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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. I think the truly hurtful part is when the person being unfriended felt the relationship more than the person doing the unfriending. Its always hard to feel like you were more invested in a relationship than someone else. If it was just a person that I had me on their list because they saw me once at this thing and I just liked what they posted then I would not be hurt if they unfriended me.

  2. To me it looks like he is trying to use his phonics skills but 1st isn't reading carefully enough completely through the word....2nd he needs to start monitoring his reading and if the word does not make complete sense he needs to notice and stop reading go back and look at the word again. You could stop him after an error (right after or at the end of the sentence) and ask if that made sense, would you say it that way and he should say no, if he says yes you read it the way he did and say no that doesn't make sense. Then tell him to go back and reread it looking carefully at all the letters in all the words. Doing this a few times should help him start to realize that he needs to be noticing for himself if what he is reading is right.

  3. I use yahoo groups...and actually just set one up for a group I am in. I like getting the emails....and I get lots in some...I just delete what doesn't apply. That said...I have found that having gmail which links up all the emails from the same thread really helps in understanding and following the group because I don't have to go searching to find the first post it is at the beginning of my email group.

  4. Ukiah (in Mendocino County) is one of the bigger towns in the county. It is about 45 mins north of Santa Rosa on 101. It is a nice area with a basic community college Mendocino Community College, and they do dual enrollement (or did 10 years ago). It is more townish and just a short way away is country life. It is very very very wine country. Its about 1 hour from Fort Bragg which is right on the coast and about 2 hours from Humbolt. Also has Lake Mendocino and about 45 mins from Clear Lake.

    That said I DO NOT recommed anywhere in Lake County (where Clear Lake is) because while beautiful there is nothing for teen to do and basically it was drinking and all that goes along with that in high school.

  5. Perhaps you could change at least the age range if your family is dead set on a yankee swap every year. Perhaps you could suggest that 2 games are played one for the under teen age and one for the adults/teens. That way the kids buy kid gifts and the adults can do adult gifts and the kids at least are less likely to walk out with a vase or some such gift they really wouldnt like.

  6. Inadequately prepared teachers is a HUGE one. Many teachers are very unfamiliar with the way they were trying to teach the math and were not able to truly help the children move to complete understanding. Many let children sit in ineffective techniques for too long and never really made it automatic. There is also a huge disconnect from children learning the math facts....which are important when children are not getting automatic numeracy understanding which many teachers were not getting children too...so the children had HUGE gaps in basic understandings.


    Side Rant: Many teachers are teachers not because they were best in math, actually most of the ones I knew HATED math of any kind. I believe that teacher experiences with math really impact how the children in their class do with math. Most teachers love reading and that is why literacy is better taught in schools than math. End rant


    Another big issue was getting everyone around the "new" math ideas. Many schools weren't able to really show the value of the program and all any one saw was that children were not getting the basic mathematic understandings for their childhood such as borrowing in addition and subtraction. Parents weren't able to help with math which left them out in the cold about what their children were learning. It was a HUGE PR problem in the schools that I worked at that did it...and again if the teachers were not really understanding/liking/able to teach the program then they were not helping the parents see the value of it and many times were agreeing with the parents that hated it.


    Personally I think that the "new" math programs can be amazing IF everyone is really invested and if the teacher/parents really understand how to get the child to true mathematic understanding and not let them sit on a crutch like counting on fingers or a numberline or what not.


    Honestly when I taught "new" math I saw children who learned incredible things about math but I also had a teacher helping me in my classroom 2 times a week helping me learn how to move children through the underlying skills until they truly had numeracy understanding and could add or subtract as fast as a child who had memorized the facts...because they had memorized them and internalized it...but many many many of the other teachers I worked with did not have the help and didn't really invest in the program.



  7. The problem is that dividing in k means children can never get out of the group they were placed in at 5. That is why they don't ability group because it is wrong....now allowing true differentiation is a different story. Schools need to figure out a way to let kids move at their own levels and not in a factory made manner. Many schools do this in reading but they really should do it for all subjects.

