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Everything posted by OrganicMom

  1. I was hesitant, and didn't begin this yet.... even with my daughter loving to memorize facts... very cautious and purposeful though as to what... so.... what do YOU think is important to memorize?
  2. SWB recommends this in some form... just curious as to what form, if any, in your home?
  3. or just the beginning and ending of Egyptian dynasties? OR do you have child memorize the beginning date... then the dynasties and then the ending date of the list?
  4. Do you record every book your child reads or that you read aloud to them? if so how? when do you begin recording? always? question 2: do you catagorize them? (i.e. history list, poetry, fiction, etc) OR do you just put them on one master list for the year or the 4 year cycle?
  5. That's so good to hear. yes... i'm finding it freeing to just move forward! or stay at a lesson too... but NOT b/c he keeps wanting to count....
  6. yes, yes, yes! it was amazing and what got me wondering about buying a kindle or several for us at some point if we have the $. So i'm assuming most kindles DO have speakers then...? at least the current ones that they offer on amazon? I think I will just have to do the research when we are going to buy one.
  7. no, i was referring to the fact that i prefer the e-ink ones. as opposed to the tablet versions, etc...
  8. i've found, personally, that i cannot read for a long time at the computer screen. I don't know if it is that i need glasses or what, but i would probably get the basic kindle for my kids... for their eyes!???? this is not an educated choice.
  9. forty-grand is beginning to look like nothing. and truly it is. a million dollars is not what it used to be. and really is nothing compared to the worlds riches and the worlds poverty.
  10. How do the audio books work on kindles? do they work on all kindles? do you need ear plugs or are there speakers on most or all?
  11. will they have several levels coming out all at once?
  12. see, i've always LOVED the books lined up on the shelves. I love writing in them. I love loaning them out. I love the VISUAL of them. which is why for so long i've closed my eyes and ears to these readers. :D but i'm just starting to see some of the possibilities.... my daughters birthday is coming up... haha... :tongue_smilie:
  13. wow! didn't see all the responses... good stuff!
  14. I would say AAR pre level to level 1. I'm using it with my 4 year old (pre level 1) and he LOVES it... we are flying through it... the puppet takes the cake! If AAR was not available he would not be wanting to read right now. but he keeps asking to do more and more school. and the activity sheets that come with it give ideas on the back of each sheet on how to complete them. they give ways of doing it i would never have thought of... like making peanuts with your fingerprints for the elephant on the E page... or using and eraser in blue paint to make blue berries on the B page... I'm really happy we spent the money on it... although at first was unsure. I keep coming back to edit it to add more I wanted to share. :D the ponics pathway and other books of that nature felt to dry for my kids... who are movers and shakers... i tried all of them. I needed something the kids would love but i wanted something thorough and systematic with no holes that we could progress quickly or slowly, at the child's pace, in measured steps... excited to follow AAR all the way through. Now i'm just WAITING for level 2 to come out!!!! :D
  15. yes, I was considering them for my daughter... wasn't sure of all the possibilities!!!!?!?!?!!
  16. How do you use YOUR kindle personally or with your homeschool? Do you see the kindle as an essential to you in this time in history? or is it just a cherry on top?
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