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Everything posted by sherry80

  1. My kids are now in 1st and 2nd but in the fall will be 2nd/3rd, but we don't always start new curriculum in the fall. SL appeals to me because of the experiment box, books to read alongside, christian, etc. I am not sure we LOVE usborne books but I think we might enjoy if they went along with what we were learning. A lot of complaints about SL Science was that it skipped around a lot, never really getting to anything in depth. The Science doesn't correlate with the CORE level, correct? I am starting CORE 1 for history but maybe I could order science core 2 or 3 to get a little more in depth? Or, I guess if we want to study a topic more, we can pause and get books from library, field trip, etc. SL Science is expensive, but I will be able to reuse with my younger kids and it looked like the cost to reuse was minimal. Thanks, Sherry
  2. I am looking for a christian science curriculum that has hands on projects that do not require prep on my part (think materials all provided in a box) and a curriculum that uses living books or interesting library books that we can read along side our lesson. I am considering Sonlight science (has mixed reviews) and Noeo Science. I am open to ALL other options. Oh, I am also considering Apologia Young Explorers series. We are using God's Design right now. I think it is a great program, I am using it for a 1st/2nd grader so we only read the beginners part and it seems totally short but the other parts seems too advanced. I think I would like to use this curriculum when they are a little older. Thanks, Sherry So in a nutshell---some hands on, christian, some literature books or lists, and open and go for the teacher---Is there anything even like this?
  3. My mom is homeschooling a 13 year old in 7th grade through a public virtual school. She is under the impression that this is the only way he can earn a high school diploma. Ideally she would like to use a program that will teach him at his level but will still give him a high school diploma, like the public school will. She thinks he will fail a GED. The public school has him do modified grade level work. So he is reading at a 2nd grade level, but doing 7th grade reading class that is modified. Is there an accredited home school high school program for special needs kids that would still issue him a diploma? Sherry
  4. My vote would be OPGTR! It is great because it gives you a complete phonics instruction and it is hands on if you use the letter tiles. The lessons are short, it would be able to be used by all your students without having to replace anything. I have tried 100 easy lessons and I don't really think it compares. I am using it for my 1st grader and reviewing it with 2nd grader who has some gaps in her phonics instruction so I think it can easily be used for remedial work. I have tried many things and I am so excited about this, doing a basic phonics lesson every day that goes through all of the phonics rules in one book and is totally open and go. My kids haven't had any trouble reading the larger type even though there are smaller typed writing for the teacher to read. Sherry
  5. Thank you! I think I was really wanting to incorporate good literature and going a little overboard. I think I just need to give myself permission to let some of them go! For now, I think we will go with what the AG listed and then add in some read alouds as wanted from SL (don't need to be related) and get a few books about science topics and I think we will be set! Sherry
  6. I have spent some time with our online library putting books on hold. We are starting SOTW 1 next week with a 1st+2nd grader. I think I may be going a little overboard on books but I'm not sure. I placed the AG books on hold then I was using paulas archives to find more books about what chapter we are studying. I am also using the Egermeiers study bible alongside SOTW to have a more biblical base. Then I always think the SL book lists are good so I haven't even looked at those yet. I have realized that we are never going to read that many books! So I was thinking of using SOTW + egermeiers + AG books listed. I was thinking of dropping paulas archives of history books and only adding what SL read alouds that look awesome. Maybe this is still too much? Oh, and there is our God's Design science that we could add books to as well. Tell me what you think! Sherry
  7. I just got SOTW AG and I'm not sure if you are supposed to do timeline figures. I thought you were supposed to, but the cards in the back were practice cards. Does anyone use something like sonlights book of time? That would be more ideal to me than having to hang a bunch of figures on the wall. So, where can I get some or should I use the practice cards? Thanks, Sherry
  8. On amazon, when you click on "look into this book" for the kingfisher illustrated book, it actually brings you to view in the newer kingfisher history book. So that was why I was wondering and thought maybe they were similar and you only would need one. I have the newer one and I have younger kids so I think that will be fine. Thanks, Sherry
  9. I have the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia but I didn't get the Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World book. Should I get this or would it be repetitive to do both kingfisher books? How are they different? Thanks, Sherry
