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Just Kate

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Posts posted by Just Kate

  1. Thanks for all the options guys! I'm going to check out a few of these.


    Has anyone had 'success' with Apologia at this age?


    We have!!! Ds is in second grade and we've used Zoology 1 as written this year. Ds loves it and when I started contemplating looking at other options for next year, he begged me to continue with apologia. So we will continue onto swimming creatures for next year.


    By the way, ds is an animal kid, so his love of zoology might have something to do with it.

  2. My dd recently puked all over my nice big ottoman! I understand what you're going through.


    I used an old rag with liquid soap and water to clean the ottoman. After much scrubbing, it was visibly clean, but still had that smell. So I sprinkled it heavily with baking soda and left it to sit over night. The next day, the smell was gone and I just brushed the baking soda off. Worked perfectly (with no chemical smell)!

  3. I am using both FLL and WWE with my just turned 8 year old son, and I have found that it is better for us to start FLL in 1st grade and hold off on WWE 1 until second grade. I love the approach to narration and dictation and I feel that these books do a great job. However, I really want to make sure that ds "gets" it, so I am just taking it a bit slower for him.


    So, I am wondering if you shouldn't just take some time to introduce your kids to some good classics and then try WWE with them again next year?

  4. We have (I guess?) the older version; bought it from SL about 2 or 3 years ago now.


    I found the version we have to be fairly balanced on all topics, and not at all overly conservative/religious/"mast... is wrong" or anything. Not sure the changes then to the new one.


    I have not used the book as young as 8 yrs, though; my oldest read it around age 11 and my 2nd son is reading it now at age 11; I should have given it to him 6 months to a year ago, though.


    I will use this book again with my youngest when he gets there. I'd say good age to introduce this book is about the time they start having armpit hair; the other changes will still be far enough off that it's plenty of time, without introducing too much, too soon, IMO.



    OP here. Thanks so much! Maybe I will go ahead and purchase it and then pre-read it. I was hoping for something to give ds soon as he is becoming quite stinky and we have had to make him start wearing deodorant. But maybe he doesn't need all of the other info now. I will read it and see.



  5. I chose other...we have a tv and I enjoy the tv. I didn't just choose the first option, because it's not that I can't "live without a tv". I just enjoy having one! It is not on all the time and the kids have to ask me first. They don't have a certain amount of time a day that they are allowed to watch...instead, it just varies by the day (sometimes I need them to watch tv IYKWIM!). My dh works out of town a lot and after I put the kids to bed I enjoy watching a show or two. So for us, it is a form of entertainment that we choose to enjoy.


    One more thing to add...we don't have cable, just netflix and hulu plus. Also, I never use the tv for background noise. The kids watch a show and then the tv is turned off (same for me when I watch a show).


    Hope that helps!

  6. I've not been to the aquarium, though I've heard that it's cool. The MN Zoo is nice. Como Park/Zoo is smaller, but nice, too...at least the last time that I was there. It's also free. (the last time I was there, anyways)


    Yes, we visited the Como Park/Zoo during our last MN visit. I think we liked that zoo almost as well as the MN Zoo (and the Como Park/Zoo was free!!!). That's another option to consider.

  7. My in-laws live in MN and during our last visit, we did both the zoo and the aquarium! I guess it really depends are what you are looking for...


    The zoo was a lot of fun, but my kids are animal kids, so they love to visit any zoo we are near! We were there for several hours and had a great time.


    The aquarium was nice...but I didn't really feel that it was worth the price. However, we love the MOA, so if your in-laws enjoy shopping, that may be the right pick. My kids absolutely loved the amusement park as well....and the lego store...and the American Doll store...

  8. How do all of you keep learning of all these programs etc to even apply to be beta testers? I always hear about them after people have been selected so too late to apply. There seems to be several programs/items lately people have posted that they have applied to beta test.


    I was selected as well!!! I heard about it on here. On their FB page, it says that they are still looking for people, so you might want to go ahead and give it a try!

