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Posts posted by itsheresomewhere

  1. It has been awhile but when I worked in the hospital, we had sibling events so they didn't feel left/unloved/etc. Do they have anything like that? Also, do you have a friend with a teenage child who you could hire just as a special playmate for the other kids. One who could just play games, do stuff you normally don't do. Can you pick a day and maybe take each child out for just a few hours of only mommy time? A friend's little girl used to take a tape recorder and make up stories on it while she was getting chemo. Her siblings loved it. She was about Hannah's age. It was get for them as they still felt that she was at home with them during bedtime routine.

  2. Mercy the pig is cute. Also, the Bernstien bears have the 2nd series of chapter books that are end of second grade grade level, more going into 3rd grade level. I don't know if they still have them in Barnes and Noble but I been buying them off ebay.

  3. Honestly, from having experience with competitive dance, I think some of the show must be staged. There were previews to the next show, and one mom was freaking out about her daughter's costume and choreography. There's no way the mom couldn't have seen the costume or choreography before the performance. So, I don't believe some of it.


    And, my kids both play the violin. It doesn't have to be either/or. My DD does wear stage makeup, but from the audience you can't even tell the girls are wearing makeup. Without it, you look dead under the lights. Our studio very rarely uses midriff-baring costumes (never on little girls) and never uses provocative choreography. We are ultra-conservative and that wouldn't fly. Thus why I'm eternally grateful our studio is nothing like the one in the show.


    I've actually spent time comparing competitive dance to pageants, because the stereotype you presented was a concern to me. I wanted DD to have the Co. dance classes (because my DD needs the challenge), and the only way to do that is to compete. Dance is skill-building. Technique, form, dedication, work ethic, attitude are all addressed and improved through dance. What skills are built through pageants? There are some studios at the competitions I've been to that I would NEVER allow my DD to dance with. But don't throw out the baby with the bath water.


    This dress and provocative dance is the normal in my area. I chose a school for dd that was normal ballet and dance. One studio from my house is 600 a month for dance and they do win competitions but the owners don't act like that woman. From reading other forums, this is the norm for this woman and her studio. Every week the outfit changes and new routines. She also finds small competitions so they can win more and look better.

  4. Personally, I hate summer reading programs. One kid is disabled and not really reading yet and the other one is just starting to read. Why are audio books not allow for older kids with issues:glare:? Our local library is certain books only and it is annoying. If you want to encourage kids to read let them read anything in my opinion. Another library only lets the kids read grade level.

  5. Nook for me because of the library books:). Once I read that, I didn't even look back. If the Kindle gets that feature, I would look more closely when time for a replacement. But, I'm happy with my choice:)


    Our small library had a sign up this week saying Kindle is getting this feature. :hurray:



    I love my Kindle.

  6. First- call local sewing repair shops and ask for the price to maintenance the machine. Also, ask on the cost of a new pedal and power cord. My sewing machine shop sells cords and pedals very reasonable. I recommend all my clients get their machine serviced if it has been sitting for awhile. Personally, avoid the Bernina as it is junk now. I have one and it just loves the repair shop. My shop stopped selling them due to the cheap parts they use now. My other machines are 2 Brothers, a Janome ( all metal one) and a 1910 Singer.

  7. It's too early at Target. They have the BTS stuff out, but it's not in their regular spot where they highlight their sales. It's mostly still just regular price, although I did get a jump drive in the BTS section that was half the price of the one in their electronics.


    Target will have their usual sales. Before the end of July, I'm sure. I'm waiting for markers, colored pencils, glue sticks, colored notebook paper, printer paper, and all the usual things.


    I did get solid colored peechees (*cough* old person alert! *cough*) at Walmart for .15 each. I will be picking up more soon, too. The regular price for a ream of printer paper at Walmart is $3.22 and I've been trying to stock up. Between the Scholastic Dollar Days Sale and the CD of 80+ history books I got at the homeschool convention, I have a lot of printing to do! Hopefuly ink for my Brother laser printer will go on sale somewhere soon. Otherwise, I'm going to Costco!



    I don't know what size brother you have but the laser ink has been very cheap on Amazon. I paid 45 for the high yield laser toner for mine. Normally, my toner is about 75.

  8. I need a great science program for a special needs child. My DS has autism and a few other things including some new learning disabilities. Do to school issues, I am now homeschooling him. I need a very hands on science program for him. Any recommendations for him? He loves science and is now in the 4th grade.




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