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Posts posted by AuntieM

  1. The beauty of it is is that my husband will be working down here still. He'll be down here in South Louisiana every 2 weeks. I'm already planning on him bringing back crawfish fixins at least 2 times a year! I will definitely stock up on what we use daily though!


    Wow, that's a great connection! He can be your cayenne mule... :lol:

  2. I think of it as a minced oath. It's been used in place of the h-e-double-tooth-picks word, but more lately so many people are using the expression, "What the (insert horrible word)?" that when I hear the first two words, I start to wince.


    I try to redirect without focusing on Don't Say THAT! Too much attention and it becomes like the big pink elephant you tell people not to think about - once you mention it, it's all they can think about, kwim?!! I just try to not say it myself so my little one doesn't copy mom.

  3. I cannot offer you any info on OK, I just want to say that before you leave Cajun country you better establish some mail order sources. You will find it a little harder to find your familiar cooking brands.


    ZatarainsDOTcom is a good one to start with, they carry the basics. You will likely find Tony Chachere's in the store but some other spices may be challenging to find. You might want to stock up before you move; if you have favorite seasoned meat (thinking sausage and tasso), see if your favorite sellers will do mail order. You will be able to get flash frozen fish and shrimp, but you won't find coastal seafood fresh or frozen in water.


    On the upside, you'll get terrific steaks and fresh corn on the cob. :D Have fun home-hunting!

  4. We have had ours about a year and use it daily, more in the winter when hot chocolate is wanted. The keurig is good for us because we drink a variety of things - if we had to brew a pot of one thing, we'd never come to terms!


    One likes fully loaded Caribou, two need decaf, a couple drink hot tea and we all need a chai or cocoa fix now and then. I buy kcups for the Caribou and for the decafs during busy seasons, and use the ekobrew for less hectic days and for a favorite local coffee that doesn't come in kcups. FWIW, I do not buy kcups for cocoa or chai or tea; I buy Trader Joe's and we just use hot water from the keurig. For one, I think the taste is better, and two, things that do not contain sugar and/or powdered milk are less likely to clog the machine.


    I use tap water and have had no issues thus far. I suppose it's time to descale it, though!


    One thing I like about the k is that it helps me moderate my own coffee drinking. I used to make half to 3/4 a pot daily because I was the only coffee drinker and that's the least I could brew and have it taste good. So of course I would then drink the whole batch. I didn't need that much!


    I get kcups at WalMart, JCP and Bed Bath & Beyond, usually with coupons. I have never bought in bulk but have heard the prices are better that way.

  5. For a lot of reasons. I would personally very much appreciate a kid-free curriculum fair. Hard enough to keep my gray matter in line without being bumped by strollers and trying to think above all the little voices that DON'T want to be there.


    ETA - OP, I have been in your shoes, with little kids and no one to watch them. Curriculum fairs that didn't allow kids was one of many things I was unable to do during those years. It *is* tough, and frustrating, but all part of the choices we make for our families (where to live, with whom to socialize, whether or not to hire babysitters, etc). I hope you can find a way to go, but if not, there will be other fairs at other times, or maybe you can get really good at online curriculum shopping - that's what I learned to do.

  6. Thanks to everyone so much for all of the advice, especially the specific color names.

    LillyMama, I might wish I had your mother-in-law right now.

    I think I am leaning either toward Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams.

    My walls are all white now, so no need to cover up any colors. However, they are porous and take a lot of paint to cover well per one of my neighbor's comments.

    Too bad there is not a paint store that only has 25 colors to choose from. I would probably shop there. ;)


    You might want to get something like Bullseye and paint a coat of primer. It comes in different price points, but there's one for under $15 a can. That's a lot cheaper than two coats of $35+ per gallon paint.

  7. Tony, regarding tongues, you might want to break out your concordance and Greek dictionary and do a good word study on "glossa."


    I agree with Heather. However, I do believe God can do whatever He wants to do, whenever He chooses to do it. :D


    Specifically regarding tongues, I think one thing Paul emphasizes is whether or not the use of tongues is edifying to the body. How does anyone benefit from something no one can understand? How does an individual bless his fellow believers with a "private" prayer language? I ask these questions rhetorically, just to offer you food for thought.


    I personally think of my push-the-limit kids when I read Paul's response to the Corinthians, as he lays out the "procedures" for the speaking/interpretation of tongues in the church. Think about it - your kids want to do such-n-such. You don't think it's the best idea, but they are determined! So you say, "Okay... if you can line up this and that and the other thing (purposefully making it clear, safe and challenging to comply), then you can do it." I get the idea that Paul is going with their desire but laying out circumstances that he feels they may not be able to meet, kwim? And if they can't get all the must-haves to line up, perhaps they will shift their focus away from tongues as a spectacular gift. OF COURSE THIS IS JUST MY OPINION! But I can't help but read this from a parent/shepherd perspective.

  8. If I am painting something that will be repainted in a few years (ie, kids' rooms), I like Behr and Kilz. The ones with the primer built in are nice paints.


    All my main room walls are done with Sherwin Williams. I just love it; every "level" is quality paint. The folks in the store will help you determine which one to buy.


    For painting wood trim, or cabinets, the top of the line is worth the money, as it levels out and doesn't show brush strokes. It's pricey, but a good investment.

  9. :crying: We just found another one in our porch......even bigger!! Oh my goodness......I just know they're gonna get in here. I have boxes in the porch I needed to go through. Not now. :willy_nilly: :crying:


    Um... Hate to tell you, but if those are cardboard boxes, you won't get rid of the spiders til you get rid of the boxes.


