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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Belated thanks for the :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: . (DD got treated badly by a "friend." [Hmm, I wonder why said "friend" has no other friends than DD?] Watching my baby hurt hurts. A lot.) :grouphug: :grouphug: for Tex. (One for now, one for the bank.) Quackers: I :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: little 4 year old Duckie. Good job, Mama Duck. (Although that little angel sounds created, not necessarily made [no offense intended :001_unsure: ])
  2. I'm off to bed. Was just checking in after a sad day. Sweet dreams, all.
  3. Monty Python. If you watch, make sure it's adults only.
  4. It's a movie reference. For the mature amongst us. Well, mature, so to speak.
  5. No. Previously, you were the Icon Dabbler. Your regency was conferred by moi. It's what I do; it's who I am. (Well, in addition to be a big-butted stick figure, that is.)
  6. Well, I could probably inflict some serious damage on the Evil Inlaws with it, but I'd still prefer the real thing.
  7. Ninja elephants are insufficient. This is why I need a bazooka.
  8. :toetap05: I believe it was moi who came up with the whole "Icon Queen" thing, too. You know, moi of the "too long, self-important" title.
  9. Wrongo-Dongo. Please look at my avatar. I am the Official Declarer of Universe Regency. Queen Ellie didn't get declared Queen by her own self, dearie.
  10. I keep telling DH that I need a bazooka, but he won't let me have one.
  11. I'm not distracting; I'm boring. And after 6 hours of cleaning the barn, I'm exhausted. (I wih I had access to those little smilie guys on my Kindle, but I am NOT going downstairs to the computer!
  12. DH has a record player. You know, that plays those round, black, flat things with grooves on them?
  13. Hi, Lynn! Hey, make sure you stay busy, k? I worry that you might be bored.
  14. I took typing in high school. On, you know, a typewriter. (That's actually a thing, for you youngsters.)
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