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Everything posted by Tutor

  1. Alright, I have to start by saying that I read the first 3 ans thought to myself, "Well, cr*p! All of those weird me out and I want them to be false, but only two can be. Poor Jennifer." LOL! 1. True. You are so open and approachable I can totally see this happening to you. 2. False. Because I picked the three I thought were true first, and this was one of the two left. 3. True. Because I often keep things out guilt, and I can completely sympathize with someone who has inherited urns containing the remains of family members and not having a clue what to do with them and just popping them up on the mantel and forgetting about them. 4. False. See #2 5. True. Because this would be a great story.
  2. 1. True. I think you met him then but didn't start dating until later... and one of you probably doesn't even remember this meeting. 2. False. I ran out of trues to hand out. 3. True. Too many details of something so scary that it has to be true. 4. True. You probably worked as an usher or theater volunteer somewhere. 5. False. It's too scary to think that something this Laurel and Hardy is true.
  3. 1. True. 'Cause I wanted to do this and chickened out, and I know you are braver than me. 2. False. Because something has to be false. 3. False. Too crazy to be true, so it probably is, but... well, see #2. 4. True. Isn't is a rule that everyone who does a summer missions trip has to do one in Mexico? 5. True. Because it's a great story if it's true.
  4. 1 & 2. True. I just like the irony of them both potentially occurring at the same time. 3 True. I think you are bold enough to have done this. 4 False. I just don't think this is the death-defying activity. 5. False. Because something else has to be false.
  5. 1. During my first, and subsequently last, manicure, I passed out from pain. 2. I turned down an offer to take over half-interest in a medical practice. 3. My fourth child was born on a bridge on the way to the hospital. 4. My behind appears in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. 5. I was excused from a grad school class because I walked in very pregnant and carrying a dozen roses.
  6. I liked that Volty qualified his choices, so I am going to do the same: 1. True. Let's face it, we all did. 2. True. Because I think #3 is true and because I am a popcorn lover too. 3. True. For two reasons: a) I am pretty sure you mentioned in the thread on knowing famous people that you mentioned a member of the Seagulls and b) you wrote "Seagals" and not "Seagulls" so it shows loyalty to the squad over the team 4. False. Okay, this is probably true, but I ran out of options for false. 5. False. As Volty said, everyone loves dogs, but there is an exception to every rule, and this would be a great time to highlight where you are an exception.
  7. I started my blog as a way to keep friends and family up to date on our family, so I sent anyone I thought would be interested an email with the address and many began subscribing to receive updates. Then I began blogging about my thoughts on politics and religion, I wrote some poems, shared some dreams... it has been a wonderful outlet for me. A place to vent, a creative outlet. Since I tend to be shy face-to-face, even with my family (although not with my dh or kids), it has been a great way to open discussion with family and friends about topics that I may shy away from bringing up in person in daily conversation. One thing I don't do is talk about other people in my daily life without their consent or discussing a topic with them first (for example, I posted a couple times on a Sunday School class I attended where the pastor discussed the role of women in the church; I didn't agree with the pastor in many aspects and posted about where I disagreed, but I discussed this disagreement with my pastor before I posted. I wouldn't want someone reading my blog and going to him saying, "Do you know what she said about your class?" without him knowing what I would have said in advance. KWIM?) Now I list my blog address in my signature here and in my email.
  8. We love P.J. O'Rourke but hadn't read this. Thanks for sharing it.
  9. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but why did your family and church discourage you from finishing school? I'm just curious. You can PM me if you don't want to answer here... or just not answer. I was just curious. :o
  10. We bring: -backpacks (each person carries their own) -camera -notebooks -pencils -zipper bags (unless we are in a state or national park or nature preserve where sampling is generally illegal) -water bottles -snacks and/or lunch -first-aid kit -garden gloves (so we can pick up items with thorns or muddy) -sunscreen -insect repellent -hat -kerchiefs (great for holding rocks, wrapping dirty specimens, wiping sweat, holding on a bandage...) -nature guides
  11. We're going without health insurance since I can't bring myself to put the kids on the gov't plan. I wish all insurance were just wiped out and made illegal. That would bring healthcare costs down pretty quick. (Well, I don't really wish that 'cause that wouldn't be very libertarian of me, but I do wish more physicians stopped accepting insurance. Those that don't have much more reasonable prices than those that do.)
