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Posts posted by AuntieM

  1. You can take a bunch of small household items, 12-20 things. Choose some that you notice have similarities and differences - like a blue crayon and a blue Lego brick. A pencil and a pen.


    Ask her to make four groups with the items, she gets to determine how they should be grouped - its not random grouping, she needs to decide which items can be grouped together. Let her know that that some items may be harder to place in a group but that she still should try to get them all into four groups. There does not have to be an equal number of items in each group.


    Once she does this, there's a lot to talk about!


    What are the characteristics of each group?

    How did she decide to place certain items into the chosen group?

    Did she do it based on appearance? Function?

    If you asked her to rearrange things, what other ways could groups be assembled?

    Was it easy?

    Was there a platypus (ie, hard to place "exceptions")?


    Then give her a few more items. Tell her she can now make 5 groups. Repeat the above dialogue.


    This activity is especially fun done with more than one student. They each get the exact same group of objects and I promise you they will come up with different classification methods.

  2. From my perspective, the WTM boards are not more liberal than conservative. Not at all. There are some people I ignore (not actually, but in that I can't be bothered to get into with them. They aren't going to change; they just dig their heels in deeper and get more sarcastic). There are some very closed minds here, just as anywhere, but there are many more open ones. Still, the board leans more heavily on the conservative side, imo.


    That doesn't bother me. 'The President is a fanatical Muslim trying to take down the world' threads bother me, but SWB doesn't allow those to continue. I detest the gay phobia. I don't like "Love the sinner, hate the sin', as I do not think being gay is a sin. The 'people on food stamps are lazy and eat lobster' threads are often ridiculous, and can get hateful. I'm not wearing rose-colored glasses, but I am betting some of those discusses have forced people to take a second look at certain beliefs.



    You know, I shouldn't be posting. I am going to have some tea, and chill out. I am shocked that this has upset me.


    LL, I am so link-impaired... I do it the slow way. Under community I looked up her name, then stats, then posts. That's how I found that thread. I remember it from before, but I don't think I posted on it at the time. It got long and hot and I don't think I kept up with it.

  3. I was curious and searched for the thread and read it last night. The thing is' date=' MOST, in fact the vast majority of posters in that thread agreed with Smrtmama. There were a few statements that were shocking- but most countered the shocking and said (I thought in a remarkably civil way considering the volatile subject matter) that those shocking statements were WRONG. Many provided very solid arguments and may have made people rethink some things.


    I see why she was upset- BUT I think she was so blinded by a few posters that she couldn't see that most people agreed with her. I certainly agree with her.[/quote']



    Now that I think about it, I am not sure it was the victimology thread that was linked that made her snap. My guess is the Black Swan thread. She didn't participate much as far as I could tell, but summed up her feelings about board members in one broad statement, then left the conversation.

  4. :iagree: The thread wasn't all that bad. The vast majority of the people pointed out that the OP had been misguided.


    Those types of threads are my favorite. It goes like this: Someone posts something that is off kilter. The other WTMers chime in and (usually respectfully) provide information that provides a more reasonable way of thought.


    Those sorts of threads aren't something to become angry over. Those sorts of threads broaden minds.


    I've been changed by many of the threads I've read. Since I've joined WTM, I've become more compassionate and slow to judge people, and I've learned that there's always more to the story than you first think there is.


    Regarding the bolded... Boy, isn't that the truth?!!


    I agree with all that you said above.

  5. Is it possible to appeal for him to be added to the network?


    Also, we have been able to get things covered by submitting the paperwork ourselves. The trouble is we have to pony up the cash and wait for reimbursement, but at least things were covered eventually.


    I feel like you do about being able to choose my own doctor. It scares me that choice is declining. :tongue_smilie:

  6. I agree with the others, if you are "extremely out of shape," you should probably start with a complete check up to rule out any cardiovascular issues.


    That said, I'll throw out another possibility. I have issues with the oil in my eye oil glands getting thick and not flowing properly. At times my eyes feel dry. The remedy is to use warm compresses to thin the oil so it can flow. Often after treatment my vision is temporarily blurred. The same thing happens if I'm working outside. The exertion can raise body temperature enough to get that oil flowing. The question is, did your eyes actually feel different, or was it strictly a vision change?

  7. Sorry. I only read what was posted. She just seemed really super angry. I judged it off of that. I won't be reading the other stuff, though. Sounds like discouraging things, anyway. And I need as much happiness in my life as I can get! :)


    Well, angry, yes, but I felt a deep hurt underlying her very strong words and I think that's very sad.


    Sometimes people arrive on these boards with a chip on their shoulder; in those cases I am not surprised when they leave in a huff, sort of the same way they came in. But if someone comes in here and just takes a beating... I feel bad about that. I have seen very hot topics discussed with true civility here. But I've seen many more threads go south. I didn't read the one in question. But I can guess which sort of thread it was...


