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Posts posted by E_Edgerton

  1. I go nuts for this english muffin bread that is sold at our farmers market. I pay $5 a loaf....but it is so amazing. I have even sent it across the country overnight to my MIL. You should look into a similar recipe...the lady can't bake it fast enough...in fact it is why I have to be at our farmers market as soon as it opens, instead of walking leisurely over whenever I roll out of bed...:glare: Now that I am thinking of it...some herb butters would be easy to sell as well. Just grow some herbs in your kitchen window and flavor some butter....Wrap in parchment and store it in a cooler. People would love that I think, it isn't a baked good...but would be just as easy. Good luck!

  2. Everything is Illuminated is amazing. I keep a running log of all the movies we see, so here are just a few that got high marks. I enjoy offbeat, small, and some old movies as well...hopefully you will enjoy a few. Sylvia, Ordinary People, Rear Window, The Apartment, anything by Christopher Guest, Shattered Glass, Iris, Before Sunset, The Seventh Seal, The French Connection, Garden State, Danny Deckchair, Gaslight, The Barbarian Invasions,The Sting, The Sea Inside, The Upside of Anger, Off the Map, Mrs. Miniver, Proof, Winter Passing, Gosford Park, Alone in the Wilderness,10 Items or Less,....gosh I could go on and on. I also love The Office (british version) Spaced, all the Poirot series, House, Freaks and Geeks, and Arrested Development, Planet Earth, Blue Planet, and Boston Legal as far as TV series. I have logged over a 1000 movies, tv shows, and documentaries to this point...PM me in the future for further recs if these work out.

  3. My Dh and I are looking into purchasing a Bengal cat. We find the breed absolutely beautiful and from the research I have done, seems compatible in activity and attitude. I am looking for advice on a breeder...preferably someone you have purchased from, as well as contact info of the breeder. We are in the eastern part of the country, but are flexible. I do recall one poster who bought one not too long ago (posted a beautiful picture.) The websites that I have tried to get info on to this point have been so sketchy.:bigear:

  4. I find this thread very interesting. I didn't 'earn' my grey...mine is hereditary and I started getting it at 13 :eek:, so I have been dying my hair for 12 years now. One must keep in mind there are other reasons to dye one's hair other than vanity. I do hope to find a natural alternative to my Nice n' Easy...but until then, I have no problem forking over the $5 a month to keep my greys at bay. However, I do hope more people will post some more alternatives. :bigear:

  5. We use cloth. They are plain white from Ikea. 4 for $1.99. I have at least 12. I usually just throw them in the reg. whites. However, about every 2 weeks I do a bleaching. I love them. They are soft, good for the environment, and make each meal feel a little fancy! I would probably look into having a set especially for dinner parties. :)

  6. I find that grading as you they go is helpful. Ex. as they finish a math problem, have the key out and let them give you their final answer. Some they do themselves with a the key and a little supervision. Other stuff I do once they are eating lunch. Mostly, I find it easiest to grade as you go, even if you are working with another child...spacing the neediest subjects for each child at separate times helps tremendously. That way if one is doing math (obviously would need graded quickly for the sake of corrections) while one is doing some independent reading or computer work, the other working on handwriting...good luck.

  7. Definitely word of mouth...people who have good work will want to recommend the artists...people who are not pleased with the work they have done will also be happy to give you a warning. I would also look into artists who have specialties. For example if you want a nautical tattoo, you may want to ask around at some of the shops in your area...odds are there will be an artist who has gotten quite good at that style..same with black/white, portraits, etc. Good luck. I love tattoos!

  8. Try to focus on the good stuff. You are remodeling...and even though the current state of things is a wreck...the end result will be a lovely and more efficient space. As for the health issues...I know this stuff is a nightmare (I work in a hospital) but she is receiving good care, they seem to be taking all the precautions and she is having tests that will hopefully reveal some much needed answers. Just keep looking for that silver lining! Keep your chin up!:)

  9. I am a home tutor/nanny for a homeschooling family. The children I work with are 12, 9, 6. There are some subjects that are wonderful to combine...history (read-alouds, map work, and coloring pages) science (reading and experiments), music, and art. These are subjects that are easily combined for the kids..of all ages. However, math, english/grammar, spelling, etc. These are things that probably should be done kind of separately. This can be easily be done by simply planning your day with a little care and thought. :)

  10. Obviously...fever, vomiting, or anything that is truly sick. But at 6 years old...a little handwriting...a little reading by the child...then aloud by you. You could add a little math or art. All these things can be done for a small amount of time and then you could have a break. Even a child that is sick could probably do at least a little bit of "school."

  11. First pan sear some chicken breast in a little olive oil. Then in the same pan pan sear some onion, garlic, and red pepper. Then in a saucepan heat some heavy cream, 1-2 tablespoons of ricotta, 1/4 parm, minced garlic, and about a tablespoon of butter till thick and aromatic. I then drop the gnocchi. Once the gnocchi is done (floating) drain and toss with the pan seared veg. the chicken (sliced) and the cream sauce. Finish with a little fresh basil and more parm. So wonderful!

  12. I am a home tutor/nanny for a homeschooling family. Two days a week I do the schooling while their Mom is at work. Our day starts at 8 am and goes until 2-3 depending on the day. There are three of them and they are 12, 9, and 6. Obviously, they are at different levels of academic study as well as different levels of supervision needs. First, if someone seems to be a bit "off" (grumpy, overly emotional, etc.) it needs to be isolated pretty quick. That type of behavioral stuff can be so contagious. Sometimes it is a change in the subject(no need to start with math, if you can warm them up to the idea of school with a little reading or music), a quick talk, or some sort of motivation (the Wii has been hugely helpful) Next, when it comes to good behavior that is displayed be sure to really praise it, they will quickly learn that good stuff gets just as much attention. I also think that taking the time to really plan out the day for each of your children would be helpful. The subjects that can be combined like history read alouds, science experiments, or art can be group activities since it seems like they enjoy working together. However, more independent studies like math and english would simply have to be done separately...maybe in separate zones would help. As for consequences...I would first see what really motivates them, then let them earn time doing that by cooperation with you and being done with school at the goal time. Sorry, this is long...there are a million more ways of trying to work through this...keep it up and good luck.:)

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