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Everything posted by jcgonczi

  1. When I think of American food I think of steak, fried chicken, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, hot dogs, hamburgers, pot roast, chili, apple pie, Thanksgiving fare (turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, etc.). For all I know most of these originated elsewhere, but they are what I think of when I think of traditional American Food. To me a big thing would be to understand and develop a sense of pride in being American. I would do that by studying the American revolution. Not just the war, but the reasons behind the war. What was it that people were willing to die for? And then learn about how our country is different from others and what makes it special. This could extend all the way to things such as pride in out national flag, as mentioned by a previous poster. If you want to bring it into current events you could do a study on how our current government operates compared to how the founding fathers intended it to operate. (BTW - I am not saying it is being run correctly or incorrectly - just that it would be a good way to look at the current culture.) If you are looking more towards exposing them to current pop culture, you need look no further than Disney. They seem to be involved in everything. I can't really make any recommendations though, as I spend my time trying to lessen my kids' exposure to it.
  2. A fav of ours when we go visit is Tony Angelos. Sort of Italian Seafood NO style. They have what they call "Feed Mw". Basically, you tell them what yo don't like, then they bring you about a bazillion small courses (think tapas or appetizer size) followed by fresh pasta (which you will be way to full to eat, but is divine). Another great place is called Bon Temps. Very traditional NO food. Excellent house drink called a Rum Ramsey, and I don't usually like rum. Have a great time for me!
  3. Thanks you guys so much for sharing! There are so many posts and stories about all the great things people do and how wonderful things are going for them, that I just needed to hear that other people have the same difficulties I am having. Of course, I am glad there are the "happy" stories to help me keep my eyes on the prize, but sometimes misery loves company. :) Or least likes to know it is not alone.
  4. I have been doing T-Tapp for about 2 years now and love it. It does take a while to learn - it is not intuitive at all. There is actually a lot of science behind it and for me really works. I feel so much better when I do it regularly - even if only twice a week. A HUGE key for me was (and is) working with an instructor. Go to the website and see if there is someone near you who teaches T-Tapp. Even if they are far away, it would be worth going to several classes to learn the correct way to do the moves. Even if you have the DVDs you will learn so much more from an instructor.
  5. This is my first year homeschooling. We aren't doing strict homeschooling. My dd goes to school 2 days week. The other 3 days we homeschool using the assignments provided by the teachers at her school. I love the environment, curriculum, everything. Except my daughter at times. I do love her, but she is driving me crazy. I just don't know what to do. Here are a few examples of what she is doing: This morning she was reading out loud about Ancient Rome. She just kept not reading things correctly that she knows how to read. Even after I told her what it said, she would not read the sentence correctly. It took 15 minutes to read 2 sentences that she knows how to read every word of. Eventually she had to read the word centurions. By no means did I expect my third grader to be able to read that word on her own. So I helped her break it down into syllables. It literally took her over ten minutes to pronounce "cen" and "tur". She has been able to sound those our and read them since kindergarten. She simply refused to do it and kept saying it was too hard. She was crying and everything. I basically told her to stop crying and start reading. I even told her how to say each syllable and she still wouldn't do it. I eventually got so mad I was yelling. Not good, I know. I hate that I did. After about a total of 10 minutes to read the 2 syllables, she started reading and finished the chapter just fine. Fast forward to math. The assignment was basically a review of what they have been doing for the last 2 weeks. I know she knows how to do every one of the 8 problems she was assigned. It should have taken her no more than 15 minutes. But because she wouldn't focus it took her an hour. It wasn't for lack of understanding or instruction or ability. She just wouldn't focus and do it. She keeps doing this. I know she just wants me to give her the answers or say she doesn't have to do it. It is not that she can't focus or do the work. She just won't. About half of her home school days, she does fantastic. The other half she doesn't even seem to try. I always seem to start out fine, but after a few hours of her acting like I am speaking a foreign language, I lose my patience. I give her breaks, but will not let her quit or have a long break just because she is acting this way. Because of our school situation, we can't take a day off. She goes to school on Mon and Wed. and homework is due the next day. I like this because we need accountability. I know I have rambled on and on - sorry! I just don't know what to do to get her to focus and try. Nor do I know how to keep from getting so fed up with her when she won't. Thanks for listening!
  6. I have this problem every day! If a shirt fits in the bust, it rarely fits anywhere else. They usually end up swallowing me and making me look huge everywhere. If anyone has any brands or stores that sell shirts that solve this problem, you would be my new hero!
  7. I am new to this board, as well as homeschooling. My 3rd grade dd attends a hybrid homeschool where she goes to a school 2 days a week and spend the other 3 at home with me. On the days she is home she has assignments from her teachers that we complete. The one thing that has come to light is that she is a slow reader. She can read and comprehend - just very slowly. Like half the rate she "should" be. I have discussed the problem with her teacher. Our combined basic thoughts are to have her read as much as possible and have her read out loud as much as possible. When she reads out loud I stop her every now and then and question her to make sure she is understanding what she is reading. My question to all of the wise people here, is do you have any additional suggestions on how to improve my daughter's reading? Should we go back to phonics? If so, does anyone know of a good program that won't completely bore a 3rd grader to death? Thanks for any advice!
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