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Posts posted by RENEEinVA

  1. Well, I'll throw in my 2 cents. My older dd is mildly dyslexic and struggled mightily through a Spanish class last year. She switched over to French (MadameS. at The Potter's School) this year and it has been uphill ever since. I think a lot of it has to do with the teacher, and MadameS. is wonderful in our opinion. She is very passionate about the subject and we have been pleased with the results. My dd will continue with French II next year. I sound like a broken record but I highly recommend MadameS. She is worth every penny. :)

  2. My older dd spends about 10 hours a week on swimming activities (more if there's a meet). She also spends 4-6 hours a week on music. My younger dd spends about half as much time in the pool and with her music. So far, they have been able to maintain their grades along with the busy schedule. However, they are well aware that if the grades drop the activities drop right along with them. I think that is incentive enough for them to keep up the hard work. I'm fizzling out though. Summer will not come soon enough. Then maybe I'll have time to clean out my car.:)

  3. I agree. My eldest dd credits that course with teaching her how to write an academic essay. If you have time to do only one course, make it Language and Composition.




    My dd would like to try taking both classes (one junior year, one senior year). Does it matter which one comes first? Does the College Board website say anything about class order? Just wondering.

  4. Try switching curriculum. I know that's probably the last thing you want to do now, but my older dd ran into the same problem (& we happen to have been using Jacobs Algebra at the time). We switched over to another curriculum and it has been smooth sailing ever since. I think Jacobs was just a little too wordy for my dd. She just wants to see examples with explanations and go from there.

  5. My older dd is currently taking Anatomy & Physiology with Mr. Landry and my younger dd is in Pre-Anatomy & Physiology. I don't know much about his other classes, however both of my kids have learned a lot this year. They both enjoy the online portion with Mr. Landry, and the materials (books, lab equipment, etc.) are great. Mr. Landry is passionate about the subject and it shows. The experiments have been fun and engaging so far. I have nothing but good things to say.:)

  6. We are one of those families that seems to do well with Chalk Dust. So far, we have used Algebra I, Geometry, and half of Algebra II (older dd currently taking this) successfully. Both dds are mathy and pick up new concepts fairly easily. They don't always enjoy watching the lessons --especially if they are longer than 20 minutes-- but they find the material easy to understand. They prefer textbooks for math, and find the lessons and examples in the books easy to follow. Feel free to send me a message if you have any more questions.

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