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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. (Just had to roll out the cool little smilies. FWIW, I don't really fit doctrinally with any church/coop/group I've ever attended. But I'm weird. So there's that. :wacko:)
  2. This year I switched to being an educational facilitator. There is peace, love, and joy in our homeschool. I can't believe how long it took for me to figure out that my little Boo really NEEDS me to be the cheerleader. (Of course, our homeschool operates heavily on grants, generously provided by the Bank of Nana, so your mileage may vary.)
  3. Online not-AoPS Geometry (same video-less terror here): Derek Owens. That's our backup if things go awry with AoPS.
  4. Good Morning, all! I have started my day like-less. I hope this is not a portent of doom. Must go chore or we'll be late for church. :seeya:
  5. It counts. (I tried to like, but I'm outta likes. Darn it.) I've missed you, Your Majesty!
  6. No. She's Molly Grace. Seriously, Slash. It's like you think you're the parent or something.
  7. HA!!! Finally!!!! It's COOL to be OLD!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Likety like like like. ETA: Booya Bells! Booya Bells! Booya all the way! Oh, what fun it is to Booya On a night just like today! This the thread that never ends, never ends, never ends...
  9. I'm not asleep. I'm still laughing. Go watch the videos posted in Arctic Mama's thread. Seriously. OMWOMWOMW. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Poop. I'm outta likes. PLEASE, peeps, go watch the videos. Holy. Cow.
  11. What?!? Owl pellets are awesome. And not nearly as gross as dissection. And you should see how cool otter poop and weasel poop are. Oh, and bear poop. And coyote poop...
  12. I read the OP and thought :confused1: . I read the responses and thought :001_wub: . I'm sorry OP. I know it's hard when you run out of space. And I get it. I, too, ran out of space. Like, three years ago. But, BOOKS. :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: I wish you the best of luck, but, sadly, I have no advice.
  13. No real advice, just :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: . Can his adult siblings be of help?
  14. PSA: You all must go and watch the video posted under the Chat Board heading "Okay I needed this today." I think I peed myself.
  15. ARGH. (Frustrated ARGH. Not happy piratical ARGH. ) See! THIS is why I want 12 children, God. I really, really, REALLY like the one you gave me, but, seriously? one? I really am sorry, Susan, that you were frustrated and sad earlier. :grouphug: Envy is bad. Envy is bad. Envy is bad. ...
  16. Okay, so after I swing through Oregon to pick up my pseudo-grandbabies at Slash's house, I shall pop by New Mexico for Gymnast. :001_wub: Oh, and tell Dancer to have her bags packed, too, because I think she's lovely and want to spoil her and have her inspire DD with her talent. :001_wub:
  17. Well. Now I want to boil over some hot chocolate and hope for similar results.
  18. Ah. Bummer. I don't know that my taste buds are so sensitive, but for sure my brain is. True story: When I was young and single and (relatively) attractive, I never, ever drank. (Or partied or swore or kissed boys etc., etc.) So the CHP wanted to use me as the "non-drinker" example for a measured-dose alcohol demonstration at a Street Faire. When I felt sufficiently impaired that I would "give my keys back," they did a breath test on me and I measured a .04. They got me up to a .08 AND I DON'T REMEMBER. And my wonderful friends in the DA's office who were my support and my ride home ABANDONED ME and went bar hopping. So the CHP officers poured me into the patrol car and took me home. Oh, the neighbors had a FIELD DAY with that one!
  19. Shoot. Off to Amazon. Like I haven't spent enough money this season. I have wonderful visions of morning time... poetry and Bible reading and mommy-daughter bonding. Reality? We play games. I'm such a loser. I booya'd on an explanation of my loser-dom. Poop. Oh, well. Booya Bells! Booya Bells! Booya all the way! Oh, what fun it is to Booya On a night just like today! This the thread that never ends, never ends, never ends...
  20. It's with Susanne Barrett. I may have mentioned (a hundred million times) that I :001_wub: Susanne Barrett. My only recommendation would be to peruse "No Fear Shakespeare"'s version. DD really likes their explanations of the text. (She's the Bard-lover here.)
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