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Everything posted by *Lulu*

  1. DH and I have guns, but none in our home or property. I have mine stored on the other side of the neighborhood in my dad's gun safe. DH's is at his parents' house in their gun safe. One day we will buy a gun safe and they will live here. One day many years from now when the children are children no longer.
  2. I liked the souped up baseball bat they used in Z-nation. (TEX- funny zombie show. If you like that sort of thing. One story line is pretty rough at the beginning, but there is enough humor to make it worthwhile.)
  3. You must have gone to public school. Just like the government to keep the masses uneducated about how to defend themselves from the real enemy- the zombie.
  4. Thank goodness zombie killing can be done with more than bullets.
  5. What exactly does the hippie signal look like? A peace sign? A VW van? A dancing bear?
  6. I didn't mean you personally; I get what you're saying. It strikes me as being in the category of freaking out about a mom letting a ten year old ride a bike while wearing safety gear, inside a neighborhood with little crime, less than a half mile to get a snow cone because someone *might* kidnap him/her. A church is at greater risk of sexual abuse, embezzlement, or fraud occurring within its walls than a premeditated act of violence, but the focus is on the statistical improbability.
  7. Seriously. Do you know what is more dangerous than an untrained idiot? An idiot who is trigger happy and trained.
  8. The shooting in Charlotte was not about a church being shot up. It was not an attack on Christians. It was an attack on an assembly of black Americans. Period. Violence visited upon non-minority congregations is rare. It seems disingenuous to use that as justification for promoting CC inside the church.
  9. Because your wallet and phone will not accidentally kill someone. I have been around guns my whole life and am in no way ignorant about this topic. In fact, I'm pretty damn well informed. I just do not agree with your opinion on the risk guns pose. An amateur idiot with a knife may cause damage playing around, but is unlikely to kill someone unintentionally. An amateur idiot with a gun, however, is a danger to all those around including himself.
  10. Yep. One of my LEO relations is never without his ankle-holstered weapon. I have zero problem with him in my home because I know it is there and that he is properly trained in how to use it. When the kids were in the crawling stage and he liked to get down in the floor with them, he'd remove it and put it in the gun safe. My FIL, who is also a LEO, is adamant that we not have weapons in the home while the kids were little and never any unsecured. He said he's gone on more coroner's calls for people injured by weapons kept in their home for safety than he's gone on calls for people who protected themselves with weapons in their home.
  11. I call BS. The entire point of concealed carry is for the firearm to be easily, quickly available if needed. In my home properly locked is in the gun safe, not on your person or in your bags.
  12. If there is no delivery fee, 10% of the bill or $5, whichever is more.
  13. Those two things are not really comparable. If someone brings cigarettes into my home they are not putting anyone at risk by virtue of the object being there. Guns put people at risk by their very presence.
  14. Okay, I wasn't clear enough. Hell no. If you don't know me well enough for me to know that you're carrying and giving you my consent, then you don't belong in my home. I grew up in the home of a hunter. I am comfortable with firearms. I would be LIVID if someone brought firearms into my home without my knowledge. My children are in homes with guns frequently, but I am comfortable with that because I know that the guns are secured and that the owners are responsible.
  15. I'd tell you to try hiding in the bathroom, but they're like bloodhounds. They will find you.
  16. Right. Because the right of the parents to live how they want does not supersede the right of the children to safety. There are agencies set up to handle family issues with vulnerable parties like children, elderly, or the mentally impaired because they generally cannot advocate for themselves when someone is breaching their rights. The adult Nauglers are welcome to live in feces, sleep in whatever shelter they please, and go without food because they have chosen to have no income. They are not allowed to force their children to live like that. Again, your rights end where mine begin. It is illegal for someone to spray paint slurs onto the home of a gay couple. It is illegal for someone to spray paint slurs onto the home of a straight couple. I can hold the belief that people who let their kids scream before 10am are an abomination. I cannot spray paint my displeasure on their door because that is stepping on their rights. I can think whatever I want about your standards and it does not infringe upon your rights one iota. You are not having a single right removed or restricted. Not being allowed to restrict the rights of someone else is not the same as having your rights restricted. The Supreme Court did their job. They said that the laws in several states were violating the rights of some citizens. I don't believe I've heard anyone say it represented the voice of society or of all people. The Supreme Court is not supposed to stick its finger in the air and make a decision based on the way the wind is blowing. We are a republic not a democracy because the rights of the minority are as important as the rights of the majority and we do not govern by mob rule.
  17. It is the same as any other set of rights in our society, legally, your rights end where mine begin. I can swing my fist all day long. Until I swing it into your nose. Fist swinging isn't illegal for a private citizen. Hitting someone in the nose is. Saying, as a private citizen, that you believe homosexuality is wrong, that marriage should only be between one man and one woman is not illegal. Legislating that other private citizens follow rules based on your beliefs is.
  18. Except, why should a university or business that makes a profit get an exemption because the word Christian is in their name? Christian Life Books is not in it for warm fuzzies and providing free meals. They make a profit. They should not be exempt just because they profit from a particular religious view.
  19. I saw your last post, you sound like you do have a good plan in place. It's a lot. But it is doable. Nothing like life ganging up and throwing sixty-bazillion things at you at one time for inducing chaos. (((Hugs)))
  20. Oh honey! (((hugs))) That is a ton of crappy and commitment compressed into a tiny time frame. I can't imagine someone dealing with that and NOT feeling like toast. It seems to me that you have a good plan in place. Except for the co-op bit. What sort of planner are you? Do you have to get into teacher mode or can you plan in small chunks? Just keep breathing and remember that when you're treading water for a long time it is wise to rest your body by floating every so often. And we will tell you that as many times as you'd like. We will also entertain you with stories so wild you snort lemonade out your nose when you need a laugh. (I was gonna go with pee on yourself, but then I thought- maybe that's too much? But then I thought about making you laugh hard enough to pee on yourself and got super tickled. I have issues.) If you can keep taking care of yourself throughout the summer, maybe you can work with your DH to figure out a way to get you whatever sort of break recharges you before you wade back into the school year. And definitely come and vent here, as often as you want, about whatever you please. Cuz we love you!!!
  21. So do lots of groups. I have heard and read more complaints from people who are upset that their choice is being portrayed negatively than I can count. Cheerleading, football, beauty pagents, homeschooling, spanking, baby wearing, bringing cupcakes to school, refusing vaccination, and on and on and on. Not necessarily. And even if it happens, how is a tiny percentage of homosexual people/supporters loudly declaring how vile Christians/conservatives/heterosexuals are any better or worse than a tiny percentage of heterosexuals loudly declaring how vile homeosexuals are? I don't see it. This ruling is a step toward treating homosexual individuals equally in legal matters. It will no more cause people to treat them better or treat heterosexuals worse than the rulings surrounding the civil rights movement of the 1960's caused racism to disappear and whites to be discriminated against. There is no push to remove the right of heterosexuals to marry each other. There is no group with a public platform calling for conservatives to be rounded up and put on an island somewhere. The thing is, people are gonna be people. Some people are jerks. They will be jerks in whatever debate they enter because that is who they are. There is no law against rudeness or private prejudice. Just like fifty years later people walk around saying racial slurs, people will continue to say what they think about SSM.
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