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Posts posted by caitlinsmom

  1. We are (well were before dh lost his job) sitting at the 50%ish mark. I wouldnt recommend it to anyone. As others have said, no savings. AT.ALL. I hate it. We are however in a rural area with absolutly no movement in the housing market. We would love to sell at this point but can't. We have one of those crazy loans that are taking the mortgage economy for a ride. I hate it and wish everyday that we had not bought this house, even though it is the first place that has felt like home.


    Luckily though we have a low mortgage payment (under 1k), very little debt or other bills. My outgoing total monthly expenses is what most of my friends pay for the mortgage alone. I feel blessed we have all that we do even if it is really stressful.

  2. I dont have that book but i have seen it referred to glowingly in other circles. Having a brief look at the principles, I think they seem very sound.

    I love to play with cultured foods. I like to keep my sugar very low, although I do eat fruit and sometimes agave or a bit of honey. Healthy fats are a given and I changed them years ago. I have done the whole Nourishing Traditions thing, which is similar. I have been reading a lot about raw foods lately and experimenting with that. I like to play with these things.


    I think you would only get healthier on it, particularly if you come from anything like a typical western diet. Whether you end up sticking to the principles rigidly, well, I think its always worth starting out following them strictly and then see how you go. It will do you no harm and probably lots of good.


    How did you like the information in Nourishing Traditions? I have looked at the book a few times and I can't quite decided how I feel about it.


    Is there a book/site etc you would recommend to find out about cultured veggies? I have never tried this but am very curioius!


    I don't want to box myself into a diet. That is way to rigid for me! I like to be able to pick and choose the best of all the different ideas out there. I want to be able to get back to feeling great again instead of so sluggish and icky. I thought some of the ideas in Body Ecology sounded interesting enough to try. It definatly couldnt harm me to give them a whirl!

  3. I have the book and followed the diet for 4 months and did herbs. I felt like a completely different person afterward and I cured lifelong issues which were caused from antibiotics taken for UTI's. I had seen doctors for 10 years for troublesome symptoms and nobody helped but this diet cured me.



    This is similar to my issue. I have had yeast infections since I was about 6. Sometimes I wont have them for months but then other times I will have them for months. The bad thing is dd 7 seems to have picked up on this particular issue also (all women on my mothers side have this issue). I feel horrible that she is dealing with it at such a young age!


    Anyway I have been reading that cultured vegetables, kefir, and a few other things help to restore the probiotic and enzymes in your gut that will in time cure the yeast issue.


    I am going in for my 4th and last c-section in Decemeber. I will have to have antibiotics among other things. I want to try a few things before that to see how I like them. If they work out I want to help get things back to normal, preferably optimal, after the baby comes.

  4. I cant speak for a homeschool group specifically but here are my thoughts. I just started a girl scout troop, right on the very first page in bold letters I asked if any of the girls have an allergy. I dont care if it peanuts, milk, or sugar. If a parent lets me know then I will not be serving anything of the sort to that child or anyone else at those meetings! If you dont let them know they cant be prepared in case anything ever happened.


    Clue them in and make sure they understand that it isnt you just being "weird" about your kids diet.

  5. My grandpa always used to eat bologna and butter sandwiches. Sometimes he would add a Kraft cheese slice but most times not. I used to eat half a sandwich with him and roll it up instead of fold it. When ever I see bologna in the store I think of him. LOL never tempted to buy it but I still get a smile.


    My grandma used to make me toast everytime I stayed at her house. She had this wheat bread that was in a yellow and brown bag that she would toast to perfection and then she would smear a thick layer of margerine on it. By the time I ate it the margerine was all soaked into the bread. Oh it was so yummy! I have craved it for years. I wont buy margerine but once I did cave and picked some up in hopes of replicating that toast. My pathetic attempt didnt come close.

  6. I was making loaded nachos for lunch today and a memory hit me.


    I remember sitting on the couch with my dad when I was about six. He was laying full lenghth on the couch and I was sitting on his feet. He had a huge pan of nachos sitting on his stomach and we were sharing. :) I remember we were watching tv and a music video by Bon Jovi (Dead or Alive) and I started squealing that Bon Jovi was on tv. Then my dad played the air guitar and I sang all the words.


