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Posts posted by RENEEinVA

  1. Just wanted to let you know that this is year 2 of homeschooling high school for our older dd and it is going really well. She loves it which makes me feel better. She sees the benefits of having so much extra time to complete her homework, study for tests (in school and standardized), and participate in sports and music. Her younger sister, on the other hand, wants desperately to go back to school next year (9th) so we are looking at different options. I do believe she will do fine whether she stays home or goes back, but both my husband and I want her to be happy. Just remember,whatever you decide there is a wealth of information on this board. I consider all of the veteran WTM posters as my mentors, and their leadership and wonderful advice has made the last 2 years almost a piece of cake...almost. :)

  2. April had a great suggestion. Just try working backwards. My dd is using the Chalkdust program and in yesterday's lesson Mr. Moseley actually talked about working backwards if you get stuck. For example, to prove 2 triangles are congruent you could use SAS, AAS, etc. See what information is already given and then determine what else you need. If you have an angle and side from 1 triangle congruent to an angle and side from the other triangle then you only need to prove either one more side or one more angle congruent. Does that make sense? I have trouble with proofs as well, but the working backwards thing really helps me a lot. HTH

  3. I just had to post a reply for this one. This may have already been mentioned (didn't read all the posts), but we prefer to get a housesitter to watch the animals while we're away. We usually ask a friend. Friends' college-age kids are perfect for this. They like having a little freedom and earning a little extra spending money as well. It ends up being a lot cheaper than boarding the animals, and we don't have to worry about the house while we're away.:)

  4. How is the PA Homeschoolers AP Gov't course scheduled? Is it a semester or a full year?


    What is your time estimate per day for the course?


    Also, would you award 1 full high school credit for this course or just 1/2 credit?





    I should have answered your questions in my last post. Oh well.


    The course is a full year, however the actual teaching and homework ends in March so the kids have April to study and prepare for the exam in May. My dd spends at least an hour a day on homework. I am planning on awarding 1 full high school credit. HTH

  5. My dd was considering taking AP Govt thru' PA Homeschoolers this year (9th grade), but decided to take AP Human Geography instead. My dd is considering taking it AP Govt next year (10th) along with AP US Hist. b/c a fellow homeschool mom told her, there will be overlap in these two classes and one will re-enforce the other (her son took both at the same time- but he is a really smart kid). But, I'm a little hesitant b/c of her 10th grade class load. I was wondering, how many hrs daily/weekly did your dd need to complete AP Govt assignments/readings etc? Also, what did she think of the teacher (thru' PA Homeschoolers)?


    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, Sangita. I usually don't check the boards every day.


    I would say my dd averages about 7-9 hours of work a week (add on an hour if she is working on one of the practice essays). She is really enjoying the class and thinks the teacher (Mrs. Califf) is great. She seems to know the kids inside and out, based on her weekly emails (I read them because they tend to be quite entertaining). I think your dd will do just fine next year if she decides to take both classes. Just let me know if you need more specific information.


    Now, tell me what your dd thinks about the Human Geography class? My dd was thinking about taking that next year.

  6. My dd is doing only odds with CD and it usually takes her 2 days to complete a lesson. For the review chapters in the beginning, she could finish the lesson in 1 day but things are getting a little harder now. Our philosophy is to allow as much time as needed to complete a lesson. As long as she is putting in a minimum of 1 hour a day, we don't pressure her.

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