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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Robin, thank you, as always, for this wonderful thread. :grouphug: I read End of Discussion - 4 Stars - This book is a wonderful read and an important one. There were many parts that got me extremely frustrated – those were the parts that were truly eye-opening. The authors are intelligent and have a great deal of common sense, which is quite refreshing in today’s world. As with anyone, I didn’t agree with them on every single issue and they don’t expect you to. We’re never going to agree with anyone on every single issue, although it would be nice if we did! Their chapter on rape culture was fabulous and enlightening, as was most of the book. The authors also have a lovely sense of humor, making it an entertaining read as well. Unfortunately, as is usually the case, those who need to read this the most, probably won’t. I really like these authors and am going to look into their blogs/articles. This book is definitely a must read for everyone. There are so many great quotes in this book. I will only include these two. “We must picture hell as a state where everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance, and resentment.†—C. S. Lewis, Preface to The Screwtape Letters, 1960 “If you start having a society where people are policing their own thoughts, now we’re back in Salem, Massachusetts, where literally, they didn’t do anything for fun, and then that pressure built up and they all went nuts.†My Good Reads page - if anyone wishes to add me as a friend. :) MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  2. Negin

    Hair Loss

    I would like to reiterate the importance of regular scalp massage. I try to massage my scalp every few days, or, at the very least, once a week before shampooing. I generally wash my hair once a week. There are scalp massage videos on You Tube.
  3. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. Many do. Have you seen my thread here? Maybe, hopefully, some of the tips will help.
  4. I read Mrs. Bridge - 5 Stars - I loved this book – my first 5-star read of 2016! I finished the last few pages sitting in the car while waiting for my son to buy lunch and was almost in tears. I came home and started telling my husband about it and then, of course, I was sobbing. It’s a perfect read, impeccably written, and unique. The chapters are short and a pleasure to get through. They’re more like vignettes than chapters. Parts of it are funny, other parts are heartbreaking. It’s a perfectly observed story of an upper-middle class American woman in the suburban Midwest before World War II. All in all, it’s a simple and subtle read. Nothing incredible or major happens. No huge plot twists and turns. Yet it has profound depth and is incredibly insightful. I plan on reading “Mr. Bridge†very soon, which is meant to be read after this one, I believe. It was published ten years later. I just remembered that both books were made into a movie with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. I haven’t seen it and am not sure if I will. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: to you both.
  6. We saw the movie years ago and I remember that we loved it. I barely remember it and definitely plan on reading it, hopefully soon.
  7. I read 11/22/63 - 3 Stars - When it comes to Stephen King, I have found that I prefer his movies over his books (I feel the same about Agatha Christie also). I want to love his books since I know that he’s a fabulous storyteller and great writer. Yet looking back at the few that I’ve read, I realize that I haven’t found any that I’ve really and truly loved. I seem to give most of them 3 stars. I think part of the problem is that his books drag on and on unnecessarily. Although I’m no fan of time travel-type stories, I chose to read “11/22/63†since a friend told me about the upcoming TV series and the trailer looks too good to pass up on. Overall, I enjoyed reading this and thought that the parts about Lee Harvey Oswald and his marital and family problems were very well presented. The first half was far more exciting and enjoyable than the second half, which I thought was excessively long and felt as if it took forever to finish, in true Stephen King style. I really do want to find a book of his that I will love and I haven’t given up on him quite yet. One of my favorite quotes from this book: “...stupidity is one of the two things we see most clearly in retrospect. The other is missed chances.