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wendy not in HI

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Everything posted by wendy not in HI

  1. Quart Jars? I'm sure you could find some around for free!
  2. My favorite piano teacher once told me: You can start a child in lessons at 6 years old or at 8 years old. But either way, they will be at the same level by the time they are 10 years old. We have started each of our kids in music lessons at about 8 years old and that has proved true for us. My 11 year old plays the violin and started about about 9 years old. She zoomed through Suzuki book one with just a little help from me, and just over 2 years later she is starting Book 4. She has a lovely bow hand and sweet vibrato, and no bad attitude! Many of her friends in our city Suzuki program started lessons as toddlers and are at about the same place she is. I have watched those cute little 3 year old "Twinkles" groups and it looks exhausting! A whole year to learn Twinkle! My 9 year old son just started violin. He's doing great! He is very self motivated and has a good ear. Starting earlier is great for some families, but I'm glad we waited. No power struggle with a grouchy toddler and a scritchity scratchy violin!
  3. I gained about 5 pounds on Mirena over about 3 years. When I had it removed, I GAINED about 15 pounds in about 6 months! My doctor mentioned that occasionally there is a problem of low estrogen after the removal. Weight gain can be associated with low estrogen. But it's been a year since the removal, and I'm slowly losing the weight. I'm not sure if I can really blame the Mirena or if it was the stressful move and chocolate chip cookies! My main complaint with the Mirena is that I experienced more hair growth on my face and arms than usual. Not super scary, but not great. wendy
  4. I have an iphone, but I don't always like to listen to music when I run. I do have a GREAT watch! I have a Timex Ironman watch with a timer that I use. I've been using basically the same watch for about 10 years. The watches I linked are listed at $70+. I am usually able to find ironman watches at Walmart for about $35. http://www.timex.com/collections/ironman-sleek (in case the link didn't work) When I first bought the watch, it had an interval mode where I could set the timer to go off at 4 minutes and 1 minute (or whatever I wanted for that particular run). But the last time I bought the watch (they seem to last about 2 years) I wasn't able to find one with the interval timer at the price I wanted to pay. It does still have a timer, so I use that and watch it during the "walk" part of my run. So if I want to run for 5 minutes and walk for 1 minute, I'll set the timer for six minutes, walk a minute watching the timer, then run the next five minutes until the watch dings, walk a minute, run five, repeat. I love this watch. I use it to time "tidy up" sessions around the house. I use the 3 alarms to wake me up, remind me to pick up kids from this or that activity, and as a reminder to get dinner started. I use the Chrono mode to time my entire run. I use the timer for all kinds of stuff in addition to running - remembering when to move the sprinkler, or when to leave the house before practice, or to check on to cookies. Happy Running! wendy
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