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Jackie in NE

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Everything posted by Jackie in NE

  1. I haven't looked at Land's End for a while. I used to buy tons of stuff from them when the kids were little. I like their quality, but I remember their stuff being kind of.... I don't know...... plain. The problem, too, is that she is a misses size 10, so the cute girls' styles don't fit anymore. She is at that difficult age where she is built like a woman, but still feels like (and wants to be) a little girl...:001_unsure: Ahhh the teenage years...... Thanks for the suggestion.:001_smile:
  2. Where can I buy her clothes that actually fit? She is 14 yrs. old, with a very powerful build. NONE of the current styles fit her. The other day, while trying on a shirt at JCPenney, she actually ripped a sleeve with her bicep! Everything is tight and low-cut. She has worn some things from Eddie Bauer in the past, but now feels that those styles look "too old" (as in something that I would wear), and I agree. Any suggestions? She just wants to look good in clothes that fit. TIA, Jackie
  3. I started learning Latin right along with my dd, 7 years ago. I did not fully understand a declension, and therefore could not adequately teach it, imo, until we had gone through LC II. Henle served to solidify things also. If you plan to continue with Latin, you might want to own the Henle Grammar. I think it answers every question I've ever had. How's your English grammar? We have used Shurley Grammar, which talks about noun jobs. ie subject, object of a preposition, direct object, indirect object, etc. The latin declension endings tell you the "job" of the noun in question. In a nutshell: Nominative=subject Genitive=posessive Dative=indirect object Accusative=direct object Ablative=by/with/from (usually an object of the preposition) HTH, Jackie
  4. So I was thinking level 1 "Ancients" with my 2 little boys, and level 2 "Early Modern" for my 5th grader. Last year I tried doing SOTW Middle Ages with all 3. My plan had been to add "extra" stuff in for my 4th grader, but it really fell by the wayside. She balked at having to do extra stuff, and I let her get away with it. (I get a demerit for that one). So I think that she will do a better job if she's doing something completely different. Do you think that would work? Or am I adding a whole other layer with 2 different cycles. (My oldest does Omnibus online, otherwise, I would have 3 different cycles going!) Is it true that History Odyssey is somewhat independent in level 2? I'm kind of counting on that. Now I'm off to read your review. Thanks! Jackie
  5. I am a "history lover". I think I would do history all day long, if I didn't also think that is was kind of important for my dc to be able to add. So, yeah we have to do that other stuff too, like math, latin, writing, and grammar. But I really love history. Consequently, my kids love it also. But I don't have time to do all those nifty activities that are out there. With 4 very active kids, an absentee husband, and returning to school part-time myself...... I just don't have the time I used to have. So I'm looking for a history program that is already put together for me. I don't want to have to do any planning. I like a course that's like a big story. We used SOTW last year, which I love, but I didn't even have time to sort through the activities and put them together. There was too much to sort through. I used Veritas Press before that (excellent program), but it stressed out my 9 yr. old because of all the writing. Now, if she sees VP history, she groans. Totally my fault. History odyssey looks like a good mix of nice spines, age appropriate reading selections, and activities. It looks like it's all laid out and I won't have to do any planning. I like the fact that there are timelines that go along with it. We learn really well with timelines. So, am I right? Is this a good fit? What has your experience been? :bigear: TIA for your input, Jackie
  6. OK, here's my update. I wore the hose. Then of course, I had to look around at ALL the other women to see what they were doing.....(Will I ever grow up?) So, the vast majority were bare legged. Yup, just the grandma's and I were covering our legs. Bummer. I need to update. I guess if I don't feel comfortable in a knee-length skirt and bare legs, I ought to buy some longer dresses. I am tall and slender, and dh says I have great legs. I never feel self-conscious in running shorts. But I only saw the VERY YOUNG women wearing knee length or shorter skirts and bare legs. Sheesh. I need to get out more often! Thanks everyone. It was fun to read your responses.
