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Posts posted by OhM

  1. It depends on various factors such as how well insulated it is, etc. Two years ago we had a bad ice storm and the power went out for close to a week. By day three it got down to 45 degrees so we went to a shelter. The house was older and probably could have been insulated better. HTH.




    I remember when I was a kid (in Ohio, blizzard of '78!) we were without power for an extended period - possibly into a week? The family gathered into one room and dad sealed off doorframes and windows with plastic tarps and blankets. I remember reading lots of books (and my great aunt Mary filling up the room with cigarette smoke - cough, cough:ack2: Did I mention it was the 70's?)

  2. Though I can't say it was a phobia, I did have trouble getting started on selling because of the "what if's". Here are some tips I use to get rid of stuff (and get $$$$!)


    Depending on the matterial you have I use Amazon a lot to get a feel of the correct price.

    As far as negitive feed back as long as you describe the item honestly, ship out in a timely manner and are courteous/helpful during inquirys, pack things well for shipping, really just normal things that you would want in buying used from someone you will be ok.

    I couldn't homeschool if I didn't sell curr that I am through with or not going to use.


    :iagree: This is great advice. - I also check Rainbow Resource to see what an item would be new. And I don't always try to meet Amazon's lowest used price - just get a feel for a fair price and meet that with what I'd like to get out of it. And make sure you take a look at how much stuff is from Amazon or RR with shipping. They usually charge more than it will cost you to send it via media mail. (Oh - and media mail is your best friend for shipping books!:tongue_smilie:)


    I use the sale & swap boards here, and I also used usedhomeschoolcurriculum.com I've sold tons more here than there. Likely because most of my items were from WTM suggestions & classical-oriented.


    I use a paypal account, and mostly deal with others who do. It was easier to print shipping labels that way (with media mail & discounted delivery confirmation). But when someone wanted to pay another way, I asked for a cashier's check, and shipped after the check was received.


    I priced things ppd (post-paid) and offered insurance at the buyer's request & expense.


    Don't worry about negative reviews (unless you're planning to cheat or scam someone!) I've bought & sold many items (I'd estimate about 75-90 packages) through the board here and never had a bad buying or selling experience. Make sure you get delivery confirmation when you ship to help keep track of it along the way (you can track through the usps website with the # they give you!) And don't procrastinate sending it - if you send it within 1-2 days, you'll have no problem. If you do run into a snag - communication goes a long way! If you didn't make it to the post office because the kids or dog are throwing up that day, just e-mail your buyer to let him/her know it will be delayed an additional day. And I try to remember to e-mail the buyer the tracking # so that they can watch the package, too. (This happens automatically if you print shipping labels off paypal. You only need to e-mail them if you sent it through the post office.)


    That ended up being so long! I hope I didn't make your reservations worse! The people here are for the most part very flexible and accomodating. I can't imagine you'll have a problem if your intentions are good. :)

  3. I *don't* understand, how, if Desmond was on the plane (and where DID he go? And why was he the only one Jack recognized?), how Juliet was in the blown up Swan. If Desmond was on the plane, how was he already on the island when the plane crashed to blow up the Swan? I also don't understand where Widmore is going to fit into this, and why, during the 1st hour, the narrator didn't mention Penny and Desmond at all.



    I think you answered this with your first statement...


    My thought is that when Juliet hit the bomb, it *did* explode (thus the "it worked" comment), but at the same time, they time-traveled (thus the white light, the ringing in the ears and the comment from Jin that they time traveled because it had happened to him before). Therefore, they are both in 2004 (in LA), AND in present time, which makes sense that they are ON the island (the time travel) AND that it's under water (because of the explosion).



    ...which is brilliant and probably makes too much sense to be what happened.:D No, really - this makes sense. In the world they time-traveled to, presumably right before the explosion, the hatch still existed. In the alt world created by the bomb exploding, there was no need for the hatch since the energy pocket was destroyed, so no need for Des pushing the button every 108 minutes!


