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Posts posted by Nicholas_mom

  1. Thanks Ladies!  We were up in Hanover last night because I work part time in Baltimore and I wanted to see how long it took on a Friday (the only day I work full day) traffic was like to Hanover.  Of course, last night wasn't too bad, the cars were moving and I got there in an hour.  Then we went shopping at the Walmart in Hanover and checked out how the neighborhood was like at night.  I wanted to know how much light pollution there was.  Which was basically very little compare to where we live now. 


    We actually saw a beautiful sunset on the property that we want to build on!  So, that was a treat.  Also, we saw a skyful of stars!!!  A plus for me!  I am getting excited.


    We are waiting for our W-2's to come in to apply for a mortgage.  We also have to sell our house.  I am praying that everything falls into place easily with selling the house and building the house and moving in by September this year.  How's that :)

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  2. With Ruth's Help (aka lewla...? forgot the rest) I was able to take out the important points in WWS 1 and use some examples from WWS 1 to practice the topos or have ds think up a topic to write about for practice.  I made WWS lessons more whole to parts and I am starting to like this program.


    We did MCT Town  last year but I felt I needed something different before we jumped into Grammar Voyage.  After trying CAP and Treasured Conversation I settled with WWS 1.  WWS 1 is more appropriate for ds and I was happy that I had the hand holding I needed to teach this writing.  He is learning how to write many paragraphs for a topic with out jumping into essays.  I think Ruth should write a whole-to-parts for WWS (lol).  I guess she sort of did, because that's what I am using.


    So, next year, it will be MCT Voyage series with WWS 2.  I haven't made any explicit plans, yet, how that will look.

  3. I bought it, too because the Zacarro books do not work here.  I was surprised for my visual kid how Zacarro was too distracting to do the problems.  So far, I liked what I saw about Problem Solving Strategies:  Crossing the River With Dogs BUT it is for classroom use.  I did not implement it but was thinking to offer a problem solving class at our coop to use this book.  I will try to use it at home atleast for Chapter 1.


    Yes, where is Raptor_Dad....  We need your help for implementation!

  4. I loved W&R, my very creative and natural writer, hated it, too!  I was so disappointed.  He felt stifled from taking a story from the example and amplifying it or making up a story the opposite of the Lion and the Mouse. 


    Anyway, I am using WWS 1 as a guide.  For summarizing, we are reading Treasure Island for literature reading, so he is summarizing a couple of chapters.  He wanted to learn to type so he is typing his summaries.  I use the Day 4 of WWS to go over the Topoi and then use an example from the book for him to do an exercise.  He likes the example exercises.  Then he choses a topic to apply the new Topoi.  He loves that, too.


    I don't know if I will continue with WWS next year or not. Also, he is currently writing a second novel, so I am going to implement amplifying the story that way because he wants to write a big novel, like 200- 300 pages.  His first published book is 100 pages.  He is going to need to do alot of amplifying and describing paragraphs to get to that many pages.


    He's such a quick learner, I cannot keep up how quickly he catches on and then gets bored easily. 

    • Like 2
  5. I had these great expectations of planning the rest of my school days until Christmas and January for the Thanksgiving week.  That went out the window :)


    I learned I rather spend a week in bed watching tv or reading a book every second I wasn't cooking or cleaning to get ready for Thanksgiving and for the Christmas Tree.  More company means more cooking complicated meals for the week, instead of cooking for me and my son only.  I hate to cook.



  6. To the OP -- how's your son doing now?  I wondered because we just started AOPS Pre-a this month.  Using the text, I am teaching him or doing the problems with him.  I have a visual-spatial kid who is very bright in math but hates it with a passion.  This year I started AOPS in hopes it was the curriculum for him to not hate math so much. 


    We started Chapter 1 , last week and I never saw my son light with math and really get into as he does with this program.  Obvisously, we are only on Chapter 1 and I have been looking ahead at Chapter 2 and having anxiety attacks and hyperventalating :)  My dh and I both teach my ds on different days and dh LOVES this approach (he's gifted in math) and thinks this is a great program for our son.


