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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. There's a healing salve for horses called Zephyr's Garden which is magic. I wonder if they're similar?
  2. And the weird Vicks on the feet thing really works. Dunno why, but it does.
  3. DD would have this problem (light at the end of the tunnel-she's outgrown it). The cough was caused by post nasal drip and quickly could signal the beginning of a bacterial infection (more like infestation-of the clogged up gunk.) Can you get your bathroom closed up and hot and steamy for a bit? That and honey to suck, and maybe a kids decongestant? I know they say the over-the-counter stuff doesn't work, but I say fie on that. My kid battled recurrent sinus infections FOR YEARS. Our most fabulous pediatrician had us aggressively attack the symptoms. Oh, which reminds me! Saline spray up the nostrils. It'll thin out any secretions and the salt will help battle the germies. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Slash and John. It's hard having sick littles.
  4. I wouldn't use the grown-up formulation. There is a kid's version, FYI. Do you have any honey? If yes, try filling a teaspoon full and letting him suck on it.
  5. Why am I talking about math at 8:10 at night? I'm going to go get a cookie. Geez. Louise. I am lame.
  6. Probability ain't so easy, according to DD. And AoPS recommends it AFTER Intro to Algebra A. Really, the AoPS classes are just really, really fast-paced. You've got to remember that their target audience is brick and mortar school kids. So kids taking the Intro Algebra classes have already had algebra. So I think Tex's kid and my kid (I think; Tex can correct me if I'm wrong) are in kind of a no-man's land; they're behind the BM school kids and can't really keep up with the PG freaks of nature. On the upside, at least here, for the first time my kid has had to REALLY WORK at something. And not do brilliantly. It's been humbling. Which is not a bad thing. (And lest you think I'm torturing the poor darling, she did well in Algebra and is doing okay in Counting and Probability. But it's been a struggle.)
  7. No. Just no. Who would do this? Well, other than 19 year olds who haven't even developed hips. Actually, that's probably it. I'd like to sit on 'em and squash 'em.
  8. Dude. Go watch a movie with your kids. Or eat some chocolate. Heck, brush the dog. Anything. I'm worried.
  9. I feel your pain. We jumped onto the speeding bullet train that is AoPS last spring. We did the first 7 chapters of the Intro to Algebra book together, and then DD took the Intro A (Chs. 1- 13 or so) class. Even though the first part was review, IT WAS HARD. In fact, it made the whole term hard. But she has adjusted. I think. She took a MathCounts class over the summer for fun, and she is finishing up Intro to Counting and Probability now. Which is making Algebra look easy (for her.) She's looking forward to the Intro to Algebra B class now for the break. :huh: I'm sweating bullets about Geometry because of it. That's supposed to be the hardest class (comparatively), so what the heck is going to happen? Urgh. And, given her problems with the current class, I have told myself that I'm going to have to suck it up and take these stupid classes with her. And math is so not my thing. But at least now she's open to help, because she knows the feeling of "butt-kicked-itis." So it's a good, growing thing, right? Right?
  10. :huh: There is no way in H E Double Hockey Sticks I would EVER, in a MILLION BAZILLION YEARS let someone do a 3D scan of me. :svengo:
  11. The colors that work best with my coloring are those which naturally appear in mud. I think that makes me an autumn.
  12. The truth is I'm allergic or sensitive to just about everything, so I just look ugly.
  13. I am so naturally beautiful that I require no makeup.
  14. On our way to California, the short person and I stopped at a Greek burger-type joint in Stateline, Nevada. We got a baklava milkshake for the road to share. OH. MY. WORD. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. :drool5:
  15. Help. "ETA: PS for Ellie: "Subclinical" anything means that the patient is displaying symptoms, but has yet to reach the diagnostic criteria so go away and don't bother us until you are in crisis.OIC. TYVM." Ellie wrote the stuff in red. I don't know what those stand for. :o
  16. :grouphug: Autoimmune diseases stinketh. ETA: PS for Ellie: "Subclinical" anything means that the patient is displaying symptoms, but has yet to reach the diagnostic criteria so go away and don't bother us until you are in crisis.
  17. My Polish great-aunt made them. They aren't Russian anything, missy! :toetap05:
  18. Is NOT! It's CIVICS. (Well, except fot the Jeb jab, but surely there's a small allowance for humor?)
  19. We watched the debate tonight as a family. And we identified fallacies and question dodging. And discussed important issues of the day. And laughed at Jeb Bush. BAM! Educational post, in before the end of the day! Night, night! :seeya:
  20. Could be better with I'm eating...eating chocolate Knitting by the fire. (You're welcome.)
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