    Anyway, I assumed that Hurley's comment about bad things never happening to him was FULL of sarcasm OR, he was trying to be positive (and perhaps listening to self-help stuff on his iPod). I assumed that Sun was lying that she didn't know how to speak English, because we have learned that she learned English before their trip and was able to so aptly lie about it for so long on the island. Plus, she didn't want to be in the relationship with Jin anymore anyway (thus the fighting on the island on seasons past and the revelation of her affair). So since Jin was in trouble, she decided to let that one play out.


    I assumed all of these things -except- Hurley was asked by Artz to repeat his Australian Mr. Cluck's commercial - which he wouldn't have had originally, because his first Mr. Cluck's store was hit by the meteor. That, and Boone's altered situation is making me second guess the other assumptions I had (Sun's English, Locke's lying about the walkabout) while I was watching! (Aaaaahhh!)

  4. Other diffs:


    Hurley said, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Nothing bad ever happens to me..."


    Jack's hair looked....odd. He was graying, and his face was very lined.


    The disappearance of Jack's Dad is very interesting to me.


    Locke was also very peaceful, self confident and resigned to his wheel-chair fate. He didn't seem to be the anxious, nervous, self-doubting pre-original crash Locke. He also said his (oh, what word did he use? condition?) was irreversible, almost as if his paralysis were the result of a disease, and not an accident.


    Sun didn't speak English, or if she did, didn't admit to it even when he was hauled away. If she were scared of him, she would've spoken up, I think, to get away from him (wasn't she trying to flee from him originally?). She seemed supportive of, and worried for Jin at customs, not scared of him.


    One thing was the same, though: Charlie was still an addict :(


    Oh brother, I need to go to bed!


    Yeah - when Hurley said that, I completely believed him, and Boone's situation had obviously changed since Shannon wasn't there, but when Locke said he went on a walk-about, I fully expected him to be walking! So when he wasn't I assumed he must have lied about it. Similar with Sun - because of the expression on her face while Jin had the run-in with customs, I assumed she spoke English, as before, but thinking back to Hurley's and Boone's changes, maybe she actually didn't???? (This show just loves to be mind-blowing, and because their internal consistency isn't necessarily what you assume it to be, anything goes!)


    But one thing stood out about Jack's aging - did anyone else think there was significance in the way he studied himself in the airplane restroom's mirror? Like he just noticed the aging, too?


    And Desmond was there...and then he wasn't? (Would Jack have remembered him from jogging in the stadium this time 'round? I'm assuming that wasn't some sort of "residual" memory of the island?)


    Man, I love this show!

  5. Juliet was recruited by Richard Alpert and Ethan, both theoretically working for an organization known as Mittelos Bioscience. By that time, the Purge had long since taken place and the Hostiles, under Ben Linus' leadership, had moved into Dharmaville/New Otherton and had taken over the buildings and grounds.


    Hope that helps!!


    Yep - what she said - it wasn't actually Dharma.

  6. I have just this week pulled my DS from school and will not be sending the 2 girls back next year. (oldest DS is in HS and loves it and the DS I just pulled will go on to middle school next year).

    Anyway here are the comments I am getting and I want to answer with well thought out answers.

    1. You aren't going to get all weird now are you?

    2. Your kids will not be able to adjust to classrooms after being home with you.

    3. Your kids will not have any social skills and be weird.

    4. They won't get into colleges.

    5. They won't get enough exposure to the "real" world.


    Thanks for your help.


    OOOHHh - this looks like a fun game! Of course, the "pass the bean dip" is the only worthwhile response, but here are my "dream" responses:D

    1. Oh, I certainly hope so!

    2. Oh, I certainly hope not!

    3. Yeah, like that Tim Tebow. Freak.

    4. Pshaw.

    5. If by real world, you mean a 30' x 30' room containing 20 of their peers and one adult who is there under duress, then I can live with that!


    (And this is from someone who has and will allow my kids to return to ps in the future! I'm not hostile to ps - these are simply ridiculous and ill-informed comments.)