  8. I don't. :D


    I've been on the receiving end of store managers who feel the need to "throw their weight around." And even when nothing illegal actually happen not receive an apology, or the manager even back down. 'Course I wound up going up the chain later and the manager was "removed" from her position. ;)


    So no, a store manager going to the extreme of prosecuting both parents, insisting that they BOTH be arrested at the SAME time, and forcing the police to put their child into protective custody for the accused "theft" of a 2-for-1 sandwich special totaling $5... strikes me more as a store manager who was on a power trip.


    The above were reportedly options given the store manager to deal with it... not prosecute, or even arrest one now and arrest one later (thus eliminating the CPS issue), but the store manager refused.


    Even if the store had some sort of zero-tolerance policy, the police gave the store manager a viable alternative, which would have met the "letter" of the arguable "store policy" of zero-tolerance (both parties being arrested), and he insisted that they BOTH be arrested at. that. time.


    I wanted to highlight this part. The police did give options to the store that would not result in the child being taken and yet still allow the store to prosecute for shoplifting. Yes it was stealing none the less the reaction of removing a child from their parents for 18 hours, when the parents were only in custody for about 3 is a gross over reaction. Ever hear of making the consequence fit the crime. This was 5 dollars in merchandise and yet a child was removed from the only people she knew for 18 hours. That is the part that is wrong. The parents accidentally stole something but that does not mean that a child should be removed from their custody over 5 dollars in sandwiches. That is why Safeway says they may have over reacted...because they were given options that would have still ended in arresting for shoplifting but not had the child removed and the manager did not, he was wrong too just as the couple was wrong for eating and not paying.

  9. Also if you let them know your situation they may work even more with you...we are getting some therapy for dd that is covered if you have medicaid but if not it is a sliding scale...we make way more than the sliding scale but the therapist saw how much we needed and knows about our financial needs and made a special arrangement...it is still a pinch to the budget but my dd needs it and it is helping her

  10. I personally think that early intervention is important....but isn't there a way you can get it free? I know our early intervention is all free regardless of income or insurance...Getting the help now while they are little means that they may not need it when they are older. It can also catch other problems before they become a big deal. Good luck with the decision its hard when it ends up costing money.

  11. Huge Bones fan here too :001_smile: Can't wait till next Thursday (well Friday actually - we watch on hulu) For those of you who want to catch up and get all the tidbits about the new season - as well as watch the promo videos and other fun stuff bones-spoiler-blog is great fun! Looks like it gonna be a good season.


    Actually Fox has changed its hulu agreement and none of its shows are going on Hulu until 8 days after they air :(

  12. Please leave negative feedback! That is the only way of protecting others from having things like this happen. Thankfully the only time I had a problem, seller took my money never sent the product, Paypal sided with me and I was able to get my money back. But it turns out at least 1 person before me had the same problem and didn't leave feedback...and at least 4 other after me had the same thing happen. Accurate feedback is very important!

  13. Finger pointing is a very very beginning skill that needs to be removed when children are able to track the print on a book with more than 1 line of print that is in their just right reading level (not to hard just a few words to sound out). Remember adults will use their fingers if they are reading a dense print book that is outside their realm of understanding (think really hard chemistry type book)...but the goal is to only use it a very short time then put it away on hard text. So first I would make your oldest use his own finger he may be using yours because he really doesn't get directionality of reading yet and you are his crutch. What you have said about him really makes me think he has a really hard time with directionality. I would have him work on using his finger to track print while you are reading to him so that he gets really use to tracking the print but doesn't have to worry about the word work stuff. Then after he is consistent in that make him put his own finger in while he reads to you....then when he is consistent with that make it a game as to how many times he doesn't use his finger on a book.


    Your girls are appropriately using their fingers although if you feel like your oldest dd's finger might be slowing her down when reading you can start encouraging her to take it out, that good readers only use their fingers on tricky parts and again make it a game to see how many times she doesn't need her finger. Your littlest will probably need the finger until she is reading books that have more than 1 line of print just to make sure she gets the directionality needed to read English in her head.

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