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Posts posted by Bambam

  1. I haven't seen the aggressiveness, but I usually wait till Day 2 - or at least later in the day if I go on the first day. We have been to a couple of sales on the first day right when they open because we were after something specific (anvil!) - and many of the folks in line are antique dealers or people who resell whatever specific items they are interested in at the sale.   

    The other thing that surprises me is there are several folks on walkers moving through the estate sales. I was thinking, when I'm that old, I don't imagine I will be interested in accumulating more stuff? But then I think maybe they are reliving the past through seeing what their contemporaries had/collected, or maybe they knew the deceased (or down-sizing person), and are just curious. 

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  2. Both my DH and my MIL have them for strabismus. Recently my DH had surgery to correct the issue, and so far all is good - eyesight aligned correctly, so no need for prisms. 

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  3. When we moved my MIL here (about 600 mile trip), she had packed their CO detector in a box. We had a rental car with all sorts of bells and whistles that were new to us. Less than 20 minutes into the trip with all her boxed good packed into the rental SUV, we started hearing an every 30 second beep - which we assumed was some sort of alert from the car. We read the manual. We googled. We thought about stopping at a dealership for help. We did think it was really strange that the beeping continued even when the rental was shut off and parked. 

    So, 600 miles later, and slightly frazzled, my DH unpacked all those boxes and found one beeping CO detector with a low battery. It's funny now, but it was not funny then. Every 30 seconds - annoying beep - always there - always beeping. 

    So, useful device, but not if you are moving and it has a low battery. I'm actually sorta impressed it could keep beeping for so long. 


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  4. We've dyed fabrics several times, but I'd be hesitant to try to exact match a specific color starting from a non-white color. 

    I might be tempted to consider a contrasting color for the bedskirt? That would be easier to achieve and not require exact matching. But I've never had a bedskirt, so I don't know if that is a good idea or not. 

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  5. I find it somewhat disturbing that there are only a few talents that are considered worthy of the talent portion. I would think the judges would be tired of seeing the same thing - singing, dancing, playing an instrument.  Let there be variety! There are other talents that are interesting as well! 

    • Like 3
  6. Reciting poetry? Dressed in costume to match? 

    As mathy person, I'd like to think that expounding some math/geometry proof would be interesting and show a talent.

    Maybe reading aloud one of her more moving essays? 

    As for the Mock Trial stuff - why not a closing argument? You would have to do a brief summary of the trial so folks have some basic understanding before she launches into her argument, but I think that would be interesting. Bonus points might come if the closing argument is tied to a current or recent major trial - either in the area or in the nation.

    Would she be willing to do a debate with herself? Present topic, first take one side and then the other? Etc? 


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  7. We are getting closer to retirement age, so we are thinking where to retire. 
    Qualifications for us:
    1. Fairly temperate climate 
    2. Tax friendly to retirees (which Florida tops this list, but big no to FL for a variety of reasons)
    3. Fairly low cost of living
    4. Close to major medical area - good hospitals/good doctors. We do not have any major medical issues, but who knows what tomorrow holds? 
    5. Preferably close to airport
    6. I'd like there to be some classes - pottery, stained glass, wood turning, etc - stuff like that so I can explore that. 
    7. Good church options. 

    Our two children will probably move around, and I don't know that they will be much help if we need it later in life.

    So, right now our list includes Alabama (Huntsville - beautiful area, possibly Montgomery too) 
    South Carolina (Charleston or Greenville)
    Texas (where we are now, but different location - Houston, Dallas, Austin/Round Rock)
    Maybe Tennessee (Knoxville or Chattanooga)

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  8. We buy all our glasses (except for MIL's tri-focals) online. We would buy hers online too, but it usually takes several trips back to the eye doctor to have them adjust and remake the glasses, so ....
    We usually buy from 39DollarGlasses (bifocals too, helps to get prescribing eye doctor to note PD and other things (I can remember what those are right now!)). They often have coupons which brings the cost down to $25/pair.  Last time we purchased from Kitt ? maybe. We have also purchased from Zenni, happy except shipping/delivery took a long time.  We've only been purchasing glasses online for at least 15 years - always been happy. 

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  9. 28 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

    If people do not think a commode room without a sink is gross, then a double sink and regaining the floor space from the commode room would be better. I just thought maybe a commode room with no sink was gross. Never had one honestly .

    To be fair, we rarely shut the door on the commode room (sliding door, btw, at this house, and I am not a fan of those, but it does save some space), but it is nice we have that option.  In a more shared bathroom setting, I'm sure we would shut the commode room door regularly. 

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  10. Our master bath has a commode room (just the commode) and two sinks in the main part. We had that at our last house too - both side by side but an expanse of flat countertop between them (maybe 3'-ish). I really liked that. We could both be brushing our teeth, or one of us brushing teeth while the other one shaves or whatever. Our current bathroom has my sink along one wall and his sink along the other. Both of the sinks are the same height which is odd to me because the people who built this house - she was pretty short and he was much taller, so I would have thought about making one sink area taller than the other.  So I find the two sinks very handy. A sink in the commode room - like a guest bathroom and then having another sink outside would seem confusing - sorta like the handicap stall at some stores. 

    If I had that much room, I might start thinking about handicap accessible. The commode room should have a door wide enough - and a room wide enough/big enough to handle a handicap person. Or maybe a door that is very easily removed should it ever be needed? And a walk in shower? 