    So, gloves, sleeves, legs covered, and armed with a cannister vac to suck em up as you encounter them, get thee to sorting!

  10. Many of our venomous varieties also have a yellow-tipped tail when they are young.


    I would personally be happy to have this corn snake under/around my house. He won't get big enough to bother your cats, but he will keep mice away. If I could pick my co-habitating reptiles I'd choose your corn snake (to eat the mice), a king snake (to eat other/venomous snakes) and a crew of green anole lizards (to eat spiders).

  11. Maybe this is the sort of thing that stands out for gay couples, but not so much for straight couples. My husband isn't the most macho masculine "dude" sort of guy. He really isn't. He isn't girly, but definitely wouldn't rank up there with the "dudes". But does that stand out so much? No. People probably don't think about it too hard.


    I personally think androgeny is becoming more socially prevalent (not physiologically speaking, but as it applies to gender roles and appearance). I think much of that change has been affected by education institutions.


    Personally, I know two lesbian couples. In each the family operates quite traditionally, with one being the breadwinner and the other the stay at home homemaker (and in one case mom to two kids). The people in the breadwinner roles are feminine in terms of dress, though more athletic than curvy. They are, however, more masculine in mannerisms and interests and at neighborhood/family gatherings, tend to hang out with the guys, discussing vehicles, job woes, and lawn care.


    Admittedly, my survey sample is very small. I have met many lesbians over the years. I hate to draw any conclusions about the ones I know to be lesbians, because I can't offer balancing information for all those I've met who chose not to announce their sexu@l preference in public.

  12. I realize this is no longer a new release, but over the weekend I watched Contagion. I had no idea Jennifer Ehle was in it, let alone a significant character! And with an American accent, it took me a long time to figure out where I'd seen that actress before.


    Lots of big star names in this flick - several of them for only short roles. Interesting movie.

  13. See, I don't think she'd be thoughtless if she left it out.


    A hostess doesn't have to serve everything she has in her pantry.


    Oh, "thoughtless" sounds so harsh! OP, I sure didn't mean to imply that! I really just meant to eliminate the source of the conflict/drama.


    I think it's also too hard to say the soda is only for certain people.


    And Catwoman, I also disagree. Water, tea and lemonade are absolutely sufficient, and sound delicious. Heck, no guest should complain as long as they are offered a cool glass of water, and no hostess should be ashamed to offer only that if she does so with a generous spirit.

  14. I already answered with my current practices, but some of you describing your habits over the passing decades have given me flashbacks. :D


    I was a college student in the '80's. I'm thinking I can't be the only one... Anyway, I remember getting together with friends and the latest edition of Vogue on a Friday night, choosing a makeup ad to copy as we dressed to go out for the evening. We really had fun with that! Oh, the eye colors we could get away with as twenty year olds in that era!


    But honestly, I am glad things are so much simpler these days. No matter what a gal's makeup habits are these days, anything has got to be simpler than the '80's!!!

  15. For the same amount of money, wouldn't it make more financial sense to build a room/in-law suite onto your house?


    For me, it would be a good reminder to focus on school during school "hours." It is convenient to be able to do a quick kitchen chore or transfer laundry between lessons; however, I am highly distractable. :D


    OP, I think it's a wonderful idea. I would have a good read-aloud going at home, though, just to keep up the cozy factor, kwim?


    Place your trailer right to take advantage of sunshine and you can plant a garden around it, too. Wish I could have one in my backyard. I think the biggest bonus is your dh thinking it's a good idea!

  16. Oh, I so agree with this.


    People tend to tell me everything. I have a Dear Abby face, and I'm known for not being surprised when life is messy. But I can't imaging burdening DH with other people's struggles, or exposing their warts to him when he doesn't already love them and can't help.


    In other words, y'all can tell me your secrets. I don't tell DH my friends' private thoughts. If I did, he'd never say a mumbling word to anyone, but it just seems obvious to me that if you wanted him to know you'd either tell him yourself OR ask me to tell him. Without that, I just don't tell.


    Hearing all my thoughts is slightly more of an emotional load than he can handle, anyway, although he tries valiantly to stay awake. I love him because he accepts me as I am, 100%, whether I feel like he understands me or not. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't.


    Hahaha, no kidding. My dh has enough of a challenge just keeping up with my near-perimenopausal self!!!

  17. I assume the dh will find out. It is actually maddening sometimes; I haven't had a close confidante since moving several years ago.


    When someone shares something of a confidential nature with me, I do not typically share the info with dh. I would if I thought there was a good reason he needed to know, or if he could be of some help under the circumstances. Most of the time I don't want anything shared in confidence to color his opinion of her, kwim?

  18. In our situation, and for many of you, there's no *imminent* need for the vaccine. Families (such as but not limited to many home schoolers) that have very close relationships know the amount of s@xual activity in which their dds are likely to participate, or are aware of the potential onset. So it's not necessary before that becomes an issue.


    Also, every year at the annual checkup I ask the doctor the same questions. Every year she tells us that dd can wait up until she's about 25 and the vaccine would still have the same efficacy as if administered now. So we have time.


    I have been very square with my teen; she has read all the paperwork/info about the vaccine, we have discussed the potential for wanting such a vaccine prior to becoming sexually active, and the possibility of her dh bringing an std into her life via a promiscuous past (even if he's now reformed).


    It's good to examine all the available info. And it's good to know we have time in which to do so. There's no need for all girls to have received this by age 12, despite how it's strenuously offered beginning at that age or even younger.

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