  9. youneedabudget.com


    YNAB has transformed our life, financially speaking. I cannot say enough good things about this program. I've been using it for over two years, and I do NOT use the "buffer" system. You don't HAVE to do it that way. Eventually, I hope to get there, but it is not at the top of my priority list.


    YNAB (You Need A Budget) We love, love, love it and there are forums if you have questions.


    Okay, going back to look at it to see how it can work without using the buffer.


    Anyone use the iphone (or ipad) app? How is it?


    Anyone else have other suggestions? I am all ears!!!:bigear:

  10. I desperately want to make a household budget and actually stick with it!!! The thing is, like with so many things, I am great at planning the budget. I can make all kind of cute little spreadsheets to show how I plan to spend our money next month. The problem is that I have no idea how to implement the plan!


    What I want...something that would allow me to put my money into categories (food, bills, debt, kids, etc.) and then would allow me to carry over from month to month. I would really like something that would attach to my personal checking account, as I pay all of my bills online and use a debit card occasionally. I also need to be able to plan how I should spend each paycheck.


    I have spent all evening trying to figure out mvelopes.com, and frankly I think I give up! I'm usually pretty good at navigating websites but this one has me so confused.


    I have also done the free trial at ynab.com (you need a budget). I love the concept of that budgeting system, but it will be a while until we have enough money set aside to pay for the next month (which is how that system is set up to work).


    How do you manage your household budget? How do you track spending? How do you manage sinking funds?


    For once, I want to do this right!!! And surely there are some people here who have figured it out...right? You are out there, aren't you? :D

  11. Next year we will be attending a co-op that meets on Friday afternoons, so I would like to take the other four days of the week and split them up between science and history. Has anyone done SOTW just two days per week? Can it be done well in only two days? It will be our only real afternoon subject, so I imagine that we can spend an hour (or more if there is a fun activity that we want to do) on it.


    Would love to hear your feedback. :)

  12. So to highjack ever so slightly, if we are starting MM with Level 2 after Right Start A & B, which manipulatives would you recommend?


    And if you still recommend the C-rods/blocks when starting with MM Level 2, could you please be very specific as to which kind to get? Or exactly where to order them?


    We are just finishing up MM2 after doing RS Math A and B. We used no manipulatives with MM and ds did great (although he appears to be a mathy kid anyway). So I don't think that ALL kids need manipulatives for MM.



  13. I have never really put together a literature "program" in the past. Instead, I have just read books aloud to ds and helped him choose books on his reading level to read to himself.


    My first question, is what I've been doing enough? Do I need a more formal program?


    Also, I would love help choosing good books to use as read-alouds an for ds to read to himself. Any thoughts?


    We are starting SOTW 1 next year, so I'm not sure about looking to Sonlight to find books, as I think Sonlight is doing American history at the 3rd grade level (we have been working on American history this year). I don't think that what he reads to himself has to match his history, but I would probably rather it be something other than American history for next year.


    Any other thoughts? So many good books and I want to make sure we don't miss out!

  14. I wrote this all up somewhere else on the board, but here you go ...


    We start our day with Circle Time, which is a blend between Memory Work and some Ambleside read-alouds. It's actually almost all memory work. It takes about an hour with my 3 children. I utilize the Simply Charlotte Mason Memory work system, but I use a notebook, not a box. We do our Circle Time approx 4 days a week, so I created this chart. I number each grouping of memory work, then put the numbers on that chart. It saves moving cards, making three sets of cards, and children dumping cards (ask me how I know).


    I don't give the children copies of this, it is all done orally. It is a capacity I want them to work on. I read, they repeat each day. We generally add 1 stanza of poetry, 1 verse of a Hymn, 1 Bible verse, etc. each week.


    We start our Circle Time each morning with either the Doxology or Gloria Patri, alternating by month.


    Then, we pray together, including prayer requests from the children, missionaries from our denomination, and other requests as needed. We also pray for our day of school.