    I do also think that a lot of times people want to have their positions aired and tolerated, but then refuse to honor that same thing for those with diametrically opposed views. When participating here, one must truly determine not to take things as a personal attack. By the same token, we all stand challenged as writers to frame our statements in such a way that we express our sentiments without hurting others. That can be tricky, can't it?

  8. Thanks for the freebie link, G!


    JMO, but if you know your niche, I think an entire Writer's Market is overkill. I am a real-pen-and-paper gal, too, and had hard copies for years, but I have to admit that with the net I can save money by not buying an expensive book that will quickly be obsolete.


    My library used to always keep a current copy in the reference section. Couldn't check it out, but it was available for culling ideas.


    My preferred method is to troll bookstores and then look up the publishers' guidelines on their individual sites.

  9. Did she take it with writing? That writing segment is notorious for bringing down a composite score. If so, have her retake without the writing segment. I would be surprised if that portion were required for your state school.


    If not, don't panic yet. Do work through test prep materials and talk test strategy. It is possible to raise a score several points by practicing the test.

  10. Any day you have leftovers or scant groceries. As I understand it, these dishes were customary because the ingredients are variable and cheap. I mean, rice is inexpensive and available in South Louisiana, and any meat or seafood they threw into the pot was originally served first at another meal. We always have turkey and sausage gumbo a day or two after Thanksgiving.


    Or if you could only afford a small portion of meat, you could stretch it into a meal for many by making a gumbo or jambalaya.


    It's funny how one culture's sustenance becomes another's delicacy!

  11. I like it with the "z". Has a certain pizzazz. Z doesn't get enough attention.


    I think it needs to be a "z." Because when I see it written with an "s" it kind of looks like it involves....well, something from Mrs Mungo's road rage coping strategy.


    Whatever she's cooking in that oven looks really, really scary. Are those roasted eels on the bottom rack?


    The only way to know for sure is to pull out those mid-century recipe cards. Anybody still have a link to those? Surely someone here remembers what I'm talking about...

  12. We never mixed the two (roux and file).


    My cookbook has a file gumbo, that does not have a roux, b/c the file thickens it.


    It has a seafood gumbo that is only thickened with okra.


    The rest are made from a roux.


    But, to each her own :)


    That's right, it's either file or okra, not both. But if you cook file gumbo in a big batch and add file to all of it, it can get really thick when you store it. So if I make a lot of gumbo and want to save some, I make the gumbo with a roux and when it's serving time I put the file powder on the table and let each person add it to taste, kwim? So it's more for flavor than a thickening agent (though it is good for that).


    I like okra gumbo when I can order it by the bowl at a restaurant. :D I don't like to cook okra gumbo, I have trouble actually creating a perfect, non-slimy batch.


    And never in a million years have I heard of eating gumbo over potato salad. I cannot imagine it.

  13. Your mail lady rocks! That is so funny!


    But I have to wonder, how in the world did a conversation about you get started between the two of them? Did Mrs. Whackadoo just start spouting off about the dinner, or asking questions about other folks in town, or what?


    I love it that your postmistress rose to your defense (in stellar fashion!), but I find it oh so strange that the opportunity even arose. Watch out, Audrey, you might have a stalker. That's what you get for being so nice!

  14. I would not encourage your DD to use that song. There's not enough of a vocal range requirement to let a director really know what your DD can do.


    Do you know what show(s) your DD will be auditioning for? Usually it's best to choose a song from the same composer, but not the same musical. Otherwise choose a song that really shows off your DD's vocal range. We even have one director in town who wants to hear a song from the show for which one is auditioning, but normally that is not recommended. It really helps to know who is directing and what his preferences are.


    At our house, DD always works on her audition song, as well as all the songs from the show. Luckily, her vocal coach picks out most of the audition songs, because I don't think I would do a good job of it.


    It's great you are getting your DD ready in advance. And I'll bet she loved "Annie". It's one of our favorites.




    We have been given different advice from directors in the past. You want a good, solid audition song that your kid can nail with personality, something that will make the directors/judges take notice and get a foot in the door. Demonstrating the full vocal range is done in callbacks. That's when the directors are casting specific roles and pairing duets and ensembles. That's what we've always been told, anyway.


    I am also curious about the Lion King licensing, I haven't seen that one done yet by youth theater around here. And as far as I know, a local company just had to drop Little Mermaid, Jr because the licensing did not come through soon enough to perform as part of the schedule as originally planned.


    I think it's better to choose a song you can sing as written rather than adapt lyrics that are not age appropriate. The directors have heard all these songs a million times and know all the lyrics by heart; I think that when they know a cuss word is part of an audition song, and the audition is in a hall full of kids and parents, all they can do is hold their breaths and wait to see how you'll deal with THAT word. Wouldn't you rather have your child sing a song wherein the judges can relax and focus on the performer?


    If you are indeed auditioning for LK, how about a song from Seussical? Many of them have the playful yet soulful sound a Lion King number would have. Of something from Aladdin with an ethnic sound, if you want to stick with Disney.


    Just my two cents...

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