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Posts posted by sassyscrapperinid

  1. Glad to read I am not the only who has done this. LOL We had just brought our youngest son home from the hospital- he had just been born. I was sitting on the backyard porch swing with him and dh that evening when our rooster attacked one of my girls AGAIN. I said thats it! I handed my newborn son to my dh and told my oldest son to get the ax. And with the help of one of my dogs, I killed that darn thing!!

    Way to go Denise!

  2. Hi All-

    I am wondering if anyone uses a sea sponge or other alternative feminine hygiene products and if you have had success even if your cycle is very heavy? I have a Diva cup and have tried to insert it twice without luck. I would like to be able to use it but I am wondering if I would prefer a sea sponge. I am tired of spending money on tampons every month, not to mention the potential health issues. So, I am hoping to get feedback from y'all. Thanks!!

  3. To the OP


    I tend to get lengthy on this subject so I will try and make it short and not go into way too much detail- you can always PM me if you want for the full story. We adopted 5 of my husbands sisters children out of foster care. It has been hell on earth for us and our dc. Not only due to serious RAD issues, but my mother in law made it a point to try and brainwash the kids- making sure they knew I am not their mother and that my husbands sister wants them back, etc. A couple of them are really messed up from all the mental bs. Not that we werent planning on telling the children they were adopted. I mean for crying out loud, the oldest was 9 when we got them, so the adoption was more than known by the children. We have since become uninvolved with 2 of the adopted children. One molested my youngest daughter, so we sent him to live with mil who we thought was going to help him- but that didnt happen. He now spends his days doing nothing but facebook and has his own cell phone, etc. Now he is passed around from family member to family member. I should have just sent him to jail. The other, well she thanked us for saving her from a lifetime in foster care by calling every government agency she could on us almost 2 years ago now, with lies regarding everything from abuse to cheating on our taxes. That was nice. We were investigated and the charges were all unfounded but still. We have had to move just to get away from her and the people she calls her new family. And now, after 16 years of manipulation, my dh finally decided that contact with his mother is harmful to our family and that he is done with her. You probably dont have relatives like this. But it would be something to consider... how would the niece and her parents handle the fact that you are raising the baby? And this baby will likely not show RAD symptoms... but if there are family issues, she could have behavioral problems as a result. Good luck.

  4. really intelligent, or really funny, or really clever on these boards and no one quotes you? What's up with that?!? ;)



    I can never figure out why everyone else does not recognize how insightful or witty my comment was! I eagerly look back at the threads where I posted, and no one has quoted me yet? How can they miss my brilliance? :lol:



    BTW - just in case my silly tone does not translate as well as I think it does in writing, I AM JUST KIDDING!!!! :D


    Oh - and BTW - I really think I'm being witty and a bit funny here! So quote away! Oh, and add lots of these :lol: or these :smilielol5:to show how funny I was! :D (shamless attempt)



    :lol::lol: how cute!!


    BTW- I wanted to add lots of smilies, but it said I am limited to 10.... and your awesome, brilliant, adorable, witty post took up most of those. ;-)

  5. I am purposefully leaving this as a vague post, I don't want to get into what the actual situation was, because it is an ongoing issue and I am looking for more open ended answers.




    4yo, sent to her room for having a screaming fit when she got mildly frustrated (we expect 5-10 minutes of quiet/calm down time before allowed out). Before she entered time out, self calming techniques like taking deep breaths/counting to 10 are tried.


    Throwing anything she can get a hold of as you walk her to her room.


    During timeout, child starts kicking the walls (laying on bed hitting walls hard with heals--she will eventually put a hole in the wall). When you enter to redirect the above, things like pillows get throw at you (absolutely on purpose-looking you dead in the eye, when she does it). All toys have been removed because they were the previously favored projectiles.


    Furniture being banged against the walls (ie grabs headboard and shakes it purposefully to slam into the walls). Chair thrown around room. Mattress dragged off bed.




    DD4 is in behavior therapy ( 2 years worth of weekly visits), has a psychiatrist and is medicated. She has had 2 years of OT previously. We are well aware of her mental health issues and they are being addressed.


    WWYD...if you child was acting this way? How would you handle it? I am just looking for advice of a different flavor tonight....it is getting old! Really, really old!


    Please familiarize yourself with RAD. There are some good books out there that have been recommended by RAD experienced people on these forums. You can also do a search on the forums on RAD. It will be very enlightening and helpful. I dont know the titles to the books off hand- sorry. Dont wait. DO IT NOW. I adopted 5 children and had no idea what RAD is until about 2 years ago (11 years post adoption/ 13 years post move in) when it is just about too late to really implement anything new and serious damage has already been done. Educate yourself now so you know better how to help her in the coming years before someone in your family gets hurt. Sorry if I sound dramatic.

  6. If you love your thyroid you won't go to an endocrindologist , but a naturopathic doctor , or one that works alongside an MD.

    Endos do not know how to treat thyroids properly at all. They specialize in diabeties plain and simple.


    Everything is off kilter because of your thyroid/ Actually normal thyroid levels should be 0.3 to 1.9 (which 1.9 is borderline).

    Once you get your hormones in balance everything else will balance itself.

    Be sure to find a good ND that will prescribe you Natural Thyroid HOrmone. Your body does not live off of T4 alone if your liver is not functioning properly. You can take as much as you want until your blue in the face and if your liver isn't filtering well then your body won't convert it to T3 which is the active hormone.


