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Posts posted by sunflowerlady

  1. I have been back on the low carb eating since mid-March.  It works for me as far as feeling better and keeping my weight down some. Now, my body does not respond as well as it used to, but I seem to not be alone in that.


    I am down about ten pounds and my my body does not want to give up any more, which I am working on accepting. My weight is right on the upper limit of normal and lower range on overweight.


    Frustration from not losing more led to me eating some off plan things in the last couple of weeks.  At this point, I am experimenting with being low carb most of the time and perhaps allowing myself two days a week where I can eat higher carb things. Since I am not losing any more, I am hoping I can just maintain with this more moderate approach.


    This morning I had a fried egg and sausage for breakfast with some coffee. I added a little coconut oil to the coffee.


    Lunch will probably be chicken salad.


    Dinner-I don't know yet.

    • Like 1
  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Grief has no timetable and it has only been six months.  Do not let anyone make you feel you are doing it wrong.


    I could understand the train of thought that people grieve and show grief/emotions in different ways. However, you told him what you needed from him and he outright refused to do what you need???  No, I can't overlook that. Not acceptable.


    All I can add is that I have had losses too and it has taken years to get better with some of them. What helped me is that I finally realized I will never "get over it".  All that happened is that I learn to live with it.


    Decades later, I think of the people basically daily still, but I am not despondent anymore.


    And, my losses have not been due to crime. so that adds another , very painful layer for you.


    Your dh need to accept that this is going to be a long haul, IMO.



    • Like 1
  3. Ok. Or maybe life just goes on??


    My sister's child died so people prayed for comfort and healing. She went to the cemetery EVERY DAY for a year but she eventually felt a sense of peace (for real, we were worried she had lost her mind).


    Something terrible happens to Albeto. She is an atheist and so are all her friends so there are no prayers said. She eventually has a sense of peace.


    If prayer works, why is there no difference in the lives of believers and atheists??


    I'm stuck with the idea that there is a God but He does not intervene in our lives.




    This very thing is what inspired my thread a couple of months ago where I asked what benefits there are for believers in THIS life. 

    • Like 4
  4. Well this past week was really something.  :huh:


    I got two new larger ticket items in one week. I got a new (refurbished) laptop that arrived from Amazon. My old one finally gave out for good. It had lasted for around five years, so I can't complain. My new one is a shiny red refurbished HP. I got thirty dollars off from opening an Amazon card, so it came to 249.00 with free shipping.


    So far it works fine and we are getting used to Windows 8.1.


    My washer died also.We ended up getting a new one. This one had some issues for a while. So, now I have a new washer also. 


    In better news, I am about to pay my final car payment. :hurray:


    I am glad your dd's party went well, Quill. 


    Good job, everyone.

    • Like 1
  5. That's the main reason I loathe tailgaters, and why I won't tailgate  I try to hold on to the idea that the person in front of me going slow is driving to the best of their ability.  If that's true and I tailgate then I'm worsening their stress and could possibly cause them to do something dangerous.  And if it's not true giving them the benefit of the doubt helps MY stress level, rather than assuming they're poking along just to irritate me.


    What really gets me is when someone in front of me is going slow and I stay back to give them some breathing room and then the person behind me rides my bumper.  Why?  How much stoopid is that?  FWIW, this is typically on country roads where it's difficult to pass, and almost everybody knows where the passing spots are.

    We sound a lot alike in this thread. :001_smile:


    I am one of those people who actually-wait for it........follow speed limits.  Apparently this is a very annoying thing to many other drivers. My dd is learning to drive now and I am teaching her to follow speed limits also.  I don't let annoyed drivers and tailgaters push me to speed. I tell her that those people are not going to pay my speeding ticket for me. They can go around when we get to a place where they can pass.


    We had a horrifying experience with a psycho tailgater a couple of months ago. A guy in a truck was tailgating while dd was driving and I was in the passenger seat. He was so close on our bumper any tap on th brake would have meant he ran into us.


    We went over a high bridge and as we came to the bottom, he went over into the other lane, in a non passing area. He zoomed and flew around us and barely missed getting hit by an RV but the RV turned right before it got to him.. Then he almost got hit by a school bus. He almost got killed right in front of us.  He had a company sticker on his truck with a phone number .  I called the number and reported him. I never do that kind of thing, but that company would face some serious liability. 


    Now, I too get irritated at drivers going 20 in a 45 and things like that. I just get around as soon as I can. Nothing is worth getting in an accident or getting a ticket to me.

    • Like 4
  6. Yes to Tracfone.  They run on a variety of networks. I live in a very rural area and the only thing that really works out here is Verizon. My old Tracfones did not really pick up out there. With a little research I learned how to identity the Tracfone models that are made to run on Verizon networks. They have a certain letter in the phone model #.  So maybe you can google that info.


    Our current Tracfones are smartphones and they work great out here where we live. I made sure they run on Verizon before I bought them. They came from QVC.

  7. Oh my goodness. Thank you all so much. You don't know how helpful your responses have been. Some of your stories are really scary and you all have been through a lot. I am so glad you all are taking care of yourselves.


    Some stories sound just like what I am dealing with. Frequent trips to the bathrooom, thirst, and vision issues.


    I would never have thought of buying a meter and testing at home. I am totally going to do that. Thanks for those instructions. Very helpful.


    Thanks again.

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  8. If you feel like sharing, I am interested in what circumstances led to your diagnosis. Did you have symptoms and decide to go get blood work done or to see a Dr. and get checked out?


    Or did you find out during a checkup and you were not suspecting it?


    I am just wondering because I have a few symptoms and am considering bloodwork. On the other hand, I don't want to spend the money and feel silly if I am fine. Most likely I will order my own labs online and then if there are abnormal results , I will see a Dr.

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