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10 Good
  1. Thank you for praying for my nephew, Declan. He made it through surgery fine and the MRI the next day looked good.


    Take care, and thank you!

  2. I agree and double no on putting her on meds at such a young age. There are no long term studies on effects and yet there is plenty of anecdotal info on kids going berserk to the point of suicide on psychotropic medications. Have your friend do lots of research on what I've written here. It's a scary trend with even scarier results.
  3. Our prayers will be with the family and the doctors as well. Please let us know how things progress. Deborah
  4. The book, to be honest, is full of scriptural contradictions. We used it for a bible study and took a break after the third session because we felt it was nearly heresy. I'll give examples privately if you contact me.
  5. I just got bangs yesterday and I'm 44!! We could start a support group lol. I'm not sure if they make me look older but I wasn't thrilled with the overall look. But then my ds who is a precious seven said that I was beautiful, " even your hair, even your feet, even your tummy". I'm guessing your bangs look great,too. Enjoy your new look.
  6. I'm sorry you're right, I overlooked your post. Do you understand what I mean though? Actually i think you must since you censor yourself that well. Thank you for speaking up and again my apologies.
  7. This may sound tough but you don't have a lot of options from what you say. Write down what you expect of her. Don't tell her about consequences, no threats or argument just calmly state the plan. The first day she fails to meet her obligations, you and your husband, or you if you're alone, remove everything from her room except the barest essentials and and 3 books to read, 2 changes of clothes, and pair of pajamas. Everything means she loses her clothes, radio, computer,tv,books except the 3 YOU choose,games,jewelry,makeup and,even the bed frame. She should be left with a mattress, bedding, her few changes clothes, which she will be required to wash, the books,her dresser, and a light. Finally, she is only allowed out of her room for meals, hygiene and bathroom breaks, church if you go as a family and if you think, family outings. She has to consistently meet your expectations to earn her belongings and finally her privileges back. And try not to feel sorry for her and cave early or she will go right back to where she was before. Tell that at the end of one week of working well, and that means her attitude has to be decent too, she can earn back....whatever you decide but just a little at a time. An important aspect to this is the element of surprise so don't be tempted to threaten her with taking her stuff away before you actually do it. Wait for another day like you described and then very calmly, which is key, take the stuff away. She will most likely either have a fit or promise to do what you want her to do but don't cave! Then you will never have the same impact even if you try it another time. It's difficult but you have to remain very calm no matter what she says or does and stand your ground. If tell her she can earn her stuff back and why you're doing this and then that's it. I guarantee this will change your daughter for the better and if you do it correctly you only have to do it once. Remember it's just stuff what you're doing is for her growth into adulthood and not meant to hurt her. Make sure she knows that too. Let me know what you think and how it goes if you try it. Ti g
  8. I apologize to Julie in CA. She actually mentioned denial in her post. Sorry girlfriend.
  9. I apologize ahead of time for my tone but I'm a little irritated. We're adults here not adolescents so can we get honest? No!!! You absolutely can NOT be flirting with a guy and not realize it whether you're attracted to him or not and we all know it if we're being honest with ourselves. Your mind, personality, and body language change when you're trying to get the attention of a man whatever your motive, you're attracted or not, whether you give two hoots about him or not. Flirting is not for the guy's benefit it's for our own gratification, to see if we can get him, get his number, get a second look, get a special smile, or even just hold his attention for a few minutes because no one's given us any in longer than we can remember. Please someone, I know one you besides me are brave enough to admit this. I'm married and happily so for 21 years and I still catch myself flirting but doggone it I know the very second I start! Maybe you wonder why this is bugging me so much? It's because I'm homeschooling my 7 year old for the first time and it can be very isolating and lonely and I was hoping to find some good, solid, honest women to relate to. The woman who posed the original question didn't bother me too much although she knows what I'm saying is true, too. It was the fact that not none woman cared enough to be honest about such an important thing. Flirting is dangerous and it ruins marriages. And I want to know that when I share important things with women on here that I will get honesty and integrity in return. Now I'm gonna spend the rest of my day hoping and praying that at least one of you will relate to what I wrote and not think I'm a total nut job. Actually I can be but in a good way. Lol
  10. I come from long line of alcoholics and have been sober myself for 12 years so I can share what I know from my limited experience. I'm sorry, by the way that your sister's alcoholism is affecting you so negatively. Before anything else make sure that you take care of yourself. I strongly recommend that you try and find an Al-Anon meeting in your area. You can't understand the unbelievable difference it can make for you just to listen to others who are also dealing with Alc relatives and loved ones. At least go once and see and I think you'll get a lot from it. As far as having your sister thrown into rehab,you need to find an attorney, I believe it would fall under family law, and tell him your story, including that you want to have her involuntarily committed. I'm pretty sure that if the judge so orders, she would need detox first, then treatment. Sometimes those are at the same facility sometimes not. I'm not sure what state you're in or how the law stipulates there, but generally they will put her on what's called a mandatory psychiatric hold for at least 72 hours. Then they, the coca, would reassess her to determine she needed longer which she no doubt would. For a judge to commit her your family and the attorney have to show that your sister is an immediate threat to herself or others. From your post it seems clear she meets the criteria but I'm certainly no judge. I hope that helps a little I can give you my email address if you'd like if you have any more questions or just wanna rant. I've been both sides of this disease so I have some mileage on the subject. Hope things get better soon. Please take care of you. Deborah
  11. Actually my mom is a self-proclaimed Royal expert and she told me that it stipulated on the invitations that women had their heads covered and men wear their morning wear whatever that means. It may be a church thing, going back to bible times when women had to cover their heads to attend temple service. Anyway my favorite was that big Teletubbie hat!! Anyone know who that was? Notnfor nuthin but since the invitation was written that way, it was very inappropriate and probably rude that the wife of the prime minister didn't bother to wear one. Like a big screw you in my opinion. Just me though.
  12. I had no intentions of watching although my mom is a Royal fanatic and set her alarm for 3 am. So of course I woke up by chance and called her, good thing because she didn't hear her alarm! So we started our running commentary which got a bit mean when we came to the hats...but anyway she's very hard of hearing and can't work her cellphone too well so I was nearly screaming by the time the Queen drove up to the Abby doors. Hubby woke up and laughed at me but ds woke up and wasn't too happy to be awakened to Mom screaming, " There she is! " at 4 in the morning. So I moved the party down to the living room ( yes I should have started there -slapping forehead-). Finally, hubby joined me for the ceremony after making a pot of very strong coffee. He's a sweetie. My favorite part was that lady wearing that big mauve Teletubbie hat!! What a hoot! By the way I'm a new poster and happy to have found the place. I look forward to learning and sharing here. Have a great day.
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