†https://youtu.be/NXUx__qQGew MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  8. Sorry that you're feeling this way. Have you tried Lush Henna or Surya by any chance? They may have better results for you. Surya is easier to use. Lush is a bit more of a production. I've been very happy with it for a few years now. It doesn't cover all my grays, but it helps. Reading the reviews that are specific to the Lush color that you are interested in are very helpful. That's how I learned what to do.
  9. I read The Lost Continent: Travels in Small Town America - 4 Stars - I read parts of this during an extremely long wait in the doctor’s office with my daughter. There were lots of giggle-out-loud moments, and, of course, I’d interrupt her reading to hand her a short paragraph or two to read. It was fun to have her chuckle also. It also made the wait go by so much quicker. This isn’t my favorite Bryson book by any means, but as always, I thoroughly enjoyed his humor and wit. Many don’t seem to like this book, claiming that Bryson comes off as grumpy and overly critical. I wouldn’t recommend this book if one is sensitive to that sort of tone or feels offended by criticism of certain aspects of America (its consumerism, for example). If you’re the type to take such things personally, do not read this! His humor may be offensive and crass to some, but I didn’t mind it at all. This book was like experiencing a road trip across small-town America with a very witty and observant travel guide. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  10. Sadie, thank you for this. I just started reading it and looks like an excellent article.
  11. This article is a great one. "Fear of racism trumps feminism every single time." Also thought to share a quote from one of my favorite people ever, Golda Meir, the former Prime Minister of Israel. When responding to a request to impose a curfew on women as a result of a series of rapes, she said. “But it is the men who are attacking the women. If there is to be a curfew, let the men stay at home.â€
  12. I just finished reading The Power of Habit - 4 Stars - An interesting book to finish as many set New Year's resolutions (not me. I don't bother with that sort of stuff anymore.) I’ve been avoiding self-help books for some time, probably because I’m at a point where I find them annoying and a bit boring. I’d rather escape into some good fiction any day! I thought that this book would be yet another self-help book and so I’d been reluctant to read it for a while. I was wrong. It’s not a self-help book and it doesn’t tell you how to change your habits. In other words, it lacks solid advice. Rather, it presents real stories and anecdotes of how others have changed their habits. The overall approach of this book is one of: “Habits can be changed, if we understand how they work." If you’re looking for some informative and intelligent non-fiction to read, I recommend this. Some interesting quotes: “How do habits change? There is, unfortunately, no specific set of steps guaranteed to work for every person. We know that a habit cannot be eradicated—it must, instead, be replaced.†"Willpower isn't just a skill. It's a muscle, like the muscle in your arms or legs, and it gets tired as it works harder, so there's less power left over for other things." I also read The Best Skin of Your Life Starts Here - 3 Stars - I love Paula’s products and wish that I’d waited to get this book free with my Paula’s Choice order, rather than paying full price for it. This most recent book by Paula Begoun is very good, but not her best one. Other than a few small tips, I didn’t learn anything new really. Her two previous books pretty much say the same thing. If you order from Paula's Choice and manage to get this one free, it's worth a read. I wouldn't pay full price for it and I prefer her other books. . MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad. My Good Reads page if anyone wishes to add me. :)
  13. Angel, thank you. I agree with you completely. It's very frustrating to have to deal with that sort of victim mentality. Living like that and thinking like that is a complete waste of energy. What a sad way to live.
  14. Negin

