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Everything posted by urban_mom

  1. You also have to have a healthy appreciation for geeks. Maybe those of you who don't get it should make sure you aren't too Napoleon-ish yourself! Haha. I think it's hilarious, but that's just me. I think everyone has a little Napoleon in them. "Girls only like guys with skills: numchuck skills, computer hacking skills, bowhunting skills". Hahahaha....
  2. about doing one or two questions over a long period of time and just recording her answer yourself. Then, after she has answered them all, you'll be done! Maybe you could make it fun by having a "question of the day" and just doing it really slowly? Just a thought.
  3. curriculum? I'm sure they come with certain things like math-u-see, but where would I buy a cheap set of them separately?
  4. Tapestry of Grace, My Father's World, or Story of the World. This is for kindergarten aged kids. I know some call for you to start later, so tell me what that age can handle, (from this list that is....). Thanks so much!
  5. well? I mean, even if you don't use Veritas Press, but you use SOTW or that Grace one, or whatever, do you only "teach" Bible stories as they come up in those history lessons or do you teach others as well?
  6. elaborate if that doesn't work. WWYD? My dd is pretty much the kind of kid who is one of those type-A learners who doesn't ever require too much explanation. I, for one, was not like that at all and had thoughts of doing a cool math program like math-u-see or something, but I'm wondering if I should bother with all the expense and stuff if she doesn't really need it. WWYD? I feel like I could probably open a boring math book with boring worksheets and she'd think it was fun...should I be "pushing" her to learn in a more hands-on way or just let her be a workbook girl?
  7. if that doesn't work. WWYD? My dd is pretty much the kind of kid who is one of those type-A learners who doesn't ever require too much explanation. I, for one, was not like that at all and had thoughts of doing a cool math program like math-u-see or something, but I'm wondering if I should bother with all the expense and stuff if she doesn't really need it. WWYD? I feel like I could probably open a boring math book with boring worksheets and she'd think it was fun...should I be "pushing" her to learn in a more hands-on way or just let her be a workbook girl?
  8. old church's AWANA program, (new church doesn't have one) and I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on it.
  9. Trying to decide "what would jesus do" in a situation like this. We live in an inner-city-ish area of Chicago and our neighbor's house looks like a broken down crack house. It's not...the people who live there are just elderly and kinda grumpy and no one in there family does ANYTHING to help them keep up the house. Most of the people in their family who are youngerand could help them are ex-convicts and/or druggies so they aren't going to help. Well, long story short is that about a thousand pigeons live on their roof and, since our front door is actually on the side of our house, our entire walkway and front door are covered with bird poop at ALL times. I tried to hire someone to get the birds out of their roof (they are actually nesting in a rotted out part of their roof that the guy said he could fill with chicken wire) but now the guy won't do the job. For various reasons, since it isn't our house, he won't touch it. He says I can only file a complaint with the city. Do we file a complaint and be the worst neighbors ever or do I just serve God by scooping up diseased bird poop every day? WWYD?
  10. I thought of the love chapter in 1 corinthians, but maybe just vs 4-8 "Love is patient, love is kind..." Any other good suggestions?
  11. to help and he said no? Or, are you being a martyr and doing it yourself and then hating him later? Because that is exactly what my mom used to do to my dad and I kinda think it was her own fault. Talk to him! He's probably WAY to used to you doing everything and just thinks that is how it should be. If he actually refuses, then you have other problems.
  12. . You have to put it into drawers and then slide them in and out and inevitably you misjudge how tall it should be and smash the top of the ice cream box off in the process. I don't like it at all, but I'm sure the other has its drawbacks as well...
  13. AWFUL at playing alone for even 2 minutes. My 5 y/o dd could entertain herself for 8 hours if she was alone, but this one can't entertain himself for 30 seconds! He throws a huge fit if I EVER say "go play" and if I get him set up doing something (like painting) and then walk away to do the dishes he starts crying "you paint WITH me!" I just sent him downstairs to play w/ his toys and he keeps yelling up "I don't WANT to play down here! What are YOU doing?" Then, after about 5 minutes of this he starts saying "I want to watch a SHOW!" Unfortunately, I give in more times than I ever did with his big sister b/c sometimes I'm so tired of him! What are your techniques for this?
  14. out and goes into the wall. He has about a half-inch cut that stopped bleeding after just a few minutes but is a little bit deep. He says he's fine and is playing fine. We iced it and stuff...do I need to take him in for stitches? What is stitch-worthy? It's right along his hair line in the middle of his forehead
  15. hard-to-deal with child. I was practically crying as it was just like my ds. Now I can't find that blog! Anyone know of this? One of her blogs was called "listening to silence" and then she had another one and I Don't know what it was called! Help!
  16. You have to think of it as if you were eatting a steak, (and you are right handed). You'd need to hold your fork with your left hand and cut it with your right, (so fork is on left and knife is on right...with the spoon). And, the napkin is under the fork. This is your most interesting question? :):lol:
  17. but it has nice, trendy, modest clothes and swimsuits and everything... http://www.shadeclothing.com/Product/Womens/Modest/New_Styles/Overview
  18. to please get more comfortable with saying PERIOD! My mother ruined each of my sisters and myself by acting like it was something "weird" and I REALLY wish mothers (homeschooling mothers at that!) would please talk about it like it was totally normal and not embarassing. It's NOT! It's your PERIOD! This is a board full of WOMEN! We can say period here, can't we?
  19. would like to go back to work sometimes, but don't b/c we want to want to homeschool and be a sahm. Notice I said that we "want to want to"...many times we don't want to at all. Most of why I do things are exactly for the reasons you stated, but I think God is ok with you starting by doing what is RIGHT b/c it is right and not b/c you want to. At least I hope so! I know I walk by my bible 100 times a day and think "right after I blah-blah-blah". I WANT to want to be close to God, but most of what is inside me wants to do exactly what I want all of the time. I think that is actually the nature of being human. One thing I've been trying to learn to do is to do what I know I need to do b/c it's right, but then for the things I'm doing just b/c I feel like someone else wants me to, I try to excuse myself from doing them and add in things that I want to do. Like, for instance, let the house go some days and everyone will get over it! Don't cook one day and order in and everyone will live! But I feel exactly as you say a lot. It's hard to decipher between what really is required of us, and what we don't have to do but feel like everyone wants us to do. for instance, homeschooling....haha.
  20. I wish I could even figure out WHERE to figure it out! :) HAha
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