    :D Bonding over Bon Jovi and nachos.


    Anyone else have this sort of thing happen to them?

  7. I could have written your post. We have the same issue here and it is irritating and tiresome to deal with it all the time. Most parents look at me like I am the psycho. LOL I tell them to hand my kid something sugary and they will learn the meaning of psycho.


    Most people dont understand is what it boils down too. Their kids can hadle things like cupcakes and juice with no issues. For us to say NO WAY blows their mind because they have no experience with it. I remember 2 years ago my dd went to a b-day party where they made and decorated their own sugar cookies, had b-day cake, made colored lemonade drinks, etc. I warned my friend that even if it seems mean please please please limit the amount of sugar she actually ingests. My loving friend smiled and nodded but did not listen. When I picked up dd 3 hours later she gave me a hug and apologized numerous times. Finally she got to see what happens.


    Anyway I am sorry you are dealing with this, I understand the irritation that comes with other peoples lack of knowledge and/or sensitivity regarding this issue. The frustrating thing to me is why is all this food acceptable as a snack? Why does sugar/fat laden items equal a good time treat? Hmm who knows.

  8. I've been using a Diva for about 5 years now. I purchased the size they reccommended but I think it is too big. I have a bit of discomfort at first and it takes a few times to get used to it. I think after this baby is here I will purchase the small and see if it is a nicer fit.


    I did read somewhere that if a Diva is uncomfortable for you that a LunaCup is shaped a little differently and therefore more comfortable. I havent looked into them yet but I will.

  9. I get this sort of thing from my family also. My mom went so far as to say "Geez I didnt know you were a breeder!" Huh? This comes from the woman who had 7 children!


    This baby (due in Dec.) was a very big surprise for us and I actually showed a little emotion about it. My parents took that as a "all comments are welcome" sign. My dad is the worst and finally I said something pretty crass to him (cant say it here on the board) about my body, s*x, my dh, and specific reproductive organs. :D That shut him up pretty good and he hasnt mentioned anything ever again, well except for to tell me not to have a tubal! :) Cant win.


    Anyway no real advice for you except maybe just lay it out for them. Let them know that their comments are not welcome in the least and back off. Sometimes you have to put it bluntly so they get the point. Just do it lovingly if possible.

  10. I haven't read the whole thread so I am sure this isn't going to fit in smoothly.


    There are some of us that are frugal because we have to be. Lack of income is the biggest reason for this of course. When I read Dave Ramsey I really liked what he had to say. So little of it had to do with me and my situation though. We have only student loan debt and a mortgage but not a penny more for extras. Why? Havent we looked for better pay? Oh you bet. In fact my husband was working a great job for our area (at $14 an hour!!) for a couple of years. Then he was laid off. We are students (and will be for at least 2 more years) and he is going into a somewhat steady and stable field that will bring in more money. Teaching. We wont ever have half the money that a lot of people do. We wont have a lot of extras ever. Living frugally will always be a way of life with us becacuse of choice and neccessity.


    For us frugal living is about having control of our life. We choose what to spend our money on and leave the rest out. I dont care if my house is dirtier during the winter because we only heat with a wood stove. I do care however that I am not paying $250 a month for a nice controlled even electric heat. Instead of being at someone elses whims we choose not have credit cards, fancy vehicles, extra utility costs etc. I dont care if I have A/C in the summer, my kids wear name brand clothes, have brand new clothes, or drive a new vehichle. I care more about being able to choose to spend $100 on a family outing that brings us lots of laughter and fun.


    Our frugality was a way to deal with economic hardship at one time, now it is a choice. We dont want our children to think that they cant possibly exist without new clothes, cell phones and laptops. We dont want them to think that because a certain thing is easy its better. Thats just not the case with nearly everything in life.

  11. I have the orginal edition of SOTW 1. In the Roman mythology story of Proserpene (sp) Haddes is mentioned as the God of the underword. However isn't Pluto actually the right God for this position and culture? I have googled tonight and it seems that Haddes=Greek and Pluto=Roman.


    Was this a correction that was made in the revised edition or is it actually correct?

