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Posts posted by happyhappyjoyjoy

  1. My son went to K in Catholic school, but he was the youngest in his class. If he'd been in a different state he wouldn't have been able to go to K. I'm going to have him to 1st for two years, and this year he is really only doing RS math and AAS for reading development. He follows a lot of what his older brother has done and will, but it isn't required and I don't push it. He just turned 6 as well.

  2. Welcome.



    Now, tell me all your secrets.


    I've bought it. Twice.


    Thus far I've NEVER used it.


    Please help.



    The Mama


    I don't know exactly what to say. I think it is one of the easiest and user friendly programs I've ever seen. I have two children using it, and when DD is done w/ 100 EZ lessons in a year she'll start on it as well.

  3. Just a thought/warning - I don't know if you'd have the tendency to jump the gun like I have, but just in case: I too got excited about this. I bought anything and everything. Then I got discouraged. My shelves were full of items we need to learn. We go slowly. I felt rushed. I'd recommend just doing a super job with each and buying the next as you finish the ones you have. Keep a list of what to buy next. Also, a lot of good ones are on youtube actually.


    Today I pulled The Westminster Shorter Catechism Songs off my shelf and loaded cd 1 into iTunes. It is by reformedmusic.com


    We also bought the Classical Conversations cd for a cycle from someone and do that. And we sing a hymn and a scripture. We chant the states and capitals and presidents. We sometimes do Pudewa's Poetry with his cd. That is it so far.


    I totally needed to hear that!!!! Thank you. I do know myself well, which is why I was looking for single tracks. Instead of buying up a ton of CDs, I'd love to find where I can download a single track when needed.

  4. We've fallen in love with memory work on CD with CCM. I bought the CD for FLL, too. I'm now keeping my eye out for any memory work on CD, so I could put them in a playlist with our other weekly memory work. For example, I was disappointed that the FLL CD doesn't have the definitions of nouns, and verbs from Level 1. This would have been great to review in our weekly memory work.


    I'd love to hear about your favorites, especially with grammar. Does anoyone sell tracks on itunes or amazon?

  5. bumpin back up...How long do you find you actually spend on ccmemory each day? Would you recommend buying the map sets or just print them off yourself from free resources?


    I spent 15-20 min on Monday morning. Then we listen to it every time we are in the van (5 min each time). At a minimum I'd get the CD's and student text. Next I'd add in the timeline cards followed by the maps. I wouldn't recommend the teacher text unless you like planning units. I'm open and go all the way, and I love this.

  6. :lol: The reason you don't like it is the reason I LOVE it! Simple, no muss, no fuss, open and go.:)



    I agree with Martha. I bought it over a year ago and never used it. Last week we began Alpha week one. After hardly doing anything more than listening to the CD's in the car, all 3 kids knew the entire set of memory work. On Mondays I'll spend some time going over the material, but it won't be anything in depth. We already have a solid grasp on Ancient History. We'll do two volumes this year.

    LOVE IT.

  7. I will be adding my own thoughts to this when I have time. I'm particularly interested in knowing what book for a certain age you have given. I know this would vary among children, but there are some generalities that would be good to go by.


    Off the top of my head, The Giver and some L'engle books would be books I'd love to give as such a special gift.

  8. If you were to pick out one book to give to your child every year on his/her bday what would it be?


    My oldest is currently 7, turning 8 in the spring. I thought this would be fun to start a tradition of giving a special book every year on his bday and continuing this with the other children. It could be independent reading or a read aloud. It would be neat for the other children to be excited that this was the year they would finally get ___________ as a gift and maybe it could be a book used for a special one on one book time with mom. So what book would you give each year from 8 to 18.



  9. I'm down here in Florida....the land of constant summers. :D

    Awww my home state. That is the perfect time to have a baby in FL. When DD was a baby, DS1 was in K at school. It was really tough to be out so much with an infant. It was also really tough for me to homeschool this year with her as a toddler. It would have been a lot easier if I'd been able to home more the year she was an infant and out more the year she was a toddler.


    The adjustments really do differ from family to family. I had a friend with 7 grown kids. She said the hardest adjustment was the 3rd but after that she just herded them along.:lol: Three has proved to be so tough for us that we really lack the energy to find out what 4 would be like.

  10. I'd bow out for this year, using the newborn as your excuse. Spend some time this year looking for a few other ways for your dd to 'get out'. Is there an art class, science museum class, or something else out there she might like? Perhaps a set of swimming lessons at the Y? Try out several things this year- one at a time, of course!


    One year of not exchanging Valentines won't ruin her, and you can enjoy adjusting to the new baby. Next year, decide whether you missed it or if you want to try again.


    Have a great school year- that third kid was the one that threw my whole routine off.

    I agree. I also think there is a HUGE HUGE HUGE difference between 2 kids and 3 kids. Its like crossing into another universe:D

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