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Posts posted by Tammyla

  1. :hurray: Not sure how to vote, but I like both Liz and Beth.  I had two Elizabeth friends in high school and one went by Liz and the other by Beth, parents and grandparents called them Lizzie and Bethie as littles and occasionally later.  I'd choose Lizzie over Bethie, but like Liz and Beth.  Oh, and I love Elizabeth and wouldn't want a nickname, but they happen :hurray: .

  2. I vote for Vitamin; just can't imagine life without it now...No smoothies and hot-soup...no way :laugh: .  And I never want another blender that has me cleaning or handling the blade.  Confession, I have no idea what a Blendtec is, but I do use my vitamix everyday and have since December.


    I do use it for things other than the smoothies and hot-soups.  Honestly, I'm still discovering what it will do and I love the no-dishwaser or sink cleanup; love, love , love that it cleans itself in a minute.  I do have the wet and dry containers, so I'm able to do a lot of things.  Peanut butter is pretty awesome without all the processed yuck in it.  I'm going to try grinding flour in it after I use up stash.

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  3. There is another style cup that we used.  It's clear and has a slated/vented ledge that the pill sits on; you put liquid in the bottom and simply drink the pill.

    We've tried the straw tactic and that hasn't worked, yet, either.  I tried putting the whole capsule in the applesauce, but that didn't work. Now I'm back to emptying the capsule onto the applesauce.

    We'll try the big swallow w/ no pill and the m&m idea, too.


    When I learned, it was because I realized that I was swallowing pieces of food that were bigger than pills. But that hasn't helped, either.


    Anyone tried this cup?


    ETA:  Nerds are tiny!  Maybe we'll start there. Peas, too, are smaller than the capsules and my dd likes frozen peas, so there wouldn't be that initial psychological block against nasty tasting pills going on.


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  4. Our state also requires us to insure all licensed drivers living in our home.


    In your case, I would take away the car and leave her insured.  I'm not sure how she would or could earn back the convince of the car, but that would be decision if it was an ongoing safety issue.

  5. :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: Knowing when to move on can be really difficult.


    I have a dear friend who homeschooled for years and found herself divorcing.  Her ds was in 9th and her dd entered high school as a senior; oldest is now in college, finishing up this year and her youngest is a senior.   I just wanted to add this because she was so worried about her kids adjusting.  They did have their share of bumps in the road, but it has worked out very well overall.

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  6. :grouphug:   Our local districts require the birth certificate and proof of residency; they also allow for open enrollment through the end of February.  They all test the student in for high school, but simply enroll for earlier grades.  Check with your local school or schools and find out just what your options and requirements are.  (I also think of 8th grade being easier to transition into and then moving up to high school within the school system.)  Our local high schools are very big and would overwhelm many new students.



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  7. I was going to repeat the...make him remove it...However, now I'm wondering if he is messing with you.  Does he know you you spoke with people about his work?

    It does make things shine because it leaves an oily residue.  He lied outright and denied him or his men using goo gone on anything.  I saw the bottle of goo gone a couple of days ago, and two of the children saw him on his hands and knees with a rag and the goo gone bottle, rubbing it on the floor.  He ruined my brand new mop which I had just bought because his men broke my last mop.  I don't know what he did with it, but I can't get whatever it is out.  I had just bought it and never used it.  They also used our animal water buckets, some of which I just got last week, with cleaners and chemicals.  So now I have replace (again) my mop and get new buckets because I can't take a chance on making my animals sick.  I'm at the point of just getting rid of him and fixing his mess after he is gone, but I have been advised (lawyer and another contractor) to let him "finish" to avoid being sued for breach of contract.  The longer he stays, the more mess, work, and money it is for me.


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