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Posts posted by Tammyla

  1. I think an apology would be nice, since this wasn't an isolated incident and you want to continue a relationship.  You may want to review the conversation from their side and see how you might disagree in the future without offending the other party; since you mentioned other people thinking you were arguing.  It's hard balance to find, but if this is going to reoccur it would be worth working on your delivery and acceptance of opposing viewpoints.



    I can't make this too detailed, but I had a conversation with someone close to me which while I knew I upset the other party, I didn't define as an argument.  They did (as in, I'm trying to change their mind), and they felt disrespected.  I am confident I didn't say anything nasty, negative, or with an aggressive tone.  I made a frank statement, though, from a drastically differing viewpoint (with "I" phrasing).  The application of this discussion directly affects how my children participate in a certain activity, so it wasn't just idle opinion swapping.  (Think about how different perspectives lead to different homeschooling methods or different levels of parental permission; same concept here).


    This isn't an isolated incident with this person, but I've also noticed some other people respond similarly--as if I'm arguing when I think I'm simply presenting my (differing) perspective.  I know I'm not using nasty tones or language, but I'm open to the possibility that my phrasing could be improved.  I also realize that perhaps it's a temperament thing on the other person's part and I need to be more careful if/when I recognize it.  I'd like to find the balance between throwing "me" all over people and being a silent doormat or just adopting the other person's view (I used to do that on everything).


    So I'm wondering if there's a way to apologize for the result, without sounding backhanded?  Or if I should just drop it?  We see each other regularly.  And if anyone has any favorite resources on conflict resolution or just generally how to communicate clearly and neutrally, I'd love for you to share.


  2. This is about how my dog acted when he was in an uncomfortable place.  So we only took him to uncomfortable places when we had to (such as, the vet).


    It's probably not fun for the dog!  Dogs don't act that way when they're happy, right? 

      Yes, the dog seems very uncomfortable/irritated.  I'm not the only one who avoids them.  

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  3. I understand privacy laws, and love pets...However, I would like to see pet licensing and insurance requirements for people who bring them into public places.  


    One of our Walmarts' is frequented by a man who brings in a big ( around 100lbs) dog that displays aggressive skittish behavior.  The dog growls, occasionally barks, hunches his shoulders and jets his head down; the man with him loves the attention.  


    Fyi Walmart, I leave the store when that wacko (the owner) is in there.

    • Like 1
  4. I get her point about not considering one a "magic bullet."  Nothing is and you need to weigh her rec with your actual use of one.  I would check back with her or do a little research on how to make good protein drinks in one.


    I do use it to make veggie-fruit smoothies daily, but I do keep them low calorie and use yogurt as my protein.  It's an excellent soup maker too :rolleyes: .   


     If I didn't have a Vitamix, my  consumption of fruits and veggies would be 10% of what it is now.  I pretty much eat banana, spinach, kale, carrots, peaches, berries, apples and what ever is in season daily.  And of course ymmv :001_smile:   My hot soups are what ever veggies from the bin aren't super fresh or frozen ones with broccoli and what ever else is found.


    I love fresh peanut, cashew or almond butter that contains just nuts.


    I still love mine, but don't have any limits on natural sugars. :001_tt1:     Come over and try my Vitamix.

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  5. Switch brands and use unscented.  I can use Always, but not the foam ones or any scented brand.  For cloth I keep a terrycloth bag for storage and toss it all in the wash.  I'm not crazy about cloth out of the house.


    For cloth a former boarder makes (or used to make) some wild colored and printed ones that make it though the laundry without stains. (I can find her info if anyone wants it.)  I also have organic cotton ones, but I'm icked out by staining and don't want to spend the time and effort on laundry and I don't like bleaching and then rinsing them over and over.

  6. Poor woman, I feel sorry for her.  Now she's a widow dealing with a drug addicted son.  Personally my focus would be to try and support her.  She may be helped with therapy, attending al-aon and lots of TLC.  



    I would try and get the siblings together and make a united front to get their brother into a treatment program.


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