  7. OK, this is an indoor function, and very conservative (if that matters...). It is for a friend's ordination to the catholic priesthood. My suit is very light pink and white, and I'm wearing light blue strappy sandals. The hose I'm considering are basically "nude" color. I just feel better with my legs covered. My goodness, I feel REALLY old! I'm quickly crossing into the "What do I care what other people think?" space. But I really don't want to be old and frumpy before my time.... kwim?
  8. for a woman in her 40's to wear very light colored nylons with a summer suit?:confused: I just don't feel comfortable going to an evening function with bare legs which will show all the latest bruises I got from riding, working cows, building fence, etc.:glare: Help please? :bigear::bigear:
  9. .... I would never presume to judge someone else based on whether or not they have a 4-yr. degree. I tend to be more interested in life experiences and pursuits. But I will say that I am so glad that I finished my degree and worked in my chosen field for 7 years before I married. I feel that if anything terrible happened, I at least would have my degree and my experience to fall back on. There are many, many women who, for whatever reason, find themselves having to support themselves AND their children. And if that ever happens, 9 times out of 10, I think you'd be glad you had that college degree when you go job hunting. So I don't think that it's really a question of what others might think of your dd, rather, it's a question of how she looks at herself, and her possible responsibilities in the future. I wish you the best. What a difficult situation. I know that I would have a very difficult time supporting my dd if she chose to make her decisions based on a "potential" forever relationship. Blessings, Jackie
  10. Thank you Lizzy and Wendy. I will skip the teacher's guide.
  11. So you're going to get a lot of different answers to your question. I have never even looked at k12, so I cannot offer you any advice about that specific program. But I can offer you this: As you set out on this journey of homeschooling, it will be helpful to think about the educational and character developmental goals that you have for your dc. There are SO MANY different curricula out there. I think it is helpful to think about what you want for your children, and then go out and look for it. You will also need to be realistic about what works for you. Do you have the time, energy, and desire to devote yourself to a teacher-intensive curriculum? Or do you need to do something that requires less of you and places more emphasis on video or online instruction? Finances may also play a part. Perhaps you have already considered many of these things. If you have, that's great! But setting some goals, and thinking about what you want to achieve for your dc will certainly help you to choose your curriculum. And whatever you decide.... I wish you all the best. Homeschooling is a wonderful choice. It is worth the work. Welcome! Jackie
  12. We're going to kick off our math year with a review of math concepts via Singapore Math. This will be supplementation to our normal MUS curriculum. I want it to be easy and fun. (My kids tend to have a little math phobia). I'm planning to start with 1A and 1B for my two sons. They are ages 8 and 9, but just finished MUS alpha last year. (long story). Here's my question (finally): I can't believe that I need a text AND a teacher's guide for this level of basic math. Do I need them both? Or could I get away with just the workbooks and the teacher's guide? I've never used Singapore, so I don't really know how they're set up. Thanks for any and all advice, Jackie
  13. I went on a long ride on my 4-yr. old mare all by myself. We got lots of work done, and it was great. She behaved beautifully. I love that horse.
  14. I have never tried to teach Omnibus myself. I looked at all of that reading, and just knew that I'd never find the time to do it justice. So, dd took Omnibus I online in 7th, Omnibus II online in 8th, and will take Omnibus III online next year in 9th. We are VERY happy with these classes. In fact Omnibus is dd's favorite class, and the main reason that dd wants to continue homeschooling, rather than pursue other options. A major complaint from previous posters seems to be the inadequate history content in Omnibus. But I will argue that history is very adequately covered in the online course in an engaging and challenging way, through the classical books studied. For example, dd informs me that much of the discussion around the Song of Roland centered on the history of France, around the History of the Kings of Britain, on the history of Great Britain, etc. The instructors are excellent, and do a great job of making the classes fun and interesting. The course is challenging! No multiple choice quizzes here. Dd takes both primary and secondary courses, and has 2-1500 word papers due in each course each semester. So that was 8 papers last year. And the content is challenging. Dd also had a mid-term and a final in each course. These are all essay question exams, with the answers required ranging in length from a couple of sentences (about 15 questions), to 800 words (3-5 essays), to 1000 words (2 essays). The student is given up to 5 hours to take each exam, but dd finished them in 2.5-3 hours. I simply do not have the time to incorporate a course of this rigor into our schedule. But I believe that this sort of rigor is needed to prepare the student who is going directly into a LA type of college after high school. MANY people would disagree with me, I'm sure. So Omnibus online works beautifully for us, but may not fit with your needs or plans. Feel free to pm me, if you have more questions..... HTH, Jackie
  15. Just curious.... Did you need a current prescription? I need new contacts, my current prescription is completely adequate, (but expired) and I don't want to spend the $$ for a visit to the optometrist! It seems like such a racket to me. Just sell me new contacts, already!