    Hair Loss

    CAUSES Dietary/Nutritional Taking large doses of Vitamin A (100,000 IU or more daily) for a long period of time Poor Diet and Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies – particularly iron, protein, biotin, and other B vitamins Iron Deficiency (Up to 90 percent of women who experience hair loss also suffer from low iron levels) Eating raw egg whites Hormonal and Other Health Problems Androgens (male hormones) Discontinuing Contraceptive Pill Female Hormone Deficiency Menopause If one is experiencing "male pattern baldness" type hair loss, where the hairline begins to recede and is thin only on top and not all over, it can be caused by Metabolic Syndrome. Fat distributed around the waist can actually cause a rise in androgens (male hormones) causing this problem. It can also revert back to normal if you can get the fat off your waist. Pregnancy Autoimmune diseases – the immune system attacks the hair follicles Diabetes or High Insulin Levels High Fever Imbalance in Gut Bacteria Acute Illness Low Stomach Acid or Digestive Enzyme Insufficiency Thyroid problem – especially if you have dry skin, weight gain, and fatigue Thyroid dysfunction is a major factor in thinning hair. If you’re unable to lose weight but are losing hair (particularly in the eyebrows), consider a Tissue Mineral Analysis (TMA) test, which many have found to be a much more reliable guide to thyroid status than conventional blood tests. Using a small sample of your hair, TMA reflects how much thyroid hormone is utilized at the cellular level over a 3-month period, as opposed to blood values of thyroid (TSH, T3, T4) in the bloodstream at just one time. Your hair is literally a blueprint, metabolically speaking. Tissue Mineral Analysis is a simple, noninvasive way to determine mineral imbalances—like too much copper—that can depress thyroid function and lead to hair loss. PCOS can cause male-pattern baldness – one cause of PCOS is estrogen dominance. This hormonal imbalance is also associated with abnormal blood sugar levels, fat gain, and low adrenal function. Simply put, estrogen dominance occurs when there is more estrogen than progesterone in the system. Estrogen-like chemicals in the environment, emotional factors, stress, menstrual changes, and even lack of dietary fiber, which binds to excess estrogen to help move it out of the body, can all lead to this kind of hormone havoc. Environmental sources of hormones include parabens in cosmetics, pesticides, plasticizers, and the estrogen-laden feed given to livestock to fatten them up. The trouble is today’s factory-farmed food fattens us humans up as well! In addition to organic and grass-fed meats, a low-carb diet has been found effective for both PCOS and women going through perimenopause and menopause. Cutting out sugar and the reactive and processed carbs in grains will help immensely. Exercise helps normalize insulin and balance hormone levels, too! Severe lack of natural progesterone—which is the flip side of estrogen dominance—may be the primary culprit. Starting in the teens and 20s, a skipped period (indicating the failure to ovulate, which is somewhat similar to what happens when women begin going through perimenopause and menopause) can cause the adrenal cortex to secrete the steroid androstenedione—instead of progesterone. An alternate chemical precursor to the production of other hormones, this steroid hormone is associated with some male characteristics, one of which is male-pattern baldness. Chemicals, Drugs, Heavy Metals Harsh Chemicals and Hair Dyes Drugs – such as those used in chemotherapy High concentration of Metals in the body Radiation Exposure Many Medications – those to treat arthritis, cardiovascular problems, depression, gout, high blood pressure Antibiotics Anti-seizure drugs Excessive alcohol consumption Circulatory Problems Poor Circulation to the Scalp (daily scalp massage, brushing, lying on a slant board, yoga all help with this) Skin Problems Eczema Ringworm and other Fungal and Skin Infections (biotin may help here) Scalp Infections Other Causes Aging Genetic Predisposition Stress Surgery Sudden Weight Loss – yo-yo diet and years of constant dieting Tight ponytails WHEN TO SEE A PHYSICIAN If you are losing large amounts of hair, see a physician. It is normal to lose 50 to 150 hairs a day. If your hair appears to be dramatically thinning, it might be a sign of an underlying condition. While culprits can be as serious as thyroid disease and lupus, hair loss is most often caused by poor diet and stress. GOOD BOOKS The Hair Loss Cure: A Self-Help Guide by David H. Kingsley How to Beat Hair Loss by Antonio Alvi Armani, MD TO REVERSE DRAMATIC HAIR LOSS by 40 percent or more – virtualrealityhair.com helps particularly in cases of severe alopecia or cancer treatments The treatment is very expensive - $400 – and lasts for only a month (even through swimming, however). It can cover sparse patches with real hair that has been inserted into a nearly invisible second skin.
  15. Negin

    Hair Loss

    An acupuncturist may help develop an herbal formula that is tailored specifically to you, in addition to using the traditional needles to help restore hair growth. Herbs have a greater synergy with acupuncture, so you may see a greater benefit if you use both. Using a satin pillowcase may help because your hair is less likely to catch and pull on it as it would on a cotton pillowcase. A side benefit is that it helps save your hairstyle for another day, so you aren't pulling out more hair in the styling process. You can get them on amazon. Use the most natural hair products you can find.Look for ingredients such as biotin, silica, Aloe Vera gel, vitamins C and E, jojoba oils, chamomile, marigold, ginseng, or passionflower. Most health-food stores carry a variety of natural hair care products. Hair is fragile when it is wet. Gently pat your hair dry and squeeze out remaining moisture with a towel. Calm a hectic schedule. Stress signals the body to produce cortisol, which elevates levels of hair-loss-promoting hormones. There are several brands of sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfate shampoos are said to cause hair loss in many people. Traite by Mastey Pureology Onesta Alter your hairstyle and part in order to avoid constantly pulling your hair in the same spot or direction. Amish women, who wear their hair pulled back tightly the same way every day of their lives, experience baldness at their part. Hair loss is often from the eternal ponytail. Try to Avoid: • Hard brushing • Tight braids • Pulling hair back too tightly can make the hair thin in the front • Pulling hair too hard when blow-drying • Blow drying if and when you can • Commercial shampoos or rinses with artificial colors, preservatives, and dyes • Any shampoo with Sodium Laureth Sulfate. It's the ingredient that makes the shampoo foam up. • Harsh chemical products and hair spray • Pantene products causes hair loss for many • Never use a curling iron on wet or damp hair. This can cause serious breakage and damage in that spot. It is best to blow your hair all the way dry and not leave any wetness, not even a little. • Avoid backcombing or teasing hair. It is damaging, plain and simple. • Do not wash your hair with too hot water. • Do not wash your hair more than twice a week. • Do not comb the hair backwards. Use a good quality brush/comb. Avoid excessive brushing.
  16. Negin

