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Posts posted by OhM

  1. Wow - I just read the wiki article about it! I always heard Mick Jagger or Warren Beatty - but how interesting!


    And I'm only a *few* years older than the OP, but was thoroughly schooled in Carly Simon because by 1975, my mom had collected all of her albums (I think there were 5) and played them *constantly*. :lol: I bet my subconsious could remember all the words to all the songs.


    Jim Croce was another. And (oddly, if you knew my mom) - Steely Dan. (Let's just say the reference in their name completely escaped her.):lol:

  2. As long as someone else is paying your bills there are a different set of rules -- less freedom -- that still have to be respected. If he doesn't like your rules then perhaps he's ready to pay his own way. Always said in the most calm, rational, loving, matter of fact tone possible.


    That's how my folks worked with me. They didn't like some of my decisions and they told me their opinions, but if I was paying for it then my duty was to listen respectfully and go my own way respectfully if I disagreed.


    :iagree: This is how it was explained to me, too. I made the decision to pay my own way in order to have my own rules. Best decision of my life.


    What I hear is that you are most distressed that he won't even hear out your reasoning. It's not at all unreasonable that he should hear and respond to your concerns in a mature and respectful manner if (and because) he is receiving support from you.


    I have mixed feelings on the subject. I would have to know the boy (in our case - having dd's) pretty well to feel comfortable. I do like the safety aspect of the arrangement, though.


    When I was in college, I lived with three other girls in the upper two floors of a house. Two guys lived in the first floor. We had separate entrances and didn't have access to each other's spaces. We had the safety of the guys downstairs without having to share our space with them - it was ideal.

  3. I'm wondering if Jacob is actually the bad guy, rather than "Locke". How else would Claire turn "dark"?


    I'm loving this season so far.


    I agree that we could find the sides switched from what our perception is now!


    But just wanted to point out - after Claire disappeared, wasn't she associated with Christian, who was apparently part of MIB's "side" (for lack of a better term.) Wasn't he the one who sent Locke off the island to bring the others back?

  4. Veronica,


    Just back from my meeting, and the principal warned me that there might be retaliation from the teacher. (!) How frustrating is that? The principal warning me to be careful of his subordinate? He also told me that this particular teacher has a history of "not being able to relate to boys", and that they have been working on it. Crud. There are so many things wrong with our school system, it is hard to know where to start. And although I'm glad that I can homeschool my dc, I realize that many people are simply unable to homeschool, and are stuck in the system. For them, I hope that things can change. For them, I think it is necessary that we stay involved and don't completely disassociate ourselves from the education process.



    I would suggest that both you and your daughter keep a diary, beginning with the principal's words in his meeting, of anything and everything that happens in that class from here on out.


    If there is retaliation, even if it is too subtle to point to a particular incident, having the pattern recorded will give you something to take to the school board, if it comes to that.


    And at this point, if the teacher's behavior doesn't improve, I WOULD be taking this back to the principal, and then over his head. It is ridiculous to acknowledge, "Yes, we know this is a problem," and then offer NO solution or recourse for the students affected.



  5. Yes, a fellow choir member kicked me in the ankle because she thought I should be clapping during a song. I have been a member of the choir for 5 yrs and she's in her 2nd yr.; often I DO clap but only when I feel so moved. She's always trying to boss people around but this is just unbelievable! :angry:


    That is unbelievable! Is she "off" in any other ways? I can't imagine anyone (and I know some pretty bossy people!) kicking me in order to have their own way!


    I'm with others- if it happens again, kick her back!

  6. Okay, help me out here. . . she states that "you can claim a credit and get back up to 30% of the cost of the improvement" and she shows a possible credit of $10,000


    she then goes on the say that although this credit is more generous than before there is a "cap of $1500 on the credit for 2009 and 2010 combined"


    the most you will get back is $1500. PERIOD!!!


    Why do they show a 30% credit of $10,000?? If the most you would be able to get is $1500???


    Seems downright deceptive to me.


    Yeah - that was the second :001_huh: in the video.

  7. Yes! This will be dd's third year ( and first in sr. division).


    She did exhibits the past two years, and is working on a documentary this year.


    She made state level both years, and nationals the first! It was fantastic!


    Hopefully, you're in an easier state than Ohio - it's pretty big here (was started at Case Western.) Washington state is also pretty big.


    I know Angela in NC's dd went to nationals last year (twice, actually, I think.) Hopefully she'll chime in here, too.


    I can't say enough about the program - at least in our state, it's wonderful! The guidelines for projects stress primary sources and investigation.

  8. I remember reading, well, trying to read, A Tale of Two Cities in high school. I didn't even make it halfway before I took the spark notes route.


    I re-read it (I can't even fathom why I tried!) in my late 20's and LOVED it! Two years ago the girls and I did GE as a read aloud. And we all LOVED it! I've become a confirmed Dickens fan.


    And not once in my life have I been afraid of being eaten by an adult.


    Our favorite character (perhaps my favorite character ever!) was Wemmick - the dichotomy of his life - between his business life and personal - is brilliant.


    And how can you not like someone who played a role in a Doctor Who adventure?! (Ninth Doctor, no less.)

  9. Sounds like that would be a very cute mix! I would add to the comments that my aunt (who is a very busy lady - working full-time, part-time church musician, and - at the time - taking care of my grandmother in her home) has a Bichon Frise. She was never able to fully house-train her (she's paper trained) and she is the most high-strung creature I have ever seen! (And this aunt has had terriers before. The Bichon makes the terriers look laid back.)


    I'd plan on having a lot of time to spend with a Bichon, and pay close attention to temperment (FWIW - you really can't tell until the get home, can you?)

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