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Posts posted by sunflowerlady

  1. Regarding home school curriculum- I recall seeing early shows where they were around the table using the ATI wisdom booklets.I also recall shows where they would load up into the RV and head off to a "home school convention" which was actually an ATI specific convention. They even put a sign on the RV that said something to the effect of "ATI ,here we come"


    I read one of the books the Duggars wrote and Michelle did mention other curriculum they used. ACE paces were mentioned for certain levels and subjects.I don't recall what else was mentioned. Maybe SOS. I know they got an advertising deal through them. Does anyone know if Alpha Omega still uses the Duggars as spokespersons ?

    • Like 1
  2. Ah yes, Jack Hyles.  When dh and I decided to start attending church , we chose one that was close to our home and where we knew some people.  We knew nothing of IFB.  After a few years there, we knew more than we bargained for.  That church held Jack Hyles up as a saint.  And, this was after Jack Hyles was deceased.  


    The pastor at the time was a Hyles- Anderson college graduate.  Yeah. :glare:


    We spent a few years there and over time saw the wrongs.


    We got out and I am glad of it. 



    • Like 1
  3. Ok, I read the article upthread about Michelle's sister and her partner being concerned about the family being in a cult.


    There was a quote from Jim Bob in response to an effort at the time to get the show taken off the air because of their active efforts against the rights of LGBT people.


    Basically Jim Bob said it would never happen. He bragged about the show being a top producing show on the network and that the publicity just brought in more viewers. 


    Basically he was stating that any publicity is good publicity. 


    I wonder if he still feels that way now. 

    • Like 5
  4. I simply cannot read the Ray Comfort quote thing. 


    Can I surmise that he says that Josh did this before accepting Christ as Savior, so it was just to be expected that an unsaved person "sins".  But now he is saved and is a new creature so of that is passed away. And he equated himself in his pre-Christian days to Josh Duggar? Am I close?  


    Is this another of the "not a real Christian" defenses?


    This is pretty much going to be the nail in the coffin for my involvement in Evangelical type of Christianity, I do believe. It has been a long time coming. 



    • Like 7
  5. I have head pastors claim that if you aren't right with the Pastor, you aren't right with God.


    I have heard Pastors says that they are the authority and final say in the church.


    I have heard Pastors be sarcastic and abusive from the pulpit.


    I have heard Pastors preach against college in general unless it a Bible college (of their persuasion). Such college only prepares men for being Pastors of same type of churches and women are basically just send there to find a husband.  There are no serious or useful degrees for women at all.)


    I have heard Pastors say that any type of secular counseling is sinful and can lead to disbelief and/or idolatry.


    To me , this is all spiritual abuse and manipulation.  I don't know about how education of leaders fits in, but I have heard disdain for typical higher education.




    • Like 1
  6. I hope someone really starts to expose the link between Hobby Lobby and ATI.  You have a link now between Hobby Lobby--ATI----Duggars.  Hobby Lobby apparently helped fund these types of ATI centers that Josh was sent to and that other young  people are sent to. There was a post upthread about it with a link. I highly recommend reading that.


    Hobby Lobby doesn't want to follow a law to pay to provide contraceptive coverage for employees but they fund ATI centers.


    (I was unsure after reading the article whether company funds were used to support ATI or if it was personal funds belonging to the founder. Either way, it is disturbinng.)

    • Like 11
  7. Still hanging in here even though I haven't posted in the thread for a.week or two.


    So sorry for those having a hard week.


    We went to yard sales yesterday and I spent a little money.


    My dd needs new shoes so I will shop for those this week.


    Also I placed a curriculum order with Oak Meadow for dds Literature materials.

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  8. Maybe the moral vaccination part is what was mentioned earlier in the thread. It is like an I occupation against lust. So because of the abuse you won't be interested in immoral activities .


    The number four part about being at fault is just sad. I have heard the Duggars talk about defrauding. If a woman is immodest , she is defrauding men. Their definition of the word is " Creating desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled".


    Seeing it used in this context is even more disturbing.

    • Like 9
  9. The total irony of Doug Phillips of Vision Forum presenting her an award as "Mother of the Year". Priceless. Part of me wants to laugh, but I just can't.


    Mike Huckabee supports him. Well, we all should just really move along, folks. Nothings to see here . We have to fight for Family Values. Because the gays want rights and they are the real problem. Focus , people, focus!


    Yuck. I don't suppose any politicians will be having the Duggars go on the campaign trail for them anymore.

    • Like 33
  10. Yes, there have been numerous Duggar threads posted here on this forum where people have discussed the concerns with abuse, lack of opportunities for the children, the way they follow Pearls teachings, the dangers of ATI, and many other things. 


    Yet, the fans of this family complained that the Duggars were being picked on. If I recall, they even reported a Duggar thread here and said the thead was just unfair to the  Duggar family.


    Not surprised at all that people are supporting them on the FB. None are so blind and those who will  not see.






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  11. Yes, there are more people out there with these anti-government beliefs. Years ago, a family lived nearby who was into this. Well, it was an older couple and their grown son. The lady wasn't into it, but the husband and son were.


    He didn't have a tag on his truck. I remember there was a plate on it where the legal plate should be and it said, "Sovereign". The old man ended up in the county jail. I think it was for not having his truck registered. He probably had previous similar offenses, because I would think you would just get a ticket for a first offense. he probably was rude to the law enforcement officer or something also. He would not eat while he was in jail because he refused to eat with "the enemy".


    When our dd was born, we were showing her off to the wife ( a very sweet lady) and the husband commented "That baby probably already has a birth certificate and social security number."  Why , yes she did.  :laugh:  The wife rolled her eyes. He continued on spouting nonsense about the government and birth certificates, and ssn numbers.


    They moved away shortly after. 

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