  12. LOL keep in mind that I have never seen a writing program so this may sound totally ridiculous!! I have read many many reviews and they seem great. However what is their purpose? If one is already doing grammar, spelling, copywork, memorization, and reading, wouldn"t writing skills be more than covered (at least at the 1st grade level)?


    I am asking this mainly because I don't currently have a writing program going for dd as I have been unable to find one cheap enough to purchase. If it truly is something that she needs at a 1st grade level I will make it happen to get one.

  13. Has anyone done this? Would you do this? Why or why not?


    I started the 4 yr cycle for history 1 year to early. So we will finish the rotation at the end of 3rd as it sits right now. I spoke to dh last night and we both tossed around the idea of taking 2nd grade off (from the history rotation) to study world geography and local history. I have a few reasons for thinking this may work for my dd.


    *I dont want to get so ahead in history that concepts and what not start to get confusing. History is dd fav subject and I want to keep it that way.


    *My dc ask a lot of questions already regarding geography, especially locally. I dont want to make this a special unit we cover later and because there are so many neat things to learn I dont want to make it just a thing we talk about when it comes up.


    *Our state history is pretty interesting and while I know we can cover this later (and that it is reccommended to do so), there are a lot of activities geared to the younger ages available that might not hold the same interest later on.


    If you have done this in the grammar stage what resources did you use? Any recommendations?

  14. I just wanted to say thanks again for sharing. I was able to take the idea and customize it very easily. I can't believe how much it is going to help me over the planner I had designed myself. I don't know how to put those thumbnails on or I would post it.


    I would love to see how your version turned out. Would you email me now? :)



    For all those who are interested in a copy of my planner I am going to get it put into a customizable format and post it on my blog. That way anyone who wants a free planner can access it. :) I will post the link when I get that done.

  15. I remember a while back someone did post that they had been in a high profile spotlight type career at one time. Who knows who really is on here or any other board for that matter.


    LOL most of the time as long as I get good advice for whatever I am dealing with I am okay with the "who knows" factor. However on another board I have been downright freaked out by some who post there!

  16. I will start this by saying I haven't done any research whatsoever on the subject so if this is a dumb question be kind! :)


    I know there are different types of breast cancer with some being caused by estrogen. Is this caused by sythetic estrogen or by an imbalance in normal estrogen levels in a women?


    It has been years (over 10) since I have taken a birth control pill. Are they estrogen or progesterone based? Is there a link between long term hormonal birth control use and breast cancer?

  17. Thank you for all the sharing and opinions. Having had this on my mind a lot I've definatly made it a matter of prayer. I can say with certainty that I am not comfortable having the procedure done. I still need to talk more with dh about a v. He has already said he would prefer to do it anyway so that isn't an issue.


    I appreciate everyones thoughts on the subject. I do find it odd how some women can have such severe cycle/mood changes while others don't. I wonder what makes this different for each woman, hormones, health, age??? Hmm interesting.


    Anyway thanks again.

  18. I have never heard of those side effects either.....and can't understand how having your tubes tied/burned has anything to do with your period.


    I have wondered this too but it is one of the most common side effects that women bring up. There isnt a study out there I have read that this isn't listed as the number one issue for most women. Most women complain of heavy (very heavy) flow and severe cramping.

  19. 1-5 My kids, husband, house, van and garden.


    6-10 Autumn, tall trees, rain on a warm summer night, the smell of a fire, and holding hands


    11-15 Making out with my dh!!, warm wood floors, fresh veggies, fog, and sunrises.


    16-20 Homemade food, slippers, my health, my eyes, and kids laughter.


    21-25 Imagination, books, lists and plans, remodeling, and coloring.


    26-30 Crisp autumn nights, seeing my breath in the morning, my dh's smile, his laugh, date night.


    31-35 Church, girl time, walks, my very cute purse, and my skinny flattering jeans!! :)


    36-40 Best friends, sister, laughter, cheesecake, and Thanksgiving.


    41-45 Anticipation, faith, kind old men, sassy old ladies, and my small town.


    46-50 Family, libraries, big ideas/dreams, possiblity and Life!

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