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Posts posted by Tammyla

  1. I'm so sad and sorry reading that, but I wouldn't send it either.  Consult with your attorney before you do anything...



    And I'm just putting this out there in a spirit of support and hope, consider talking to counselor of some type.  Family counseling might be another good idea with the girls to help move forward. :grouphug:

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  2. We purchased a car last year, and yes the sales people do try to steer you to what they want to sell.  Just pick a sales person and give them the specs and exactly what you want...then tell them to call you when they have it.  It's less work for them to sell you whats on the lot and it might mean less $$$ if they have to get a vehicle from another dealer, but they do it all the time.   Also if you can bend on something like color...(Don't tell them.) but that's an easy way to get the car you want for possibly less money esp. if it's on their lot.


    Good luck, be strong and willing to invest some time and effort on-line helps, but as someone mentioned, they often don't actually have the car yet, or it sold or whatever :auto: .  Towards the end of the month is a better time to buy, oh and summer is their big-easy selling time...lots of people want to buy a new car in the summer.

  3. Ulta is a good shopping option.  Ask someone working there for a recommendation and mention using it with a toddler.  The professional dryers are what salons use and they are that expensive,  not that I would shell out that much for a blow dryer.  (Admitting, I'd love to have one though.)

  4. Why can't the relative drive to see dh in the city your mom wants to see?


    :grouphug: On the reactions...expect them to happen.  I've learned to attempt not saying the first thing that pops in my mind especially if I have pms.  Work on saying things like, sorry that came out wrong.


    On a lighter side, spending a vacation in the car with my mil...I'd steal what you said. :huh:

  5. Didn't she live alone for a long time.  It may be an adjustment just eating with others regularly; she may also enjoy the banter without joining or expressing it outwardly.  Also...how is her hearing?  

    There's no reason me can't carry on as before, but it just doesn't seem to happen. I wonder why?


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  6. Here goes some more advice on saving money, but it's free and we all know what that means.    Before you head out and look for another job and increase your income (which will work towards his benefit), check into any benefits you might qualify for with your state.  Even when not qualifying you may be able to get one time only assistance.  Many food banks and churches have pantries you can try and for summer our place of worship is feeding kids lunch in the parks.  The schools have free breakfast for all children under 17 in my sisters state.  


    Cutting budgets is often overwhelming...Have you checked out Dave Ramsay or others in the field.  Our library has a big selection on cutting back. :grouphug:


    Expect you ex to be a heartless unsympathetic jerk at least through the divorce, that is what his lawyer and those advising him will recommend.  He may also just be a donkey-butt forever.

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  7. :grouphug: Do listen to your lawyer not your ex.  If you don't have a set visitation schedule in place; have your attorney draw one up.  I can imagine how hard it is on you and your ds, but hopefully things will smooth out over time once things settle down.  It often takes finalizing the actual divorce to come to a more amicable shared custody.


    If you have a divorce support group meeting near you...attend one.  Many of our local churches have them and being a member is not required.  You would meet sympathetic people there offering support and btdt shoulders.


    On the school, most places have open enrollment options.  Get the info and stall (listen to your lawyer) on doing anything about the house.  Your dh....He wants you to do what he wants... to stress you till you cave and give in. :grouphug:  



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  8. I'm so shocked she would ask for that at the last minute and then respond in such an insulting back handed way.  To me it's still a very generous expensive main-course dish to bring, and I'm shocked she would request it.

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  9. I would be put off by the timing in this case coupled with not having the ingredients on hand.  Don't get me wrong, I love bringing re-requested dishes, I just need time to prepare and budget/shop for most things.


    That said, dh is notorious for asking me the day before a work potluck for something "they" liked :drool5: ; he is however willing to shop on the way home for the stuff.



    And the artichoke dish would always be welcome on my table :hurray: .

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  10. :bigear:


    Any suggestions on how to get caffeine into a kid who hates coffee and soda? Would tea work?


    Also, OP, you might check into the book The Mood Cure. I just recently listened to some of the audiobook, and I know the author mentioned ADD/ADHD, but because it was in passing and I was listening for different info, I can't recall exactly what she recommended. I have a hard copy coming, but it's not here yet, so I can't give you more specific info, but if you can get your hands on a copy (Kindle would be super fast, of course), there might be something there to help you. I think she suggested that parts of her "master supplement plan" are effective for treating the neurological issues that are at the heart of ADHD, but that's all I can come up with from memory. (As for the book itself, I used its recommendations in treating depression and anger years ago and they helped me A TON, so I do trust the author. It might just be a matter of pinpointing the correct supplements with a little trial and error.) 


    ETA: Here are some links that might get you started:





    I have used 5-HTP with very positive effects for myself, but it was for depression. I know I was able to get my head together better during that time in general, but I don't know if that was a result of decreasing the depression or boosting the serotonin directly or something else. I wasn't paying too much attention to the ADHD stuff at that point! I'm going to be adding tyrosine, tryptophan, and GABA back into my own supplement regimen this week, so I can try to update in a week or so with results.


  11. :iagree: with Karen, welcome to the dark side :closedeyes: .  Be prepared for people to try to lure you back in.


     I'll be honest and admit letting go wasn't easy, and I am occasionally tempted, but can't take on another time drain or the headache of some peeps.  

  12. Michelle, something was bothering me after reading the thread yesterday, and as mentioned it was his getting good grades on top of his struggles.  


    The reason I mentioned the public school or a private place like S ullivan was that I don't think his current school has the resources to help him successfully.  He may need to switch for the coming year, but be able to return later.

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  13. Oh, and I forgot to say, that I have all kinds of fitting clothing.  Most days I try to dress nicely in well fitting, but comfortable clothing.  I do not like super-tight jeans; they are too uncomfortable, but I have found a few different styles that fit and flatter by body type.  (I do have a problem with pants/jeans being too big in the waist if the hips fit; they leave a big old-gap back butt-pocket, and I can't stand that look.)  Personally, I think most all of us have our fitting obstacles or quirks. :huh:

  14. I would insist on having the car checked by a mechanic, then I would consider offering to have the car fixed at a dealer or mechanic of your choice or take it back and refund his money.   I only say that because it happened so quickly.  

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  15. First, get some t-shirts or tops from the ladies department that you like.  That should be pretty easy to begin with. and mens t-shirts ten to be boxy and not as flattering on most women.  I agree Old Navy or another store  like Maurice's might work better for you in the jeans department.  Look for slim fit legs with what ever waist size you are.  Another great option is to find a better denim fabric that has a lot of stretch to it = not all cotton or super high cotton content will stretch out for you shape and not be so big in the bottom and legs.


    Don't be discouraged.  It may take you a couple of stores and time in the dressing room (ask the sales associates for help; that's why I rec'd Maurices or Old Navy) but once you find a good jeans...it will be worth it.  You'll look taller and skinner in the right fitting clothing :thumbup: .

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  16. Michelle, 


    Busy here, and haven't read the replies yet.  I am wondering if another possibly public school might be an option.  They would likely want to test him for placement and have more resources if he needs further resources with reading specialists.  


    I feel for the little guy, and would definitely want to assist him to success in the best option for learning and making progress.  You might (if money isn't a problem) consider a place like S  ulivan Learning for the summer.  They have testing resources and might be able to make his current school and the next grade an option.

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