    Hair Loss

    OTHER TIPS/THINGS TO CONSIDER Massage Scalp 1-3 Times a Day - You Tube has some videos that are very helpful. Press the bristles of your brush on your scalp and make several strokes from your hairline to the base of your neck. Then make small circles over your entire scalp. Alternate these methods for 90 seconds. Massage the scalp with a mixture of 1 tbsp olive/coconut/almond/any good oil and 8 drops each of of rosemary, thyme, and lavender essential oils. Leave it for on at least 30 minutes before shampooing. This helps to improve circulation to the scalp and nutrient flow to the hair follicles. When I do this, I wrap my head in a plastic bag and cover it with a towel. The extra heat seems to help absorption. After rinsing hair with cool water, rub scalp vigorously with fingers. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will energize the circulation of blood in the scalp, making the hair grow healthy, and strengthening the hair follicles This should be done for 10-15 minutes until you start to feel hot there. Treat your hair gently. Try not to use chemical hair dyes, use only natural products and a soft brush. Do not towel dry or heat dry your hair. Lie Upside Down Lie on a slant board OR have your head hanging off the edge of the bed for 15 to 20 minutes per day. This will cause blood to flow to the scalp. Blood flow and improved circulation are very important in preventing and treating hair loss. You an also massage your scalp while in this position. Yoga The regular practice of yoga and certain inverted poses help a lot in slowing down and preventing hair loss by boosting circulation. Specific Poses include:
  17. Negin

    Hair Loss

    EAT LESS The Standard American Diet is too rich in foods that actually starve the hair, such as fat, sugar, and refined foods. Eastern medicine says that eating too much meat can cause hair loss. This might very well be true. Cut down on sweets. Eastern medicine says that eating too much sugar can cause baldness on the sides of the forehead. Sugar is often a contributing factor in hair loss. After sugar is removed from some people’s diets, the hair-loss process is either halted or totally or partially reversed. Sugar, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol can all raise blood sugar and insulin levels, which can have a negative effect on hair follicles. Limit wheat bran, tea, and coffee. These can interfere with the absorption of minerals, such as iron, needed for hair growth. SUPPLEMENTS Don’t depend only on supplements. Diet is very important. If I had to choose only one supplement, I would choose Biotin. BIOTIN plays a key role in forming keratin, a protein that comprises healthy hair. It helps in preventive treatment for baldness It is interesting that biotin levels fall progressively throughout pregnancy (and that is when many women lose hair). Taking a 5-10 mg supplement can thicken hair shafts and encourage new growth. Not everyone needs to take that much unless if they're concerned about hair loss. Most B-complex supplements have sufficient biotin otherwise. There are no known cases of biotin toxicity, particularly since it is water-soluble. Biotin is rapidly metabolized and excreted, so it’s easy to be deficient. B COMPLEX – 50 mg twice a day or 100 mg once a day with meals. B vitamins are essential for the health and growth of the hair. B vitamins run low during high-stress times and are essential for healthy hair growth. Try to get a good B Complex that includes Biotin, Inositol, Choline, and PABA. Avoid B Vitamins that are less than 10 mg. It's a red flag if the B vitamins are at such low levels that they are insignificant and unhelpful to the human system in creating a strong basis for protection. CARLSON’S LIQUID FISH OIL - or any other good fish oil. Healthy hair needs essential fatty acids.
  18. Negin