  12. Sofa-sized futon (which needs new cushions), stuffed armchair with ottoman, rocking chair, padded bench, and floor pillows. We had the two sofa arrangement in our last place and loved it, but we have a small living room here and arranging furniture in it is a bear.
  13. We have a generic foam mattress (a Tempur-Pedic knockoff), and we really like it. I don't know what a TP mattress generally costs, but our foam mattress cost us about $175 (I think that included shipping, I can ask dh) for a queen-size.
  14. I've done that, too. Right now, my dh is on a news fast because he found himself getting so angry and discontent watching the primary coverage. Definitely not good for maintaining self-control.
  15. Depending on the ages of my children, I will either let them know that I sought advice or ask their permission to share information about them in order to help them better as their parent. It depends on the situation and the severity/ urgency of the issue being discussed. That said, I am generally very selective about who I share very personal and potentially embarrassing or hurtful information with... about me, my dh, or my children.
  16. We are teaching our boys and girls (after teaching ourselves) basic survival skills like target shooting (archery, slingshot, and ultimately riflery, but we're not sure on that yet) and fishing. If we catch something, we will use as much of it as is usable. (Right now we are just using targets.) This teaches them respect for nature and God's provision. These skills can always be useful. Just because our society isn't dependent on those skills for survival now, doesn't mean they won't be. It is always helpful to know those things in case of emergency, as well. We also teach them skills from games like chess. The thought processes learned in these types of games have applications in many areas... plus it's just fun.
  17. I hear ya! I just met with an ins agent about getting self-employment ins. All that we want is an HSA and high deductible major med, and the premiums are insane. Just opening an HSA is a nightmare. Between investigating ins. and paying my taxes (this is the first year I'm self-employed), I'm surprised as many people go into business for themselves. Talk about a dis-incentive. :(
  18. Kari, Peek, Colleen, PariSarah, anyone... have any of you read Charles Marsh's Wayward Christian Soldiers? I am reading it now. I went to hear Prof. Marsh speak a few weeks ago and read from the book. I'm just wondering what you all thought of it... if you've read it. I shared my thoughts on the talk and what I've read so far on my blog here. I haven't arrived at any conclusions yet... probably never will. But it definitely gave me a lot to chew on. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity and sharing your thoughts. As a side note, my grandparents were the founders of the Unitarian congregation in their NJ town. When the Vietnam War rolled around, they ended up having to leave the congregation because they refused to actively protest against the war, even though they disagreed with it, because their son (my father) was fighting in it. (He paid for college by participating in ROTC and had a military obligation to fulfill.) The congregation was pacifist in its beliefs, and my grandparents unwillingness to protest against the war was seen as violating this pacifist requirement of the congregation. Just thought it was an interesting tidbit that demonstrated how multi-faceted and confusing this issue can be.
  19. I'd love too, but dh in in school now, and we're both working. Between his classes, homeschooling and work, I don't have time now. I'm reading and studying on my own now so that once dh graduates, I will be prepared and can go if I'd like and have the money/ time.
  20. BS in Biology and MFS (Master of Forensic Science) I could go to school forever... too bad I'd have to be independently wealthy to do so. I'd love to get my PhD in Forensic Anthropology and become a county coroner or go to medical school and open a clinic with flat-rate pricing and offer house calls.
  21. Either Jedi Bob (I really hope I got that name right, if not, sorry) fixed it or it's because all of the sane people are sleeping, having fun with their families, or out enjoying their weekend so there aren't as many people on. If it's the former, thanks! If the latter, I'd better get to bed. 'Night!
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