  10. Thank you for all your replies. He has been tested by a specialist and I know she got his IQ scores (very low) That's how she found out that in some areas he was on target and in others way way behind. They said that can happen with fetal alcohol syndrome as it can affect different parts of your brain. He was adopted from foster care at the age of 3 (he is 13) I will send her this information. I think they are scared to move out of the public system but at the same time, they are giving him all 7th grade work and expecting my mom to modify everything. She says it is taking her a LONG time to modify when they could be spending more time on things like social skills which would be better in helping him to be productive in society. I think using a curriculum at a 7th grade level and modifying it to be at a 2nd grade level makes no sense! They are thinking that maybe he could work at Goodwill as an adult or something along those lines. She wasn't sure if you had a high school diploma to get a job there but I didn't think you did b/c there are some extremely special needs people that work there. Thanks for all the help again. Sherry
  11. Thank you for all your help. I had been thinking that I don't want to expose them to that, but really I do want them to learn about it so they know why we believe what we do. I am happy to see that SOTW does not include this and since my copy isn't here yet, I didn't know that. So I will use them as a resource, take and choose what I want, and yes, I will be the one teaching it, so we can discuss what we need to. I guess these books are probably the best that is out there for these subjects and that is why she picked secular resource books maybe? Even if we choose to not use these books, SOTW is probably still a good study with the book lists in the AG as well. From what I understand, they are not REQUIRED to use SOTW, just recommended. I have the other recommended books ordered and was a little concerned about the nudity in the other usborne book as well. I guess we will look at it and see. If we decide not to use it, I know where to sell it! I have considered using Biblioplan, I'm not sure what other books are recommended by them as resource books. I was going to wait until they were a little older, I didn't want to be overwhelmed with TOO much curriculum. Sherry
  12. I guess I am talking about the belief that the earth is millions of years old as well. Specifically in Usborne pages 12-101. Almost on every page it says that "millions of years ago" or "evolved into". That seems like 1/4 of the book. And yes, the kingfisher book we wouldn't agree with just the first few pages. Do christians feel comfortable using these books? I'm not trying to start a debate but I guess I'm not comfortable with presenting these ideas to my children without saying the possibility of God creating the world. I know I can tell them that, but it would be nice to have that in the book they are studying. Thanks, Sherry
  13. I am new to SOTW (just ordered it) and I also ordered the books recommended to go along with it. The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia and The usborne Internet-linked encyclopedia of world history. What do you guys do if you are bible believing with these books. On one of them a good portion of the book is about evolution, which we do not agree with and will not be teaching our kids this theory. Are there other resources to replace (seems complicated) but I'm unsure if I even want them around?! I'm beginning to feel this isn't a christian program and I might have decided on the wrong thing (SOTW) Please help, Sherry
  14. where is the cathy duffy review of math mammoth? I couldn't seem to find it. Thanks, Sherry
  15. I am posting for my mom, I am homeschooling as well but not with special needs. My mom is homeschooling through a public charter homeschool for 7th grade. They have him doing all 7th grade work and she has to go through and modify as she sees fit. She is finding that she is having to take a TON of time to modify and feels like she is completing his assignments instead of him. My brother is adopted and is age 13. He has been tested and his reading level is at 2nd grade and math level at 7th grade! He has fetal alcohol syndrome and adhd. So there are major gaps in what he is able to learn. He has a very hard time completing any type of writing assignments, even math problems take him awhile to write the answer. She is considering taking him out of the public homeschool option to do her own thing but is very nervous and has NO IDEA where to start. What curriculum would be best for special needs children? Do you teach to their level (like 2nd grade level even though child is in 7th grade) or do you teach 7th grade level and modify so child can complete assignment in their own way? Do special needs children need to get an official diploma? She is worried he would have to take GED and would not pass. Then he would not qualify for many jobs whereas if he goes the public school route, he will still be issued a high school diploma even though he had to modify his work. Thanks for all the help you can offer, she feels very lost. Sherry
  16. "We use CLE 1 and it's going really good but yet I feel like something is missing. I really think I have found it with Math Mammoth. I will definitely keep doing CLE but will supplement with MM. " I was considering supplement with Math Mammoth. I was wondering how you do this as we use CLE 1 and 2 as well. (2 kids) My 1st grader is going through CLE so fast so I thought she would probably really like MM.
  17. I think MFW says that they take the pros of a few different approaches to learning and make it into a great program.
  18. Managers of Their Homes really helps to guide you through a schedule set up..
  19. I am starting new curric this month when it comes in!
  20. legos helping cook blocks singapore earlybird workbooks puzzles lacing cards playdough
  21. I just ordered the Sonlight reader schedules only around $5-6. to use for our reading program, but that won't have workbooks.
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