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Susan in TN

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Everything posted by Susan in TN

  1. On a positive note, last night ds13 for the first time in his life played a game of Dirty Santa without having a meltdown. Dh was with him the whole time to make sure he could be extracted quickly if necessary. Also, he discovered Karaoke.
  2. A poem for mornings. (Anonymous; submitted by Quackers) Coffee, coffee, coffee, Coffee. Coffee, coffee, Everyone shut up. Coffee.
  3. Good morning! I still have to find out if we need to bring Christmas dinner with us. Lots of stupid piddly errands that need to be run in the next 3 days. While Jean was getting jiggy with it, I was learning to burn designs into wood. I am thinking I should give up on this project now before I have a complete meltdown. I can do it after the trip. I need sandpaper. Dd15's midstate music is still not here, :glare: ds22's luthier still doesn't have to part to repair the bass, :glare:, and we need to learn music for the church service on Sunday. I am annoyed that I forgot to ask the pulmonologist for a medicine that is cheaper than the one dd11 is currently taking. It's $90/month and we honestly have no idea if it is doing her any good. The doctor thinks it must be working because dd11 hasn't had pneumonia in the past 4 months. :huh: Cooooooofffffeeeeeeeee!!
  4. (((Events Planner))) Scary! (Whenever I see EP, I think "extended play". Takes me a while.)
  5. I don't think it's rude. If someone is doing a bad job, especially when you are paying their salary, then they need a bit of correction. Sometimes I choose to Mark Twain it. It's almost 6:30. I don't think they're coming today. The stupidest thing is that a mail truck was going through our neighborhood yesterday (Sunday!) and dh flagged it down and asked if he would take our bill. He said no, he'd be back first thing in the morning to collect the mail. Lies. All government lies! Did I ever tell you I was a mailman one summer? Worst job I've ever had. "Going postal" is completely predictable. And not at all an appropriate place for a pretty 19yo college girl to be working.
  6. (((Critter))) Rodrigo - Your services are needed stat!
  7. I left a note in our mailbox for the mailman that says "Good Job! You finally made it here!" I wonder when they'll get my note. Dd19 does not care for my passive aggressive tactic, but at least I left out all the insulting rude language that really expresses how I feel.
  8. I survived The AFSA. Whew. I discovered that the washing machine will put itself on pause if you open the top to sneak in another sock and will not start again until you return from The AFSA and discover it patiently blinking at you. I have a headache that is sort of in my nose. How did it sneak in there? My mom called to tell me what she got ds13 for Christmas and it is exactly the thing he has been asking for for over a year but is a little on the expensive side for us. :) He will be so thrilled!
  9. My toilet is acting weird. I have an irrational fear of finding a snake in it.
  10. You can get in a half-hour nap before the kids get up! You can borrow mine.
  11. You guys are really good at gift ideas! A bottle of wine would really offend them, but I am sure someone at the church would love it! :D A new coffee maker would be nice for dh's nephew to use as well (he lives with them). One other thought I just had was to get Grandma a reading wrap-type thing and Grandpa a knit cap to keep his head warm.
  12. Topic for discussion: gifts for Elderly People Who Should Be in a Nursing Care Facility But Still Live on the Side of a Mountain in the Middle of Nowhere. Points for consideration: They would be offended if there was not a gift for them even though they say otherwise. If you spend a lot on a gift they will consider it a waste. If you spend a little on a gift they will consider it junk. Any gift you bring will be be left at the church in case anyone else wants it. Homemade gifts (even made by grandchildren) will be stuffed into the magazine rack and forgotten. Candles are not allowed in the house. Ready, set, GO!
  13. Good morning already! It's The Queen's favorite day! Now that all Christmas Activities are completed we must focus attention on packing for the journey over the river and through the woods. Must make lists. Do laundry. Gather suitcases and dufflebags. Go to AFSA. I should really get my hair cut. I would like to visit Switzerland and go hiking. Ds13 would like to eat their cheese. Critter, that concert sounds nice! It would be cool to play in a cave, Coffee!
  14. The bonus to having guests over is that my house is cleaner than it has been for many moons. Much less dust than usual.
  15. (((ikslo))) ðŸ·ðŸ«ðŸ·ðŸ·ðŸ·ðŸ·ðŸ·ðŸ·ðŸ·ðŸ·
  16. I do believe we just inadvertently threw a Christmas party. :svengo: There were 7 non-family members here from two different families (Choir Boy's family and TSD-OFNK family), the singing of Christmas carols, candles, hot chocolate, a cheese and cracker platter, TJ chocolate babka, and people having conversations/hanging out in 3 or more parts of the house. Also, we made cheese. 🎉
  17. 🎈🎈🎈🎉 Happy Birthday Slachey! 🎉🎈🎈🎈
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