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Everything posted by OrganicMom

  1. would your children be reading every day then? or once ever lesson with a lesson spanning a few days?
  2. Thank you! I know that there are 3 types of workbooks though. Are you speaking of all of them (reading workbook, worksheets, phonics workbook)?
  3. I am about to incorporate Rod and Staff readers (from their bible nurture series). What are the main benefits to the workbooks? Are they just busy work? Is it laying a foundation for something? I was thinking of using these readers as silent reading for my daughter (independent work) and using the workbooks as proof that she is getting it but I am not sure if it is worth the time... Thoughts? On the side I also have one of the pathway workbooks. I cannot remember how I got it. Are they similar to the other reading series' workbooks?
  4. Thank you!!! THAT is what I was hoping for!!! Such a big help!
  5. Any tips on improving the holes in MY writing, punctuation, and grammar skills while teaching children? I am sure I am not alone in the reality of a teachers lack as they become educated all over again!? As of right now, I am just going to be going along with my daughter through WWE, FLL, and AAS. I am also beginning to read "The Elements of Style" by William Strunk Jr. I love the book already! But outside of that, does anyone have any tips? I have always struggled with writing. Succeeded in many other subjects and am an avid researcher/reader/learner, but my weaknesses in written communication are not serving me well. :)
  6. Outside of getting out the SSL DVD or the Audio CD - is there a quick reference guide with pronunciations for SSL1 lessons and vocabulary? Is it in the Teachers Edition? Or will I have to go through each lesson and write out my own pronunciation guide/reminder as we go? I know it may be SUPER simple but homeschooling two spirited kids I am having trouble remembering a few words. My daughter is flying ahead of me :) ;) I am focusing on teaching, she is focusing on remembering. :) Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something...
  7. Does anyone know when AAR3 (All About Reading 3) is due to release?
  8. It was so good to re-look over these suggestions. As I had not made a decision yet.
  9. So it IS OK then to modify her sentences for written narration then? coach her along? this is what I had been doing, but want her to grow those muscles, too...
  10. I needed to hear that I am least on the right track. My child is exactly like both of your children - just depending on the day! :D I think I WILL increase the little doable questions so that she is practicing telling me her favorite parts, etc.. but not in a way that would be too overwhelming or too much for her that it becomes discouraging.... thank you
  11. Yes, I am doing one section at a time. Reading with pauses in-between to set the picture for what is going on and make sure she is following, questions at the end, and then going from there... I do have the activity guide, thankfully!
  12. Getting a narration from my daughter is difficult. It shows two things: one, that this is what we should be focusing on and two, I need help! :) She will memorize sentences or facts from what we are reading but it is SO hard for her to give me a complete sentence or even one in her own words... sometimes even though she has a fact she wants to say it is difficult for her to put it into a sentence. I am realizing that i had the very same weaknesses when I was her age AND BEYOND - still a weak area for me. right now we are doing tons of reading-aloud, and working on speaking in complete sentences to one another ;) but I can see her brain get a traffic jam in it, often. even if we are doing math sometimes too... If someone can just point me in the right direction to more training in this area of how to break down the process or additional words I can use to help frame what she should do... how much should i be helping her form a sentence on her own? what should I correct? should I tell her a better way to form it once she does? I wanted to add: we are doing WWE1 and SOTW 1 - the history lesson is when we are having the most difficulty. probably b/c she is able to just give me one simple sentence from writing (one thing she remembered), where in the history lesson, it's more summarizing? maybe this is why it is more difficult? not sure where to adjust things to her level so she is actively working on this skill - not getting too overwhelmed to shoot above what she can do and not learning or stretching this skill...
  13. does this audio (A Plan for Teaching Writing: Focus on the Elementary Grades) focus more on narration skills than the writing with ease text book?
  14. Hey, so I just joined the yahoo group for RightStart Math - and went to there files, tons of resources that helped me/is still helping me, get in the right mindset. one being a chart for all the games according RS level. It's these little helps that add up to the confidence that I need I believe... still working through some questions but feeling much more relief now. :) I would recommend joining the yahoo group for sure.
  15. When do you know if your child is getting a firm foundation with following the processes? I really want to make sure that I am right in just trusting the system. I am doing the lessons in detail :) and sometimes adding with some creative review, but not always. We are doing level B and are around lesson 30-something. I keep feeling like we are not playing enough games. It takes a lot for me to mentally teach the lesson and then learn new games :) (I often will read ahead in the lessons so I know what is coming up) I really do LOVE right start and don't want to be doing something else... but I am seriously lacking the normal tells of knowing when I am covering everything... Is there something more that I need to know besides following the lessons playing a game here or there or playing the games she recommends etc... and that is it? Is that clear? It was easier to tell if I was doing what was required when I could just hand my daughter a workbook page and see what happens, if she got them right or understood them without explaining i knew she had mastered the material for the most part.... but with this... there isn't tons of review and I don't always know if the material will come up again, or if she was supposed to get it in that lesson and hope she always remembers that concept... she seems to be understanding everything... i'm just lacking my confidence as a teacher, due to the new format of teaching. sorry for my ramblings... :)
  16. We are doing RightStart Math Level B with my first grader/second grader - we did singapore 1 and some hirizon and miquon for first year last year. we are loving rightstart math level b, but I'm finding that my daughter needs review or sometimes forgets... so... what do you think of Evan-Moor's daily math books? I can only see some beginning pages on amazon. so the beginning seems like it is something my daughter would have fun with... and it would bring some review and keep concepts fresh... does it progress quickly? or does it continue to be gentle and cyclical in the problems? should i get the 2nd grade level instead, I wonder? I really want it to be something I can hand to her though WITHOUT helping her at all with the problems while I work with her little brother. She normally needs me for every problem. does anyone else have experience with this?
  17. oh, wow! OK. Thanks Fraidycat! Disappointing for those waiting to use it for the year. but maybe at this point, others have already fallen back on other curriculum, by now. we were beginning to pick up speed in the first book, so it should be ready when we need it, then... Thanks, again!
  18. Thanks! I was thinking of contacting them, too! So, thanks for doing that.
  19. So minimus teaches it differently than song school, is what you are saying? I get them confused, too!
  20. Daughter: combo of hooked on phonics, Sonlight's LA, All About Spelling, Explode the Code Son: Leap frog, All about reading, and some touches of OPG - he is still in the early stages.
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