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Posts posted by itsheresomewhere

  1. Thank you so much. The studio somewhat near us charges 150 for a semester. They do make you purchase the shoes and dance uniform from them. She already does ballet (45 min class a week and different studio) but loves to watch this on PBS.


    Irish Dancing is not really my thing but she does like this. I am a little lost here on this. Are Irish dance studios cliquey or most parents read a book in your experience? Our ballet place is a no recitals, no nothing place just for fun for little girls.

  2. Mine aren't glazed but I love mine. They are a nice shade. It is richer, slightly darker than Pottery Barn honey( easiest way to describe so you can look). I can make them darker by what colors are the in the kitchen. Like if I put deep reds, greens and browns- they look darker than cherry.


    Sorry long day and I am trying to describe them the best I can right now.


    I think from the sound of your home, they will fit right in. Very cozy and just right for a nice cup of tea/coffee.

  3. Two funnies for you and keep in mind he is dead serious when saying these-


    After we got back power on Friday, DS says to us" Mom, I am happy for the power being back. You know, it wasn't fun living like Canadians." After laughing, I said " You mean, pioneers."


    We went to a wonderful memorial service Saturday. Afterwords, DS looks at us and asked " Where is the cake?":lol:



    Also, DH installed new outlets in my school room.

  4. wow...with 60 looks and only 2 responses, am I to assume that Watkins products are not popular...or not good for you...too expensive for most of us...or what? I was really hoping for a few more ideas....anybody!!


    I pay 3.99 for a spray bottle of the lemon all purpose. They are very good for you. I did like the hand cream for winter. Great on dry skin. They are on Amazon, too.

  5. Watkins is an old, old line of products. They have this thing ... bear with me here... it comes in a squat, round, green tin. It is a menthol/camphor ointment, and it is amazing. I don't have it anywhere near me at the moment, but I believe it is simply called Menthol/Camphor Ointment. We always call it "the green tin." I use it on my lips just before bed to keep them soft and smooth even if the dryest of winters. I will also use it on my fingers in winter, which tend to crack and bleed terribly. I put on cotton gloves over it and it keeps me from a lot of pain. I also use it under my nose when I have a cold to relieve the dryness you get from blowing your nose so much. The menthol/camphor in the ointment also helps relieve the stuffiness. It is also great on scratches, minor burns and a whole host of other stuff.


    I have a hard time finding anyone who sells Watkins products. A green tin will last us about a year, so I'm always on the hunt for 'back-up tins.' I would pay triple the price, it's that good. I think the last time I bought some it was only $10.95, though. Considering how much we use it and how long it lasts, I think that is just about the best bargain on medicine ever.


    ETA: I almost forgot... they also have a product called 'Foot Repair Salve.' If you have cracked or dry heels, callouses, etc. this works very, very well. A little goes a long way and you'll get results overnight.


    Vermont Country Store sells it. My FIL orders it by the case from them. Last time I ordered it from there for him, it was about 10 a tin. He uses it for everything ( the Windex from My Big Fat Greek Wedding). If it is not on the website, just call them. It was tons of little green tins.


    I wonder if they are selling the same Watkins stuff from Target. I love the lemon all purpose spray.

  6. We are without power and cable from this still. I know I am taking turns going out and getting ice and bringing back to my neighbors. That would be a big help to some. Also, if you know anyone who has flooded cleaning supplies dropped off can help. I am sharing my generator with 3 neighbors. One neighbor has gone and filled up my gas cans for me. He was gone for an hour to get gas. I paid for my gas but it was great so I didn't have to venture out. Our town flooded so no stores.

  7. Ok, some things you don't want to hear. If a child ends up with low taurine from not enough meat, he won't use his fats well that he takes in. Some of the things you're talking about are aggravated by needing more omega 3's, etc. Try "What's Eating Your Child" by Dorfman. http://www.amazon.com/Whats-Eating-Your-Child-Connection/dp/0761161198


    Now, on a happier note, although your laundry list of diagnoses at the moment seems HORRIBLE and long, could I tell you that you're going to start to see some overlap and get more peaceful about it? It's more like it's 20 nuances of the same big picture problem, rather than 20 separate problems. And at least you've FOUND the 20 nuances, kwim?