  7. Those stories are hard for me to believe. My daughter went to ps for middle school last year. Any time I had a concern, I called and spoke with the principal and it was dealt with. Must be a really bad school....


    I know that I have heard stories like this from friends who are public school teachers about their coworkers, and in one case, the school principal (who, it was commonly known, had the window on her door covered with paper so that she and another female teacher could have trysts at lunch time.)


    This is at the large, very poorly performing, city school district in the area. The whole atmosphere sounded to be pretty oversexed in general. (In fact, a friend divorced her husband who taught at another school in the district after his affair with the teacher in the next classroom came to light.)


    Anyway, I don't find these stories to be hard to believe at all, in certain areas. If a culture pervades that accepts and tolerates this kind of crap, parents have very little chance of making a dent in it. However, I also know of several schools (our local district included) which has school leadership who would never let it get close to this point.

  8. I was a confirmed batter-eater..until I got salmonella. I was so very sick. Now I no longer eat batter and I have an empty spot in my heart that the batter flavor used to fill.:crying:


    :grouphug: Oh - I understand this. It will probably take samonella to put me off "licking the spoon".

  9. I have a Henckel's 4 Star that I've had for 14 years...I wouldn't trade it for anything! BUUUUUT, it wasn't cheap, even then.


    So I checked Cook's Illustrated reviews for you (I had remembered they had reviewed "cheap" chef's knives a few issues back). Their highly recommended top pick of for a chef knife under $50 was the Forschner Victorinox Fibrox Chef's Knife for $22 (to read link you have to have an online subscription). The review is as follows:



    One tester summed it up: "Premium-quality knife at a bargain price." Knives costing four times as much would be hard pressed to match its performance. The blade is curved and sharp; the handle comfortable. Overall, "sturdy" and "well- balanced."



    Second place was Wüsthof Gourmet Cook's Knife for $49.95.


    To read all of the reviews with a subscription, here's the link.


    Wow! Thanks for this info. I've been putting off even looking for a good quality knife because I "knew" it would run me $100+ I'm definitely going to take a look at this one!

  10. Can I ask what kind of deal you were able to get?


    With Toyota's rebate offer right now, we ended up at 18% off MSRP. Even a little better than we had hoped because it had been a "demonstrator", so it already had 1600 miles on it (and we used that to talk them down another $1000). Edmunds.com was good for research into invoice price (including options) and this spreadsheet was great for figuring out the dealer's actual cost. According to those sources, I got it for 1.1% over dealer cost. (?!)


    We knew what model we wanted, with what features, so I e-mailed that info to 8 dealerships in our area, and asked them for their best prices. Of the 8, 2 didn't respond at all, 1 responded and didn't want to play that game, 1 wouldn't budge off of MSRP, and the other 5 gave me prices. Of those, 3 said "call me back; we can beat any offer by $100" - but I tried to make it clear up front that I wasn't coming back around.


    For the first time ever, I felt like I got a good deal on a car. I'm just hoping, like I said, that it's as reliable as the last Toyota I had! Dawn's info put my mind at ease a bit. We shall see.

  11. When I got out the title for the trade-in, I was amazed to see that we actually paid $2800 less than we did 10 years ago! It's a similar model, with nicer features.


    So...is it because of the recession? Cheaper construction? And would that be body/features or engine? Is it the Toyota recall situation? The new body style/2011's come out next month (Feb.), so maybe they just want to get rid of the old ones?


    We were overjoyed with the deal we found after soliciting quotes, but I have to say it worries me just a bit, because we're intending to keep this one another 10 years (and 200K+ miles!), so I'm hoping they haven't been cheapened up to keep cost down. :(


    Any thoughts or experience on this?

  12. Here's an evalutaion of the Washington DC Opportunity Scholarship program. (By the Department of Education, no less!) It was rather inconveniently issued around the same time that the program was being killed for this school year. (I think that was the result? The program was scrapped?) It seemed to be working there.


    And here are links from the Alliance for School Choice - scroll down for "independent research". That could keep you busy all day!

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