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Posts posted by TrixieB

  1. We originally thought about electronic drums, so we could control the volume, but his drum teacher said learning to play on them isn't the same. He said you can learn on acoustic and go to electronic but going the other way doesn't work as well.


    DH plays guitar so I am trying to figure out how we can play as family when the kids are older. I used to play flute and have thought about starting again or maybe learning a new instrument. What would go with violin, drums, and guitar?


    Electric bass.

  2. I have lived in the south where not only heat, but humidity levels, caused some things to need to be refrigerated to stay fresh where friends I have who live in other parts of the country did not refrigerate it.


    We never stored cane syrup or Karo syrup, which was a staple in cooking.  I was surprised when a friend sent me a bottle of maple syrup from Vermont and noticed "refrigerate after opening" on it.  I asked my friend and she said definitely to refrigerate maple syrup after opening because of a particular type of mold that forms.  But, she does not refrigerate many of the items that I refrigerate.  So does maple syrup need to be refrigerated or not? 


    Pure maple syrup will get moldy if it's not refrigerated.  Apparently it's possible to remove the mold, but I'm not sure how one would go about doing this.  Aunt Jemima or similar maple flavored syrups don't require refrigeration.


  3. He has no clue. He doesn't have a passion. When he was a teen, he thought about gaming programming but he hasn't wanted to pursue that. He lost interest in it. He just hasn't found himself yet I guess. He's 21 but that's probably about 16 in a neuro-typical teen. He's very smart but not very mature yet. His perceptions of the world are still a little unrealistic and it's going to take more time for him to realize that. He's certainly come a long way since high school but he's certainly not like a typical 21 year old.


    Parents in one of our local support groups told us that around age 25 is when their Aspie kids started to be able to handle adult-type decisions and planning. 


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  4. A scarf seemed easy to start out with. Straight and rectangular. No curves or anything fancy. Haha. Okay, I'll take a look at some of this stuff and ask the ladies at the meetup group. I might as well benefit from their wisdom. What they choose to teach me might be what they find easiest to teach too.


    If you haven't already signed up for Ravelry, it's free and has lots of great ideas.


    Scarves are easy first projects.  If it's a simple pattern, choosing a variegated or self-striping yarn can make the project a little more interesting. 


    One thing I like about crochet:  if you make a mistake, it is easy to rip back and fix the mistake.  There is only one stitch "live" at a time.  Ripping back knitting to fix a mistake is a lot more involved, trying to get the live stitches all back onto the needle.


  5. I don't know if you are able to obtain this information - is your child able to discuss feelings with the therapist?  Or does your child respond "I don't know" and get angry/upset/cry when the therapist tries to discuss your child's feelings? 


    Has your child ever been able to discuss feelings with you?  More in-depth discussion than stating likes/dislikes?


    Has your child ever had close friends, especially any whom he has asked to get together with regularly, over an extended period of time?  Or only casual acquaintances, with whom you've set up the playdates?


    The answers to those questions could point to ASD, anxiety, depression... which can co-exist.


    Being happy at home and having great relationships with siblings and parents doesn't contraindicate the possible diagnoses above.


    If your gut feeling is that something other than/in addition to depression is going on, I think it's better to set up evaluations now instead of wait till later. 


    ETA:  I'm not saying it's ASD, but I will say that not all kids with ASD present the way some therapists expect ASD to "look".

    • Like 3



    This.  PSA isn't always always reliable.  As in, BTDT (well, not *me*).  PSA was not indicative of any issues.  It was the exam that raised a red flag.


    Some type of imaging was done, but I don't recall what.


    If cancer is suspected, a biopsy will indicate yes/no, and if yes what kind of cancer (fast-growing or slow-growing, etc. and it's possible to have more than one kind). 


    Should it happen that your dh needs to explore treatment options, don't hesitate to seek a 2nd or even 3rd opinion regarding treatment, pros and cons for each option.  Don't feel pressured into making a hasty decision.


    Should it happen that he decides on surgery, I *strongly* recommend that he find the most experienced surgeon with best patient outcomes that his insurance will cover.  Robot-assisted surgery with an experienced surgeon (100+ surgeries of that type, minimum).  He really wants to have the nerves preserved.


