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Posts posted by mom4him

  1. Thanks, ladies. Two more days and our beautiful little town will be back.


    Just an interesting note. I saw a clip on the news a couple of nights ago. At 2 a.m. the clean up crew start in on main street( approx. 6 blocks) and they finish at 7 a.m. Despite what many think our town goes behind every year on the rally. Do to that we have some of the highest taxes in the area. The big thing that I hear all the time is the money it brings to the area and it does for a few but not that many that actually live here.


    I know it is here to stay. It does make me sad when I see what it has done and continues to do to our town. A few years ago I had a very good friend that worked for the Public Health Office here. She said they gear up every year as they know there will be an influx of young girls, some very young, coming in pregnant. How do you balance that out will all the money it brings in to the area?


    Ok, I am going to quit complaining. :)

  2. We had the Hell's Angels here. They haven't come back. Their comments: It's too cold and there's nothing to do! No kidding!


    Yes, well, they own a camp ground a couple of miles from town.:tongue_smilie: Their big 'play' now is, 'They are just a good family group.' :001_huh:


    They are only one group that honor us with their presence though and I guess they really are one of the tamer gangs.

  3. I wanted to do an update. There have been 8 deaths so far. The traffic on our street is really crazy. We live 1 block off one of the main streets through town and many times when the traffic backs up they turn over and come down our street.:tongue_smilie: The sirens went constantly on Monday and were pretty steady on Tuesday but not as bad yesterday and today.


    It is such a difficult day as my kids are pretty much yard bound. I simply do not let them leave the yard unless they have one of us with them.


    The good thing is we have our house almost put back together from a very long remodel project and the kids have been very busy getting their rooms where they need to be.:D


    I really appreciate all of you that have been praying. We have 3 more days.

  4. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I remember well when my mom passed away. It was a very difficult time but there was a peace there also. She truly was ready to leave this world. I remember for months after she was gone I would see something or hear something that I knew she would enjoy and I would think, "Oh, I need to go call mom and tell her about......". Then the reality would hit. I would never again on this earth be able to do that.


    It did get easier. 25+ yrs later I still miss her though at times.


    Praying for you.

  5. You know, if it were my other dc, I would say so.

    This young man though, has a heart of gold, but also has a learning disability that has required extra guidance in many things. I am walking a fine line now that he's a young adult, and we're both finding the balance between independent adulthood, and giving him the time to really get there. He will certainly get there, but for now, we talk about serious decisions as he makes them. :001_smile:


    If your ds doesn't understand it is important that you help him understand but to do it in a way that will be non pushy in any direction. Give him the fact in a manner he can understand, not in a manner in which he will feel you are pushing for the relationship to be broken.

  6. We have 2 cats and im about to get rid of one. Im sorry, i LOVE animals but this 1 drives me bonkers.


    We have had both of them since kittens though, both indoors, and they werent hard to train.


    Litters......well, here are MY thoughts:

    IF I needed a CHEAP litter, id get a clumping litter- EX: Scoop Away Extreme Odors or even Tody Cats Small Spaces. (we live in an apartment and their litter box is in the bathroom).

    BUT if i wanted a GOOOOOOOOOOD litter?

    Fresh Step Crystals. Its 8lbs for $14 at Walmart and for 2 cats it really does last 2 weeks and WORKS! I doubted it at first, but i LOVE it.


    Jen, can you tell me what problems you are having with the one kitty?

  7. It is tuff on police and hospital staff. I don't know what the shifts are at the hospital but the police pull 12 hr shifts for I believe 12 days straight. We live next door to the Chief of police. By the time the rally is over he looks like he is a walking stick. His wife is doing chemo also so they have that added stress. Awesome couple.

  8. I don't think so provided that the foster family complies with the instructions of the state (which generally has healthcare decision rights for foster kids) about the foster child's medical care. So probably not able to refuse vaccinations for the foster child unless they adopt them and then only after the adoption is final.


    Not in our state. My son that has fostered several children would never allow the med. staff to give more than one vaccine at a time either, even with the foster children.

  9. Praying! We made the mistake one year of planning our Black Hills trip around the same time as the Rally. I was chaotic. However, we did meet some really interesting people (who, after a day's ride, had no idea what inside voices were;)). I never knew that there were Christian biker gangs.


    Yes, there are Christian bike gangs. We used to have about 25 of them stay in our yard. I fed them breakfast and sometimes supper. I really enjoyed it most of the time. After our oldest son got hurt it was one of the things I had to drop. Just not enough days in the hour.:D


    Yes, my sister and her daughter and grand daughters made the mistake of coming here during rally one year. WOW! They had planned on staying in a motel but of course that week you don't just go rent a room and if you could you would have to take out a second morgage.


    I appreciate your prayers. My dh just told me there has been two rally deaths, both from alcohol and speed. That would have had to be today as they don't count anything other than from Monday through Sunday. It makes my heart hurt.

  10. the best Christmas present we ever got was from my nephew. He made us a floor to ceiling cat condo with 6 levels of perches and even an enclosed cat house on one level. I don't even want to think what it would have cost to buy in a store. He made it for us about 6 or 7 years ago and all of our cats just love it. They love to race across the room and run up the entire length of it to the ceiling when they are not sleeping on it and play fighting on who gets the very top perch.


