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Posts posted by E_Edgerton

  1. I agree with previous posters about taking control over the TV first. It just seems like the easiest and most logical start. However with the responsibility of possessions...When I was young, my Mother would simply take away what I didn't care for properly. If I left my toys out after being told to clean them up, they were gone the next day. I learned pretty quickly that if I cared about my toys, games, etc. I needed to take responsibility for them. This isn't really advice as much as my personal experience. However, I feel like you and your DH are going to learn many tactics by reading some books on the subject. Good luck.

  2. I agree with previous posters about taking control over the TV first. It just seems like the easiest and most logical start. However with the responsibility of possessions...When I was young, my Mother would simply take away what I didn't care for properly. If I left my toys out after being told to clean them up, they were gone the next day. I learned pretty quickly that if I cared about my toys, games, etc. I needed to take responsibility for them. However, I feel like you and your DH are going to learn many tactics by reading some books on the subject. Good luck.

  3. I understand wanting to challenge one's ideas or ideologies, but I think life is way to short to invest the time in reading something you know you will hate. We get challenged everyday with opposing views by watching the news, taking part in politics and just interacting with others. I agree that almost every book I have read has brought me a little something, but I prefer to start a book with the hope that it may become a favorite, instead of knowing or at least thinking I will hate it.

  4. I would go to your library book sale, thrift stores, and when the weather permits yardsales and look for old Sports Illustrated magazines, picture books about sports, and posters. You could frame cool pictures and the frames would be the only real cost. Both our book sale and thrift stores have old magazines for around $.10. Decorating on a shoe string brings out the most creative ideas. Good luck.

  5. I couldn't vote for one category. I have different needs that are met from different people in my life. My husband is a true friend, as are two girlfriends I have known since high school, as well as my sister, and a few women I have been lucky enough to think of as mentors. I really feel that collectively they create my best friend.

  6. Any favorite Golden Globe dresses? I thought that Eva Mendes, Kate Winslet (always a favorite) and Maggie Gyllenhaal all looked stunning. Not to mention as a long time fan of Mickey Rourke...I am glad to see him as the comeback kid of the year. Anyone game to just talk some celebrity judgement instead of the heavy stuff?:tongue_smilie:

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