    • Like 3
  7. Oh yes I have. In college I worked at Eddie Bauer call center. I have never hated a job more in my life. It went sooooo slow. It was grueling to no end. I learned sales was not my thing.


    That was the job I quit before my first day.  I really needed the money but I just couldn't talk myself into actually going to the first day of work.  You have just confirmed I made 100% the correct decision.

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  8. Some common tests would be the CELF (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals or something along those lines), the CASL (Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language?), the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, the EOWVT (Expressive One Word Vocabulary Test), the OWLS (Oral and Written Language Scale), the Bracken Basic Concepts, the Boehm (I’m pretty sure this is a language rather than an articulation Test), and the Vineland has a language portion



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    None of those are listed on the eval.

  9. Thank you for the explanation. Maybe my dc doesn't have problems with Receptive and Expressive Language.


    At school dc has difficulty in environments where a lot of people are talking at once. One example is foreign language class. The class breaks up into small groups for conversation and dc struggles to follow along and participate. After multiple repetitions dc either is finally able to figure out what is being said, or else gives up and shuts down. The same conversation is not a problem to follow and participate in if the small group is in a quiet environment.


    Dc doesn't have trouble following specific directions, but does have difficulty with implied or unclear instructions. If the instructions are given during orally while there is a lot going on in class, dc misses the instructions.


    These things don't seem like Receptive or Expressive Language issues?

  10. One of my kids received an ASD diagnosis last year.  They will be seeing a new doctor for evaluation of other issues.  The new doctor and I had a short meeting today and she asked me if my kid was evaluated for Receptive Language and Expressive Language issues.


    I have no idea.  I can look at the eval; it doesn't mention those terms but it does have a list of tests that were administered.


    What are the names of the tests for Receptive Language and Expressive Language? 


    If the tests weren't given, what specialty does this testing?  Is high school age too old to test for this?


    Actually, I'm not exactly sure what Receptive Language and Expressive Language are... or how they would affect school performance?

  11. bumping


    If you are wanting to know what happened:


    dx of ASD level 1


    Kid has recently told me that they think they have some other issues which are on the "comorbid with ASD" list so will have a psychiatrist eval this month.


    Kid is in public school, was given 504 but not IEP.  It's a bare-bones 504; this may change after the upcoming eval.  I hope so. 


    Kid does well in some classes, has dropped others, struggles with some academic subjects not due to the content but due to inability to do the assignments and ends up with a "pass" grade in those because of the 504 (actually has a failing percentage for the class but kid has excellent understanding of the material, just can't do the assignments).   Classroom environment also causes issues - noise, commotion, unclear instructions, etc.  No possibility of graduating on time and I am worried about dropping out. 


    We requested, in writing, eval from the school TWICE last year (August 2016, and again a few months later).  We got the 504 and that's all.  They didn't actually tell us kid got a 504; we found out about it in the summer when the report card arrived and one of the class grades referenced it; we didn't get a 504 copy until last month.  It doesn't reference any evaluation or educational testing.  I am wondering about learning disabilities but... do schools test for those?  Or do we need to go private?





  12. Wow! Yours is so cheap! I cannot figure out why ours is so much. The $351 is for our Mazda CX-9. It is a 2012. So older than yours. I can't figure it out. Is it also based on location in WA?


    Because WA has a SPECIAL, higher-than-blue-book valuation system.  It is much higher than blue book for new vehicles, and gradually declines to match blue book when the vehicle is about 10 years old.  Nice, huh?


    Also it depends where you live, for example if you are in the Sound Transit district.

    • Like 1
  13. Informing people about preferred prounouns isn't weird; it's weird announcing your a/sexuality in class.


    The OP said that the student introduced themself in OP's dd's psych class small group, and that the student is also in the dd's study group.


    IMO that doesn't equate to making an announcement in class - or at least, not making an announcement to the whole class.

    • Like 3
  14. I had heard all of the warnings about umbrellas. I guess I'm trying to imagine what kind of shoes I will go running in? And if my kids are walking to the school bus in tennis shoes, I'll have to re-think the kind of shoes I buy them. I appreciate everyone's comments.


    I run in regular mesh running shoes and synthetic socks.  My shoes and socks get wet.  I remove the footbed liner from the shoes and usually they're dry by the next day.


    When I was younger and ran multiple days in a row, I alternated two pairs of shoes so I would always start out the run with a dry pair.


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