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Posts posted by mama25angels

  1. Well, it looks like we have a diagnosis, her colon is not working properly but, we don't know what the next step is going to be yet.  She has an appointment with the internal medicine doctor because they're concerned about her weight loss hopefully, we'll know more after that.  We finished school, took a walk and now I'm trying to decide what to do for dinner and I'm going to relax.

    • Like 8
  2. 56 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

    Good morning. 

    Slache, have you ever tried melatonin?

    Mama - we have a group of ITTers on Fitbit (including Angi) who do challenges.  If you want to join us, PM me your Fitbit name (I think that's what I need.  One of you tell me if it is something else.)

    Susan - I listen to rain noises every night for 8 hours on Spotify as my white noise.  Some nights if I need to occupy my racing thoughts I put on instrumental hymns very very softly so that my mind can focus on the hymns but I can still get to sleep. 

    Last night I went from ten repetitions on my hip exercises to twelve because the ten were becoming so easy.  My hips hurt SOOOOO much from those two additional reps.  My stoopid body is so wimpy and sensitive.  I had to get up and take two different pain pills so that I could sleep. 



    • Like 2
  3. Y'all, I'm about to choke someone and I don't intend to use the force, I'm gonna get up close and personal!  My dd (and I don't mean darling!) has a friend flying so that they can go to a concert.  Stupid to me but, whatever.  So this friend was supposed to fly into the airport closest to us and I told dd that I would be willing to pick her up.  Well, come to find out out, she's flying to the airport farther away, I told dd that I would pick her up anyway since I gave my word.  Well, my Ds has said that he would be able to pick her up since he'll be off, great idea.  Dd tells me that she leaves out at 8:00 on her day of departure and my Ds will be at work.  Do you know what time I'll have to get up  to get her to the airport by 8!  I told dd that I would do it but, in the future she would need to make sure of all the details for things that needed me time.  Do you know that she tried to get upset?  It took everything in me not go completely off!

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 4
  4. 2 hours ago, myblessings4 said:

    Y'all just reminded me, ds11 asked for a pumpking to carve.  Guess I'll stop and get one.

    I bought the Christian Light research paper curriculum booklet.  It's only 15 lessons and walks them through a research paper step-by-step.  I think I will hold off until after Christmas.  In the meantime, I tols dd I need to read her ongoing story that she writes in every day.  

    I'm putting this on my list to buy in a few weeks, my Ds hates to write anything!

    • Like 1
  5. Good morning!  I didn't sleep well either due to my mom texting me and friend drama with some of DH's friends and  his phone ringing really loudly at 3a.m..  if I didn't know them, I'd swear they were a bunch of teenaged girls, lol.

    Spuds--your plan absolutely sounds like enough, more than enough!

    Suasan-we have not carved pumpkins either and I'm not sure I even want to buy one this late but, I may get a small one for my boy to carve.  We still have church so, Ds will wear his costume to church and I'll take some candy and have some for at home too.

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