    We start with our newest hymn. I read and they repeat the new verse for the week. Then, we sing the hymn starting with verse 1 through the verse we're working on. We use the Trinity Hymnal with Hymns for Kith and Kin, Hymns for a Kids Heart, or Listen While we Sing (no one plays piano well enough yet so we use a mp3 playlist that has all our hymns on it). My 2012 hymn list is here.


    Over the past two years, we've learned the Apostle's Creed and Nicene Creed. We recite them, alternating by month.


    We do Bible verses one verse at a time. We're still (two years later) reviewing Gen 1 daily, but we've learned Ps 1, Ps 100, Ps 130, and are working on Matt 5:1-12 currently.


    We're also working on The Catechism for Young Children We work on a page until they have it down pretty well. Then it moves through the SCM Memory System chart.


    Again, I just recite and they repeat.


    We use IEW's Poetry and love it. We follow the same sort of system, working on one stanza per week. I usually read the poems, but sometimes let Mr. Pudewa do so on the mp3 player. We don't use his system, but the SCM system.


    I usually read some poetry after they're done, a page or so from an anthology per day.


    We do skip counting (these are cute charts). Geography Songs. History from Hannah's Grammar Stage Memorization. Science from Living Memory. We do one of these subjects each day. It's too much to review otherwise. We'll see this year how much we get through.


    Then, we're reading from Aesop and just started Parables from Nature. I just read a little each day.


    It often helps if we stand when we sing. Everyone focuses better.


    One of the most important parts, for me (and we generally don't accomplish it) is on Saturday we try/want to/ sometimes do "Recitation for Daddy" where they must stand and recite/respond clearly and as grown uply as they're able. It's a nice carrot when we're on schedule ... "You're going to have to recite it on Saturday ..."


    ETA: Currently there are a couple of good, free lectures on Memory Work available for download. They really encouraged me in my efforts to spend the time ... and to keep on this track:


    Andrew Pudewa's talk Reflections on Redeeming Repetition: Rut, Routine, and Ritual as he was considering Memory Work (it's in CiRCE's free library right now). It was pretty interesting and enjoyable as I consider Memory work and doing it as habit or ritual.


    My favorite talk on Memorization is from Christian Kopf at the Society for Classical Learning's 2011 conference: Rote Memorization and Classical Education, a better apology for Memorization I haven't heard.


    Wow...thank you so much! I have already downloaded the Hannah's Grammar Stage Memorization book and I plan to spend some time exploring your other links as well. I appreciate your help!

  15. I am full of questions tonight!!! We use both WWE and FLL. Of course, both subjects require narration and copywork (which I love!). However, we are also starting SOTW and continuing with Apologia Zoology next year. I know most people use narration and some use copywork with these subjects as well. We will be doing science and history two days per week next year (on alternating days...I think). If I require narration and copywork for both subjects, plus what he will be doing for FLL and WWE, will this be too much for an 8 year old boy? Or is this about right for this age? (or not enough?)


    Just trying to figure out how to put my jumbled plans for next year together. Thanks!!!

  16. First off, congratulations on being able to teach full time now.:D



    Thanks so much! I am quite excited myself. :D And thank you for your suggestions as well. I guess I just need to get creative.


    Hmm,,,....thats a lot.


    I mean, I do a lot more than that with my kids, but I sort of combine them where possible, where as your approach is to sort of take two seperate programs. hmmm....




    This does help! And I agree about putting kids together...and I do plan on doing that with my kiddos when my dd is in first grade. However, for next year (her K year), I just really, really want to do FIAR. But I do anticipate doing history and science together with them when she starts 1st grade. Thanks for your suggestions!

  17. Do you take a certain time of the day and spend on memory work? What kind of memory work would you plan for an 8 yo boy (3rd grade)? We use FLL, so I think that the poems and parts of speech would be good. I would also like to introduce some scripture memory. We will be starting SOTW1 next year. Anything from there that we might want to add?


    Just thinking out loud and would love to pick your brains on how you have handled this. Thanks!

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