    I am looking for some hand-holding as I jump over the cliff and into AOPS :)  I am a linear-visual learner teaching a visual-spatial learner. BREATHE!

  7. First, you really need to know what kind of learner you have and what does he/she know intuitively.  My son is a visual/spatial learner and whole to parts learner.  He is a natural writer.  That is what MCT materials are good for.  Not to say if you have a different type learner MCT can't work, but that's who the program is meant for.  He does not need endless mechanics practice and intuitively knew how to punctuate.  He constantly corrects my grammar, which is really bad because English is not my first language.


    MCT Island was great.  You have:

    Grammar Island

    Building Language (Vocabulary)

    Music of the Hemispheres (Poetry)  (Love it but went over his head for concepts.  I am going to finish it hopefully this year.  He is in Grade 6 and we started Island in Grade 4 - we did MCT Town for Grade 5)

    Sentence Island (sentences) (we did it orally because at the time he wasn't liking writing assignments)

    Practice Island (practicing grammar)

    MUD trilogy (for literature)  LOVE IT!!!!  Atleast here.


    MCT Island does not have capitilazation but my ds knew this intuitively.


    MCT Grammar Town:

    Grammar Town (grammar)

    Ceasar's English (vocab)

    Building Poems (haven't done it yet.  I want to finish the 1st book)

    Paragraph Town (grammar and paragraph writing)  The 1st 10 lessons are great.

    Practice Town (grammar practice)

    APM Literature (Literature)  LOVE MCT Literature program and so does ds.


    DS loved Grammar Town but he also read Moby Dick himself (his choice) which Grammar Town had a lot of references to the book.


    We are going to do Voyage next year in Grade 7.  we are doing WWS Modified approach, so half the program in half the time.  Grammar VOYAGE starts writing essays and my son needed more practice with writing across the curriculum for 3 paragraphs for academic writing.


    Grammar Voyage

    Ceasar's English 2 (vocab)

    A world of Poetry (poetry)

    Essay Voyage

    Practice Voyage

    SEARCH (Literature books to read - treasure Island, A Call of the Wild, and Invisible Man.  We are doing treasure Island but ds didn't want to read the other books so I am using a different program for literature.)


    ILL - was too old language for us and all over the place.  Plus, like I said before, he knew grammar and mechanics intuitively.  So, to us it was busy work for this child!


    Good Luck!


  8. Here are some videos from crash course.  We watched the Particles Part 1.  Now I understand the term "subatmoic particle zoo".


    Link: https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=A0LEVxx8gkpUPnAAEn9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0a3VscjNyBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDM4MF8x?p=crash+course+quantum+physics



    I got a headache from looking at so much stuff


    Yes!!!! Me too!

  9. I came back because I found on the Crash Course for Quantum Physics there is Particle Physics Part 1 and 2 that would be a good lead in to the Tour of the Subatomic Zoo.


    We are going to start the book next week, when I finally get it from the library.


    In the past weeks, we have been reading "Introducing Quantum Theory: A Graphic Guide to Science's Most Puzzling Discovery" and I have been letting ds chose what he wants to write about and/or draw about from the book.


    But he is clearly looking for something more ao I decided to switch to the Tour Book referenced above.


    OP, are you doing the Subatomic Book? How is it going?


    On any day my kid has the following reactions to the schooling for the day:

    1) Nothing. Sighs deeply. Inspects the inside of his eyelids. = something he finds tediously dull.

    2) Snicker. Does it in a moment. Then giggles. = something he finds easy.

    3) Whine. Weep. Declares "I don't know this!" and "This is too hard!" and "I've never done this before!" and "You never taught me this!" (none of which is true, btw) = something he finds challenging.


    The mysterious #4, something he has to think about but feels comfortable learning without melting into #3, is rare.



    Oh goodness!  Are you in My house ;)   You finally explained my ds. :lol:


    To the OP, I am having the same problem as you and I am listening intently to the replies.

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