    Hair Loss

    So many of us experience this as we get older, after having children, during times of high stress, etc. I thought I'd share what I've read over the years. Please feel free to add anything I may have forgotten or overlooked. Please share your experiences - what works for you, what didn't work, etc. These tips are lengthy and overwhelming My suggestion: just focus on what you can do and is realistic for you. As you try each new tip or approach, you may be able to slowly add other stuff. ---- When carrying out any of these methods, remember to be patient. Normal hair growth should resume within 6 months after starting any supplement or making any dietary or other change. EAT MORE The healthy condition of the hair depends, to a very large extent, on the intake of sufficient amounts of essential nutrients in the daily diet. Hair is made of protein and adequate protein is necessary for luxuriant hair. Protein makes up the building blocks of healthy hair. Women require 60 grams, men 80 to 90, adolescent boys and girls 80 to 100 grams of protein. It is supplied by plain yogurt, tofu, eggs, cheese, poultry, meat and fish. According to Adelle Davis, a world famous nutritionist, "Increasing the intake of protein, particularly of liver, wheat germ and yeast, and supplementing the diet with a teaspoon of inositol daily usually stops a man's hair from falling, and I have seen three or four persons whose hair became thick after these improvements were made." Persons with a tendency to lose hair should follow a well-balanced and correct diet, made up of foods which in combination should supply all the essential nutrients. It has been found that a diet which contains liberal quantities of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables, and fruits would provide adequate amounts of all the essential nutrients. Each food group should roughly form the bulk of one of the three principal. These foods should, however, be supplemented with certain special foods such as honey, wheat germ, yeast and liver. A lack of vitamin A may cause the hair to be coarse and ugly. A deficiency of some of the B vitamins, of iron, copper and iodine may cause hair disorders like falling of hair and premature greying. • Brown Rice • Lentils • Sunflower Seeds • Oats • Quinoa These all contain B vitamins and Biotin needed for healthy hair growth Up to 90 percent of women who experience hair loss also suffer from low iron levels. Iron builds red blood cells, carries oxygen, and aids in hair growth. Eat at least 3 daily servings of iron-rich foods. Vitamin C can increase iron absorption by as much as 30%. So drinking orange juice, eating strawberries, tomatoes, green peppers, etc. along with your iron-rich foods is a good idea. Iron-rich foods include: Eggs Fish Liver Meat Poultry Leafy green vegetables Whole grains Almonds Raisins Cumin is very rich in iron (above 66 mg. in each 100 grams) which is more than 5 times the daily requirement of iron for an adult. Cumin boosts energy. It’s also anti-inflammatory and inhibits the buildup of harmful protein deposits in the brain to boost mental energy. Foods rich in Biotin, B6, and B12 These 3 B vitamins promote growth from the follicle. Eggs are the best source, oral B-12, and or taking a good multi B vitamin. Cheeses, salmon, nuts and nut butters Silica aids in hair growth and makes the hair strong and shiny. The amount of silica that your body holds tends to decline with age. Good food sources include: beets, leafy green vegetables, bananas, and whole grains. Juicing veggies is very beneficial, for overall health also. Juicing is one of the best things you can do for your health and beauty. Essential Fats are needed for healthy hair and follicles: • Oily Fish • Nuts • Seeds Aim to eat fish 2-3 times per week and eat 2-3 tbsp of seeds per day. Take warming herbs and spices to improve circulation – such as small amounts of cayenne pepper, as well as ginger, cinnamon, and cumin. Add them to soups, stews, and casseroles.
  19. Probably my favorite cover, but not my favorite book: I gave it 3 stars, thinking throughout that it would be 4 or 5 stars for me. I read it because it takes place in Amsterdam and we were about to visit. We stayed at a B&B which was built in the same time period (1600's) and probably in the same type of location as where this story takes place.
  20. Which books or authors you thought you'd never read and were pleasantly surprised to like them? Jennifer Worth John Steinbeck John Williams ("Stoner") One book that touched you - made you laugh, cry, sing or dance! Most of the above, but if I had to choose just one it would be the entire Call the Midwife series, including her final one, "In the Midst of Life". Share your most favorite character, covers and/or quotes? All of the above, basically as far as characters go. I love Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Love Bill Bryson. Love them all. Far too many quotes to share. Here are some: From "Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant": “Once you pass your physical peak - let's say 25 - the falling off is incremental. Every year - unless something ‘happens’ - you get a little slower, a little saggier, until you hit 90. At that point, things start to fall apart at a much faster rate. Which is why when I hear about people trying to figure out how to live until they're 120, I want to ask them: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?†From "Nomad": “The trap of resentment. It is probably the worst mental prison in the world. It is the inability to let go of anger and the perceived or real injustices we suffer. Some people let one or two, or maybe ten unpleasant experiences poison the rest of their lives. They let their anger ferment and rot their personality. They end up seeing themselves as victims of their parents, teachers, their peers and preachers.†One book you thought you'd love but didn't? The Monuments Men What books would you recommend everybody read? "Infidel" followed by "Nomad" - pretty much all of the above, but hers especially. Favorite part of the challenge All of us being here - supporting one another and the consistency. :) Thank you Robin, for another wonderful year. :grouphug:
  21. How many books did you read this year and did you meet or beat your own personal goal? I don't like to set goals when it comes to reading. For Good Reads purposes, I kept adjusting my goal. Yes, I beat it. I read 60 books. Share your top 5 (or more) favorite books. I loved every single Bill Bryson and Jennifer Worth book. :)
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