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10 Good
  1. I found this with a quick googling: http://www.creditscore.net/midlife-crisis/ Hopefully I'll have a more cheerful midlife crisis. Move somewhere warm and read books and swim all day. Actually, that sounds pretty nice right now. See ya!
  2. I don't think this is Egypt's tea party, at least not in the modern twisting of the phrase by politicians. This is something much more significant, and I hope a solid, human rights based government can develop and remain free of American puppetry (see the past thirty years) and the meddling of other countries. It's going to be very interesting to see if and how a country can be built in the postmodern era.
  3. Hmm, how about: "Shh, my husband seems to think so!" Or, you could just go on the offensive and make that joke before they do. Once you say it ("Am I allowed to have this? You sure?"), it kinda takes all the fun out of it for them. The best part is that your issue is looking young, something most people would die for!
  4. That's too bad about the animal shelter. You could also try some social networking stuff if you have a facebook or a twitter account. Apparently those can be pretty effective, especially if the owner is a younger person.
  5. I did a quite a few years ago, and once you get near Yellowstone its quite scenic. I don't exactly remember the route I took, but a cool stop I'd suggest is the Crazy Horse monument.
  6. These sort of things seem inherently deceptive to me. It's like running a business where the product you're pushing is religion, you know, free samples at the supermarket counter sort of stuff. I feel that every public school should be entirely separate from any religious agenda, leaving what indoctrinating there is to be done to the parents. That's just me though.
  7. You guys use barbecue sauce on pizza? Instead of tomato sauce? Hmm, now I'm intrigued...
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