  16. They are SO CUTE!! Don't you just love pigs? They're just so ....... so happy. I can just watch my kids' pigs for hours.....
  17. :iagree: And am wondering..... how do you bring up the names of your chickens in casual conversation???? I mean, how would people KNOW she's wacky?
  18. Jackie, who just participated (along with other homeschooling friends) in the butchering of about 150 meat birds yesterday. :tongue_smilie: Blech! It will be a while before I can eat chicken again.
  19. I agree. It IS useful! Just curious.... what are the "more modern methods"? Do they follow general texting guidelines?????:lol::lol:
  20. Our life is terribly complicated. My husband has been a workaholic all his life. His father was also a workaholic. Dh is wonderfully talented and has a tremendous capacity for work. At his last job, (he has jumped around quite a bit, but has always provided beautifully for us) he was very unhappy. It made him unpleasant to be around. His work is his life and his identity. We lived on a small ranch then (something between a "real" ranch, and a hobby farm). All we both wanted was to work together as a family on a ranch, and make a living from it. We sold everything we had, and bought our "real" ranch, knowing that it would be 5-10 years before it would actually support us. The economy tanked. We went further into debt to buy a house in a town 3 1/2 hours from the ranch so that we would have access to jobs to keep things going. Even as I write this, it sounds crazy and non-sensical. But at the time it seemed like the best thing to do. Now the kids and I are here in town, and hubby is on the ranch 3 1/2 hours away, and we rarely see him. He only leaves the ranch to go to his job in Texas, which is actually what keeps us fed. We thought we would all be able to be on the ranch together this summer, but dd has developed severe allergies to the mold in the ranch house (it is a dump). Our doctor has told us we cannot go there with her any longer. The ranch is 70 miles from a hospital..... too far to go if she goes into shock..... even if we carry and epi-pen, which we do. SO, all of that to say..... Our dream is pretty much a nightmare. My kids miss him terribly, but less all the time, which is even worse. I am lonely. But am trying to figure out how to do everything by myself. I worry about how my dc will fill the vaccuum that is their absent father. I cry every Sunday in Church. Dh says that if we want to hang on to the ranch, he has to be there. And he is right. But I don't want to hang onto the ranch, even though I love, love, love it. It is the only life I ever wanted. But instead, the life I have is the life of a single Mom with 4 kids. I can handle that. I have been lonely before. But for our dc, this is life-forming. It is scary. Thanks for posting. It has helped me to learn how all of you handle this situation.
  21. :lol::lol: I like the fact that my independence grows right along with that of my youngest!!
  22. We just found out today that dd won a Hampshire ewe lamb from the National Hampshire Sheep Association. There were 12 ewe lambs awarded nationwide, and dd will be the proud new owner of 1 of them! :party::party: We are so excited, I can hardly stand it!! Dd had to write an essay detailing why she would like to own a Hamp. ewe, her experience with sheep, and her future plans with respect to her sheep project. She also had to submit a letter of recommendation, and a letter of support from dh and me. She has worked so hard on her sheep project over the years, and just absolutely loves her little flock of 9 ewes, and (this year) 17 little babies. We will also get to go to Sedalia, Missouri to attend the National Hamp. sheep sale, where she will take posession of the ewe lamb. I am so thrilled that she is being recognized in this way, and rewarded for her hard work. Hurray for her!!
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