough is running rampant up here where I am.  Half the cases my own vet is seeing is from the dog park.  The other half are kennels.  Multiple kennels are having outbreaks.   Talk to your groomer before you bring your dog in if you have had your dog in a kennel/boarded recently.   And ask any place you board what their policies are for an outbreak/notifying you/cleaning.  

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, ktgrok said:


    Ok, see...I STOPPED wearing normal bras because they now cause me pain. The shoulder straps on most bras cause me neck/shoulder pain and pinched nerve type pain. I know, I know, they say that means the band isn't tight enough, but I don't like having my rib cage squished either!!! I have zero pain without a bra (large C or small D cup), and can tolerate without any real pain ONE brand/style of bra. I can wear a "real" bra from Soma to church or other short events, but that's it. I'm ripping it off before long. Same with a cami - those thin straps put too much pressure on some nerve in my shoulders or something. Or I am tensing against the pressure maybe. 

    I did NOT have this issue when I was younger, but I realized recently that back then they were perky enough to stay up on their own mostly - now those straps have to really work to keep them up. 

    (these are the ones i wear daily, that don't hurt. They are stretchy all over, so the pressure is distributed over more surface area I guess? And straps are wide. The removable pads suck though, so I take them out and yes, my nipples show. Oh well. At least they are holding still in these)

    I can’t do wireless.  I need that little extra support to help keep them in check. Wireless is perfect for sleeping in to me as they offer no support and I could give myself a black eye if I exercised in those.  Lol

    • Like 1
  5. There is a service you can hire for this and apparently it is very successful.  A small mom and pop business I love just had this happen and was thinking it was hopeless as fb wasn’t helping them.  Someone recommended this service and they got their account back somehow and quickly.  From what I remember about the service- it was started by someone who got peeved that fb wasn’t helping them recover their account. 

  6. I get it.  Just paid an $1800 dental/ear infection bill for the elderly dachshund.  Same dog 8 months ago had a very large benign tumor ( it grew quick all through her shoulder) removed for another $1000.  This is my daughter’s dog who we got three years ago and they have this bond that I swear helped her deal with when the world shutdown. 

    For those of you who want a dog/cat but can’t own one due to age/finances- check out the programs offered by some rescues and breed specific ones that want someone to love and elderly animal in its final stages of life.  They pay for vet visits and basic pet care for the animal while you give it a life filled with love and care ( and plenty of spoiling 🙂).

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, TheReader said:

    No debate here. It sucked, it will suck again if they make them do it again. We are still picking up the pieces from what Covid/lockdowns/mandates/etc did to people in our family. Not from the disease itself (no long covid here) but the anxiety, depression, horrible college grades b/c of everything online (for a learner who does not do well learning online), etc. 

    I hope your daughter gets to fully participate in her senior year musicals and her senior year in general. 

    The damage this has done to so many families is seriously underestimated and not talked about. Add to it the lack of mental health care in this country is going to really be at the front in the next few years.  

    • Like 5
  8. She was the last time this young man had a GI visit and a sleep study?  If it has been more than a year, time for a visit and maybe fresh eyes on his case.  Take a look and see if there is an autism clinic near you or ask online for the groups near you for recommendations for doctors who are specialists with autism and the unique problems that some can have with it. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, sassenach said:

    It’s a hassle but I wouldn’t call it huge. A friend did this due to an abusive ex and it has thus far worked (7ish years in). I would say a small hassle is well worth not re-traumatizing your son. Especially if you move- that’s the perfect window and you’ll probably only get one shot at it. 

    If I remember right, the state Dawn lives in makes it more difficult to do this.  My relative lives near Dawn was going to do this and something about the laws made him stop and go things differently. According to him, it was not worth the crap they wanted him to do.  

    • Like 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, Kidlit said:

    My husband has a huge aversion to vines on buildings.  Of course, things grow fast and lushly (is that a word?) here in the Deep South, and all he can imagine is crumbling and discoloration underneath when it comes up. 

    He is right.  The amount of damage from the ivy they let grow on the side of our house.  

    Painting the brick is a hard no.  It rarely looks good and more maintenance later. Honestly, when looking at houses is a negative for me.   Now the people who stained their what in the world is that cat vomit colored brick down the road looks so much better.  The stain just made it look nice and anything was an improvement to that color.  

    • Thanks 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, maize said:

    I'm sure it is no more problematic than any other hose. 

    Don't drink from it unless it is designated for drinking water--that goes for any hose (there are hoses that are designated safe for potable water use, used for filling RV tanks and such; they are usually white).


    RV hoses are usually white or blue but also now come in a lime green.  

    • Like 1
  12. 22 minutes ago, popmom said:

    I have been eyeing these for years. I found a Weber Spirit that someone was giving away though, so that's what I'm currently using. That and an old, old electric Brinkman bullet smoker. 

    Is it okay to use an extension cord with the Traegers? That's been one of the drawbacks with smoking on the little Brinkman. I don't have an outlet on the side of my deck that is uncovered. I use a heavy gauge extension cord, but it's kind of a pain. 

    this reminds me...I need to brine a chicken tonight.

    I do use an extension cord for my Traeger.  But it is one made for appliances.  

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