    Ok, You are going to have to stop!:lol::lol::lol: Now I want two kitties for sure.


    That would be a great idea. It would be secured at both ends? I am thinking this will be a project for my dh and kids.:D

  11. I saw you post how long he'd been gone the other day. I think YOU deserve a medal or something. D*** woman, we'll see you in while. I'm sure your kids must be ecstatic!!!


    A big thank you to your family for the sacrifices you make, we appreciate you and him and your kids. :grouphug:


    :iagree::iagree::iagree: Each of you are a blessing to our country. :grouphug:

  12. We live in rally town. 1 wk out of the yr our small 6,000 pop. town turns into 100s of thousands of people, mostly on motor cycles. I know that there are a lot of really good people that come. There are also a lot of big name biker gangs come in. The police to a grand job of control but there is always the threat of war.:tongue_smilie: Of course the other thing that goes along with it all is the people that are injured and/or kill this week. My dh and I had to go across town and back. We took interstate back and it looked like there was a bad accident up the road from where we turned off. As we pulled up in front of our home 2 ambulances went by in the opposite direction of interstate so I am thinking there has been another one the other way. This is the first official day of the rally. 6 more to go.


    Please keep all the officials in prayer, the drivers, both bike and car in prayer, the hospital staff, and the buisnesses in our town. Some make good money. The clerk at the one we went to told us that they loose about 20,000 this week.

  13. You can also look at concrete forming tubes at the hardware store. They're thick cardboard tubes designed to hold concrete while it sets up. At Lowes, they come in 8, 10 and 12 inch diameters, 4 ft long, $6.26 to $11.33 depending on width. I've seen online instructions for using these in cat trees (including cutting them in half to make the rounded perches), covering in carpet. You do want to put a tall post on a wide enough base that it won't tip over when the cat jumps on it.


    More good ideas. Thanks. Making it would definitely be less expensive and could make it for the spot it will go.

  14. I wouldn't declaw. Cats *can* be trained and I've never had an issue with any of our cats tearing up the furniture. As kittens, they might try to or act like they were going to, but redirection works with kittens. As long as you have a nice tall scratching post made with something good to scratch on, if you take them from the furniture and put them on the post and praise them and pretend to scratch it yourself, they can be taught pretty quickly. They're not praise driven like dogs, but they do respond to praise and like it. Catnip on the things they're allowed on also helps. I've found it's much easier to make a good scratching post rather than buy one - most of the affordable ones are way too short (a cat should be able to extend its front legs all the way up the post). You can use a cardboard tube newsprint comes or dimensional lumber (a 4x4 or secure a couple of 2x4s together) and then just wrap in carpet. You can often find carpet stores will give you throw away scraps that are big enough. My cats have always liked berber :)


    Thanks for your input. I am leaning away from declawing. I figure that I will work with the kitty and if it isn't successful we will then look at something else. You have some very good ideas.


    If you provide enough toys/scratching areas/sleeping areas specifically for the cat(s) you can also train them to stay off the furniture completely.


    Thanks for your input. I am leaning away from declawing. I figure that I will work with the kitty and if it isn't successful we will then look at something else. You have some very good ideas.

  15. Go to User Control Panel and then Edit Signature. Scroll down to where you edit. In the upper right corner of the editing tool, look for the square that has a small A in the upper left corner and a larger italic A in the lower right corner. Click that. That opens your signature in HTML code. I'm guessing there there two
    words right at the beginning. Erase one of them (including the brackets). Don't mess with anything else or you could make other funky formatting problems. Then click Save or whatever it says. Hope that works!


    You were right. Sometimes my computer skills are non existent.:tongue_smilie:


  16. We used to declaw our cats. I wish that were still an option because my furniture is worse for the wear since I've changed my mind on that. But I just don't have the heart to do it anymore. Also, we live in the desert...lots of wildlife. They are indoor cats, but I want them to have a fighting chance in case they were to escape.


    I wish I knew someone who has tried these: http://www.amazon.com/Feline-Soft-Claws-Take-Home-Small/dp/B00074W44E/ref=pd_sim_petsupplies_4


    I'm tempted to try them out, but I'm afraid I'd have to sedate my cats to fit them on.


    Ya, somehow I see putting those on being compared to giving a cat a bath.:lol:

  17. Diane already answered the second question, but I've had females with spraying problems even though they'd been spayed. Usually over territorial issues or a box that wasn't clean enough. We had our males fixed, one at three months and the other when we got him around 9-10 months. No problems so far.


    Ok, Thanks.


    Now can we talk about declawing? I know there are some strong feeling against this. I really do hate having my furniture ripped up though. We don't have anything right now that is extra special but hoping to get new living room in a yr or so. Any time I have seen cats in a house that are not declawed I see the evidence on the furniture.


    So convince me that I shouldn't get our new kitty, well, if we get a new kitty;), declawed.

  18. I don't know about crazy cat lady but I am thinking we might be called the crazy zoo. My dd came in a couple of hrs ago and asked if we would be able to get 2 kitties, one for her and one for her brother.:tongue_smilie: I told here we needed to convince her daddy that one is a good idea yet.:lol:

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