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Baseball mom

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Posts posted by Baseball mom

  1. There was one checker at the grocery store who I tried to avoid because of her rude comments about hsing and how my dc should be in school, telling my dc that they are missing out by not going to school, won't be able to learn anything at home, etc. She also tended to quiz my dc.


    So once she asked my young ds an academic question, which he answered with a sigh (it annoyed him, too). Then I saw a twinkle in his eye, and he asked her what famous event happened in 1066, who were the key players, and what was its significance to world history. She stared at him because she had no idea how to answer, my ds was young elementary age at the time, and was looking at her, smiling, expecting an answer. She stammered, then muttered that she didn't know. My ds grinned and said something about maybe she should be in school instead of working at the store so she could learn things. You have to know my ds. Yes, it was a bit rude, but he said it with a big smile and an attitude that made it sound like a wonderful, innocent suggestion. (I was quietly proud.) But it worked. She stopped making comments and quizzing my dc after that.


    Love it :lol:

  2. ooohhh a deck....I want a deck. Congrats to you!!!


    Lunch was pizza, brought over by a sweet friend and a coke :D


    Up my craw? -- looking at your account online and seeing you actually have the money to pay it off :hurray: , then you call and find out it is quiet a bit more :glare: fees blah blah :angry:


    Thankful for

    1. my wonderful children.

    2. a friend that knew I wasn't feeling well and brought me and my kiddos lunch

  3. Ds writes and shoots a gun left handed. He plays baseball and does most other things right handed.


    When he was little I noticed he was using his left hand for alot of stuff. So from that point on I made a point to lay his pencil or fork in the center so he could choose which hand he felt more comfortable with.


    Same with baseball. If he wanted to bat left or right we let him, figured he might be a switch hitter.


    Eventually he figured out what he was comfortable with.


    Also with baseball for a while he would put the glove on either hand. He had both left handed and right handed gloves until he decided which felt better.

  4. Chocolate bunny, various other chocolate candy, peeps, jelly beans always.


    When the kiddos were younger they got bubbles, hot wheels, sand box toys, outdoor toys etc.


    As they got older things changed to whiffle balls and bats, frisbee, movie (to share), video game (to share), stuff for bikes.


    ETA: Use plastic eggs for hiding. We do color eggs but those are eaten over the next day or 2. Plastic eggs used to fill in the Easter baskets. Put candy and small stuff in them.

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