    And you didn't ask but I vote for medicine cabinets. None of the houses we've lived in have had medicine cabinets, they have all had drawers in the sink area (like a cabinet) for you to store your stuff. That is nice, but bring back medicine cabinets! 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Rosla said:

    It seems I've found your post just in time as I'm looking exactly for a combo robot. And I've already looked through the Shark reviews. Other people are also satisfied with the purchase. Well, I need to buy it too 🙂 Is it still available at this price? 

    Not that I know of. This was in the clearance section of my local Walmart, and there was only one. 
    Usually you can find excellent prices on Black Friday/Cyber Monday. 

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  12. I'm with @bolt. too. 

    Wedding/Marriage fund? What if child never elects to get married? Sure you could use it for other things, but then is seems like you failed - because you didn't use it for its intended purpose.  What if child elects to marry someone you think is a bad idea (fill in blank be it former wife abuser, whatever you think is a horrible idea)? 

    So Launch fund can be used for down payment on house, down payment on car, wedding, whatever. 

    I'd be tempted to set a figure I could live with based on our savings for retirement and other commitments that we have - so this figure would be different for a  family with 8 kids vs. a family with 1, etc, etc. Do what works for your family - be it $1,000 to $100,000. 

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  13. When my kids were little, I tried to have the same number of wrapped presents (because someone would count!) for birthdays and Christmas. As they got older, we shifted away from that but my DH wanted to keep roughly the amount of money per child the same. 

    But now both my kids are adults, and we don't see them that often. They are changing and growing in ways that we really aren't as aware of because of the distance, so selecting good gifts is a lot harder than when they lived here. Add in one makes a lot of money and the other barely scrapes by financially (completely happy like that too!).

    So, my questions for with adult children:
    1. Do you find it harder to select appropriate gifts (by appropriate, I mean things they will like, will be useful, fit their tastes, etc)? How do you compensate for that (ask them for a wish list? ask a friend? Just wing it and hope for the best?)?
    2. Do you still spend the same amount of money per child (assuming multiple children) for their birthday and Christmas)? Or do you gift more based on need? 

  14. I found a Shark IQ 2 in 1 Vacuum Mop combo robot on clearance at WalMart for $90 (originally priced at $399), so I decided to take a risk as I had been wanting to get one, but planned to wait till Black Friday.  This thing is great! First of all, unlike the 'smart' eufy we have, it does make a map of your house and you can label rooms and send it out to vacuum specific areas. But the best thing, it will mop! I have mostly ceramic tile floors, and it does a pretty good job on them - doesn't really get the grout, but neither do I unless I get on my hands/knees with a grout brush.  It has a little extension you put on with water (and the Shark floor cleaner if you have it, my box didn't come with any, so I've just been using plain water), and bingo, it is ready to mop!  

    Downsides I've noticed so far:
    1. It's hard to clean the back side of the filter in the dust collection area as it is partially covered by a slanted piece of plastic. Poor design. 
    2. I still haven't added rugs, so I haven't been able to figure out how to get it to mop the master bathroom which is over carpet from the base location. I'm still working on figuring that out. My DH picked it up and just did spot cleaning in the bathroom, so worse case scenario, we can just do that. 

    I'm sure this is not the latest and greatest model, but this is going to make life very much easier around here! 

    Now I really need to find some way to have someone come identify what part of my flooring is. It looks like hardwood, but I suspect it really is vinyl plank flooring of some sort. Is there any way to easily figure that out? 

    ETA: Another downside - it is a little taller than my Eufy robots, so it can't get under a couple of places the Eufy does with ease. 

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  15. I'll second the Baggalini and Kipling bags. I find Baggalini especially well organized.

    But my favorite for the last 4-5 years is Tom Bihn (thanks to someone on here who suggested them). I have a Side Kick, Everyday Cubelet, and a Cafe Bag (I think I have medium but maybe it is the small). I personally like bright color bags - they make me happy to look at them and they really stick out if you put them down in a restaurant bench seat - so they aren't easy to overlook/forget. https://www.tombihn.com/collections/shoulder-bags

    I've tried the accordion wallets, and it just didn't work for me. I now have one of the Big Skinny MyPhone wallets - I don't actually keep my phone in it. That was my intention in the beginning - but that doesn't work for me but I liked the layout and everything else worked. I'm thinking of trying one of their smaller wallets. Again, I like bright colors, and there are plenty here!   https://www.bigskinny.net/wallets-for-women.html

    Good luck finding a good wallet and purse! 

  16. Could you sprinkle a  little protein powder on  his applesauce, oatmeal, pudding? 
    Mashed sweet potatoes? 
    Are well cooked noodles too thick/hard to swallow? I'm wondering if you could puree some chicken into the broth (not a lot so you don't change the texture too much) and have well cooked noodles in a chicken noodle soup? (I'd use carrots and puree them too). 

  17. 2 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

    what part?   dsil got one for a week for $300 through his employer - he's in FW.  I haven't rented a car when I've gone for at least five+ years.  I've always just driven one of theirs.  (but dd totaled one, so they're down to two.)

    We are in east TX is a mid-sized town. I think rental cars are cheaper in the major cities. 
    We are on the edge of the totality. We will be driving about 40 miles west to have a better observation point. 

    And buy your eclipse glasses now because they are going up in price too! 

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