    On the food and meat thing, is he struggling with his conscience or physical issues? He probably has low oral tone which, combined with the sensory, is making it physically hard to eat the meat. There is such a thing as a feeding therapist, though you may need to travel to find one. MANY, MANY children with the apraxia that my ds has also have tone and spectrum issues. So that might be one way to look to find someone who specializes in feeding disorders. There are specific things they can do to improve his oral tone, improve SPD issues in the mouth (yes, this is an issue), etc. So that will most likely be an SLP (Speech-Language Pathologist) you're looking for, one who specializes in feeding disorders. Ours looks at tone, the psychology of it, but also digestion. Many kids who are rejecting foods are doing it because they intuit that they are not digesting well and that the foods don't make them feel well. They can't say this, so it comes out as "I don't eat xyz." OT's don't usually assess oral tone but leave that to the SLP.


    That was probably more than you wanted. I only say it, because I find in working with my ds and dd for these therapy things that it's a LOT easier to build with therapy when you have a good foundation. Those fats especially make a HUGE difference. And some, he might not even be ready to tolerate. But I understand that you're at a hard place trying to sort that out, which is why I'm telling you the type of professional who might be able to help.


    Next thing, I'll pass on the sage advice KarenAnne gave me when I started this road: Don't do more than two therapy things at once. You'll burn yourself out. Sounds like your OT (is that what the therapist is?) is doing a good job of helping your prioritize. OT with a good one is amazing.


    As far as teaching, I can tell you that what I do is integrate her physical needs into the moment. For instance I'll have her do Pop-Arty beads or putty to work on hand strength while I read aloud to her. When she was younger, we would do our grammar ACTIVELY, moving. We do math on the whiteboard to decrease writing. Take breaks between lessons and work on your OT homework. I've also worked hard this year on her subjects to eliminate transitions. So even though she might have 3 components to her LA for the day, I try to make it look like 1 by putting it all into one notebook, written on one calendar block, etc. and let her chose what to do next.


    Just think about what DOES work with him and use that. Does he like to build? Hit? Climb? Be read to? Find wherever he's at and start in, alternating it with therapy activities for breaks. Is he going on meds for the ADHD? And how old is he? What all are you wanting to cover? Does he perservere on certain topics that you could harness to make little unit studies and cover his essential skills while you let the therapy kick in?



    He has no oral issues at all. He started talking at about 5 years old and loves to talk. He just loves raw veggies and I understand. I have a lot of vegetarians in the family, it is probably genetic:).He has had speech, ot and aba since he was 2. The school system has been paying for this but now he is not there, so I sought out someone else. He is very high functioning and most would say you would never know he is autistic. I have worked with him since we found out and he went from moderate/severe autism to a HFA. He actually takes a vegetarian 3.6.9 complex. His neurologist has had his fat levels checked and said they were great. His neurologist and other doctors agree that no ADHD meds right now as we have come so far and they don't want to stop this growth. He is 10. He loves to climb, build certain things and loves science. I have tons of stuff for that. The school he went to kept punishing him and calling him lazy, unmotivated so I want to show him how smart he is. Truthfully, I think he has a genetic disorder that we can't identify yet as it has not been discovered.


    I got him one of those ball seats so he can bounce and work at the same time. I found this thing that looks like a giant rubber band that he can get in and use it like a body resistance band. I figured we are just going to go with the flow right now.


    Do you do any type of kinetic style teaching with your kids?

  8. DS had another evaluation today. We knew he was autistic,ADHD, OCD, Sensory Processing Disorder but we now have been diagnosised with visual processing disorder, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia, core muscle weakness, fine and gross motor issues hand muscle weakness and possible auditory processing disorder. I strongly suspected some of this. He has had a COVD evaluation and passed with flying colors last year. While we work with the therapist on these, any thoughts on how to teach him. They said his sensory is overloaded right now and we need to address that first. So I plan on going slow right now and building up his confidence as his is very low from some things. I appreciate the help.



    Please no diet suggestions as he is mostly a vegetarian. He loves all raw veggies and eats a little chicken or steak about once a week.



  9. It sounds more panic attack like but how is the weather in your area. Sometimes when the weather stirs up stuff in the air, I can get like that. Is it possible you may be coming down with a cold? Try taking a beneydril and see if it helps you feel better.


    Is it possible you are remembering the trial of the last dog and it is setting off the attacks? My DS gets very itchy when he has a panic attack.

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