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Just Kate

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Posts posted by Just Kate

  1. 1 hour ago, Quill said:

    I can’t seem to shut them down. I should clearly use my bookmarks more often but for some reason I forget about that option. I just closed them all last week but I have a full slate of ‘em again...

    Same!! 🙋‍♀️

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  2. I felt the same way when I saw the This is Us trailer. Actually, I didn’t even watch the full trailer...I saw the scene with Kevin in a mask and just scrolled on by (this was on Facebook). I bet I will watch, as this is really the only new show that I watch regularly, but I am kind of bummed that Covid will be part of the story line. 

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  3. Wow...this thread got long! I was going to comment on the hair part, got distracted (for several hours), and now there are so many replies. I apologize if I am just repeating. 

    My now 13 year old dd has long, thick, wavy hair. She is also extremely tender-headed, which made things difficult when she was younger. He hair was always tangled. Seriously, it was matted in the back and looked horrible. She would scream and cry when I would brush it (I would lather conditioner on it and go through it with a wide tooth comb while she was in the shower). But my sweet girl loved her long hair, so we had to find a solution. 

    What worked for us then (and still now) - braids. Every night before bed, I would braid dd’s hair into two braids. She still does this today. Her hair doesn’t get all matted while she is sleeping and makes it so much easier to care for during the day. 

    Other things - instead is using detangler, I mixed some conditioner with water and she sprays that on her hair instead (dd’s hair is on the dry side so this does not make it oily). Something in the detangler was not good for her hair. I also bought her a satin pillowcase. This also helped preventing tangling while sleeping. 

    Dd was difficult when she was 8. She is still a bit difficult today (hello teenage years!). But she is also sweet, kind, and so much fun. You will get through this and your dd will be a teen before you know it. Hugs as you try to find your way through. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    Someone asked me about meal planning. This is going to sound super elaborate, but the organization can be done in one dedicated long afternoon, and added to over time. It could also be done is less high tech/low cost ways.

    1. Buy Paprika app. (I have it for phone and laptop, and they synch, but one could get by with just one. This goes on sale every Black Friday, fwiw.)

    2. Add recipes to Paprika. Paprika can grab recipes from websites and Pinterest or once can upload by manual input. 

    3. Generate grocery list from app. Make sure everything adds up appropriately. Sometimes onions get messed up in total quantity.

    4. Optional step 4, but I have found this to be handy: type over complete list in large spaced font so Dh can read without bifocals on, even though he needs them.....or add to grocery website as a saved list.

    5. Print off a copy of each recipe. Slide into page protectors. Add to dedicated binder. Put menu list in front of binder on cover. When kids or husband ask what to make or how to make it, refer them to binder or email/text from Paprika app.

    6. When kids or husband feign ignorance over how to follow directions demonstrate recipe steps and have them do it under guidance. Don’t do it entirely and have them watch.

    7. switch up the menu seasonally and leave a meal slot open weekly for variety. We need some variety to keep this going. Also, be realistic about how much energy you really have to cook nightly. Most of my recipes are instant pot based because it is easiest to prep and walk away from while it cooks.

    8. Optional: Prep some components when they come home from the store. I prep a lot of meat and then freeze the last half of the week’s in quart or gallon sized freezer bags. (I marinate chicken in canned adobo sauce, another batch with balsamic vinegar + spices, etc.) I also trim and zip some veg through the food processor so some components are ready and label the tops of those glasslocks with post it notes. It’s an extra 30 min worth of work that saves me 90 min later in the week (prep and cleanup time).



    Thank you! It was me who asked and I actually do have the paprika app! Now to figure out how to use it more effectively...

    • Like 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:


    6. Planning a standardized menu---not my normal, but here in 2020 we have a strict menu---complete with cooking directions (anyone over 8 can make the meals, so anyone can stand in to cook if someone is delayed by work or school), a printed weekly shopping list I can edit and we can order from, and an extra week or two of ingredients in the house for when there are food gaps at the store. We've gotten down to almost no food waste and the mental tasks around meal planning are done. I can just autopilot do-the-thing.  I need more mental margin this year than ever before.

    I would love to do something like this! Planning meals and cooking are my biggest stressors. I would love to hear more specifics, if you don’t mind sharing. 

    • Like 1
  6. Anyone go from salon hair color to doing it yourself at home? My hair is a dirty blonde/light brown color (natural is just a touch darker). I also have gray. I normally do my own roots at home but the gray coming in is looking worse and I don’t think a root touch up will help. I have a client meeting (yes, in the middle of a pandemic🙄) at the end of the month and due to trying to save money because of my dh’s job loss, I’m looking for alternatives. Any suggestions??

  7. 47 minutes ago, Bambam said:

    If you are adding any new vitamin to your daily intake, you might want to check everything you are already taking.  
    I take PreserVision AREDS 2 Formula Eye Vitamins (eye doctor recommmended for my family history). It already has Zinc in the formulation, so I haven't added Zinc as a stand alone option for me, but I did for the rest of my family. 

    Good thought! The only things I take are the D3 and Claritin. Not sure if I should be adding a daily multivitamin as well?

    How much Zinc should I take daily? What about teenagers?

  8. For me, I appreciate the chat board because I still have school-age kids, but I’m not a homeschooler. Now I really WANTED to be a homeschooler and I did in fact homeschool my oldest for three years. But alas I had to work and with my job I just couldn’t figure out how to make it happen. I love reading on these broads though because I love the idea of homeschooling, so I always felt like my thoughts about parenting and such more closely aligned to others who post here. And honestly, I have learned so much here on the chat boards! Plenty of things that I had no idea that I needed to know.

    • Like 3
  9. Our anniversary is at the end of November, so with Christmas looming (and I have a December birthday) we don’t make a big deal of our anniversary. Typically we try to go out to eat but never buy each other gifts. Last year we did take a trip to Vegas for our anniversary, but that was because we were celebrating 20 years. 

  10. 51 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

    My mom always made homemade spaghetti, but sometimes when she was away, my dad would have to make dinner. He'd make his spaghetti recipe: boiled noodles + jarred sauce (Ragu, always). That's it..and we (kids) loved it SOOOO much. 

    That’s what I had for dinner last night - boiled spaghetti noodles and Ragu sauce. I was only cooking for myself and I had a nostalgic craving. 😉

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  11. 7 minutes ago, Spryte said:

    Glad you found one!  We have the same one, but no women’s wash.  Can you tell me more about that?  Do you have a link?

    Here is it :

    Luxe Bidet

    I prefer the woman wash option because it’s not quite as forceful. With either option (regular or woman) I just shift myself around so the spray goes where I need it to go. 

    Honestly, if we had had more time, I would have purchased a bidet with a warm water option. I think we will be redoing our bathroom in the next year or two, and that may be something that we add. Now that it is getting colder outside, I do find the cold water to be a little jarring. But I still love our bidet and am so glad we purchased it!

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