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Posts posted by itsheresomewhere

  1. I am having a tired moment but there is a powder that you put on the food to prevent this. Some type of vitamin. Let me see if I can remember what it was as it was about 5 yrs or so since I needed to know this.


    Also, make sure the food is grain free and wet. If the cat doesn't like canned, add water to the cat's favorite dry food.

  2. I don't know if anyone has mention this to you. When one of my dogs had back surgery, the vet recommended a doggie wheelchair. He had it set to the lowest setting so the dog still could put his legs down attempting to use them and it replaced us standing up using the sling for the dog. It also gave our dog the privacy to feel he could go without lookers. You can get one off of craigslist.

  3. I know that my feelings are selfish & ungrateful. I just need to vent.


    background: I don't have a great relationship with MIL. At first I thought we'd be OK but over the last 15 years it has only gotten worse. The latest big thing is her taking my then-6-yo for his "first communion" at her church without saying anything to DH or me but telling my BIL & SIL & her sister so they could come & "support him". That was almost 2 years ago. I've done my best to move foward from that even though there was never a sincere apology.



    A few months ago, her husband took the extended family to DisneyW for his birthday. She bought (she decides, uses his money, separate finances, just the way they work) 8 day tickets for us even though we were only there for 4 (they don't expire) & explained to me that they were to use in case we were able to go again if DH is there on business.



    Well, DH is going there on business in Nov. She hears about it & we talk about using the tickets. She seems very excited for us. We tell the kids & make all plans except flights. My parents decide they will join us (on their dime). She decides we can't use the park tickets.



    I'm not having nice thoughts right now.


    Feel free to flame away. I'm not proud of myself.



    I may get yelled at by some but- I would not have been as nice as you with the first communion issue. I would have told her my thoughts on her well thought out deception. She would also be on a supervised only visit plan.


    For the Disney Tickets- I would explain that I am sorry she felt that way. Unfortunately, the children and I will no longer be seeing you for awhile as I can not have a person in their lives who takes and takes back as they see fit.


    You can still go. Are you planning to stay at hotel with a fabulous pool/area? Then plan hotel days with park days. There are a few legit discount ticket dealers out there. Maybe do a yard sale or have the kids do a few jobs for the neighbors for money. Put it in a jar for ticket money.



    For the record, I have cut the strings attached giver mostly out of our lives. We speak on the phone and that is it.

  4. First-:grouphug:


    Second- I know exactly what you are going through. Similar stuff happened to my DS last year. He is special ed. I can't even explain my feelings completely yet. I keep telling myself (as I am sure you do to) it wasn't my fault. As the information comes out, it will hurt but your son is better telling you about it than not. DS's therapist says don't push but build. So I am building up his self worth now. Let him know you love him, hug him and just listen. Those are the best things right now.


    If you ever want to talk, just PM me.

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