    Stop by the Stop the Thyroid Madness website and read, read, read. I wished someone had shared this info with me many years ago. I don't think I'd be in such bad health as I am now. Its the best advice anyone can give you.


    My friend is seeing a naturopath and has had awesome results. I think I need to find one myself. He put her on a diet plan and she has lost weight and inches and hasnt even started exercising yet.

  7. If you love your thyroid you won't go to an endocrindologist , but a naturopathic doctor , or one that works alongside an MD.

    Endos do not know how to treat thyroids properly at all. They specialize in diabeties plain and simple.


    Everything is off kilter because of your thyroid/ Actually normal thyroid levels should be 0.3 to 1.9 (which 1.9 is borderline).

    Once you get your hormones in balance everything else will balance itself.

    Be sure to find a good ND that will prescribe you Natural Thyroid HOrmone. Your body does not live off of T4 alone if your liver is not functioning properly. You can take as much as you want until your blue in the face and if your liver isn't filtering well then your body won't convert it to T3 which is the active hormone.


    Stop by the Stop the Thyroid Madness website and read, read, read. I wished someone had shared this info with me many years ago. I don't think I'd be in such bad health as I am now. Its the best advice anyone can give you.


    Thank you very much.

  8. You need to see an endocrinologist ASAP. Every bit of this could be related to the thyroid. Make an appointment with the specialist.


    I am having to go to a different doctor- not only for a second opinion but for financial reasons. So, I have to get a referral to the specialist from the new doc. I dont see him/her until the 5th of August so.... both times I brought up the thyroid thing to the current dr, he acted like I was dumb. I seem to be getting the idea that drs dont want to acknowledge thyroid issues as being a cause for alot of medical problems? Correct me if Im wrong? Thanks everyone!

  9. Thanks for the replies so far!


    I have been a heavy pepsi drinker and sugar user for years..... I add this because I am curious if this has something to do with a liver issue. When I went in last week, we discussed some things and I have since quit pepsi and sugar. It has been hard because I hate water. But I have eliminated breads and pastas and rices, you get the picture. I also am walking 30minutes a day. And I have actually lost about 5 pounds so far! *happy dance* This dr made me pretty upset though cuz he said that changing my diet and exercise wont help at this point. And my sugar came back at 248- which I realize is terrible but its not like I am going to explode this very instant. Anyways.... Thanks for the input and I look forward to reading more. :001_smile:

  10. Wow! Thanks you guys! You have certainly given me a lot to ponder. I appreciate your comments and list of things to study. :001_smile:

    I think it might be because we (at least for sure me) are coming out of the LDS faith so to speak. It is so structured, and defined, and filled with customs, it is weird for me (and sometimes a bit uncomfortable) to be where I am now. The uncertainty. But the uncertainty feels better than the hypocrisy so.... And that has led to a whole bunch of unanswered questions and answers that no longer "cut it". However, thinking back, one of the reasons why I joined the church was because I didnt want my children to have SO many questions about religion/God. I dont want to confuse them, but I want them to find their own path too. Anyways- thanks!!

  11. Hi-

    I have a question for the pagans here- I had been a christian all my life and my husband and I were raising our children LDS. I have had a change come about inside me about a year ago and right now, no longer identify myself as LDS or christian. The question I have is that my younger children will talk about Jesus and other religious things of a christian nature. For example, today specifically, I was taking them to see the new Winnie the Pooh and they started talking about Christmas and Easter. They began asking me questions. I really had a hard time answering them. I ended up saying well LDS people believe this.... and some christians believe this.... Instead of making a statement of fact the way I would have before, I put it out there as information that they could take and believe what they want. I want them to believe what they want, but I feel that they are not learning about anything other than some christian and mostly LDS beliefs. DH and I havent talked about exposing them to any pagan beliefs and ofcourse I wouldnt do it without discussing it with him. I hardly feel qualified to teach them a thing as I am barely learning myself. Any advice? My husband still considers himself LDS- although has only attended church maybe 3-5 times in the last year and a half- and he knows what I am going through. Surprisingly, it hasnt affected our relationship yet. My two older daughters have an interest in wicca/witchcraft that I did not provoke, but I have encouraged them to study and learn for themselves what they believe. Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!

  12. In my experience flying, the physical contact you have with a TSA agent doing a pat-down is far less "intimate" that the contact you'll have with whomever is sitting next to you on the plane, whom you'll likely be bumping legs and arms with for much of the flight. If somebody is going to be pushed over the edge by physical contact, air travel might not be the best way for them to get somewhere.

    I think being seated next to someone in the coach section of a plane and your arms and legs occasionally touching is way different than someone touching your breasts. I havent been through a TSA inspection- we havent flown in years, but I would be just a wee bit taken aback if someone touched my breasts as part of the pre-flight inspection.

  13. I used to have cookbook addiciton. ;) I actually enjoy reading cookbooks. I'm slowly getting rid of all but a few. Some have less than half a dozen recipes I use regularly, so I copied those recipes to the computer and got rid of the books. Others have recipes that can be readily found on the internet, so I got rid of those too. I don't have any cookbooks that have sentimental value, so the ones I'm keeping are ones that have a lot of recipes I use regularly but haven't committed to memory.

    ha ha, I *do* have a cookbook addiction! I have been able to keep it under control lately. What I am really addicted to is the Taste of Home little cookbooks! I just love those little books so much. I havent passed any cookbooks on but will offer some in a yard sale soon. I just dont use them all. It will be hard but it has to be done.

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