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Everything posted by hina

  1. I also PMed you with a similar question. Would love any further insight on this! TIA!
  2. Is this from a smoke-free home? I'm interested in Intro to Algebra.
  3. I know this is way late to the post but this poetry jam just happened this past week and it might give you a preview/taste of what their language arts program is like: https://artofproblemsolving.com/school/mathjams-transcripts?id=602
  4. Yeah, like I said, it's been a huge breath of fresh air to just go through the basics of chemistry, physics, biology, etc with RS4K so we've really enjoyed it, plus my kids love the experiments. Half a dozen of my kids' classmates are pulling out of our old public school because apparently they got a science curriculum that's even worse and it's about training kids how to argue against politicians about hot scientific topics in current events. It's just gotten really political. I think a lot of us just want our kids to learn the science basics! Not to mention, we are actually not 100% homeschooling, but homeschooling through a charter, so we still have CA requirements to fulfill. Our CA history text is going through the ice age and homo halibus/erectus/sapiens/etc progressions as well. So I felt like there was enough of that area of evolution already to go around. No need to keep shoving it into my kids' faces--plus they're not super interested in that--they want things they can experiment with and prove now. Evolution of viruses and mutations would be much more applicable and interesting, although, I would want them to understand some cellular level basics first--which is what we're hoping to work up on now.
  5. Over half a year is spent on big bang and evolution of mankind, followed by climate change. There's a lack of any other foundational science topics. Again, not that I mind those topics--I just wish it was more balanced and time was spent on some of the other basic science fundamentals as well.
  6. For us personally (as I was the one who mentioned "neutral worldview"), this is our first year homeschooling. We were in California public schools prior and our public school's science curriculum is on the extreme end of one worldview. I personally have no qualms about any of these topics and they're all interesting and important to discuss but I did feel like there was too much emphasis and too much time spent on it without ever touching upon anything else. My kids (oldest is now middle school) came out knowing very little about chemistry, physics, or even much about biology and don't have the basic science fundamentals behind all of these topics and it's been a breathe of fresh air to have a curriculum that can finally introduce more in-depth lessons about atoms, energy, forces, cells, etc to them for the first time. I appreciate the neutral worldview curriculum now that we've started homeschooling because it allows us to focus on what we've missed all this time, after being taught on the extreme end of one worldview for so long.
  7. Sorry if this post is a repeat but I can't get the search function to work in this forum... Has anyone used History Odyssey from Pandia Press before (NOT the Human Odyssey one)? Pros/Cons? TIA!
  8. I'm using it for grades 4 and 6 (Exploring the Building Blocks) this year for the first time. We're a month in. I picked it because I wanted my kids to get their fundamental science down and it was a priority for me. I found that the outdated website link is actually just Home Science Tools and I was able to find all the supplies by just searching for it on the site: https://www.homesciencetools.com/ We never use the teacher guide for experiments as well--we just use it if I need to refer to some explanations. It's just open and go from the Student Notebook and I have my kids read the corresponding chapters in the book ahead of time. We enjoy it so far and love the experiments. The only things that I wish were a bit different or wish I knew ahead of time were: There is a lot of writing (two pages) to fill out for each experiment beforehand on top of the hypothesis. I think it could've been condensed a bit because I don't necessarily need my kids to have to write out everything they may speculate--although it would be great to discuss it, but my kids don't love that much writing. I think now that I know, I'll probably transition to more verbal discussions for the pre-lab instead of all written. The notes/writing for during the lab and post-lab seem appropriate and are great. I thought the experiments were mostly using household materials but was surprised that you do have to look ahead and purchase some specialized supplies and prepare a bit. You'll probably spend about another $100 in supplies for each grade. That said, I appreciate the foundational science concepts being taught/addressed and appreciate the neutral worldview approach and just focused on the science. We really love the experiments and topics. I am happy we bought it.
  9. This is my first time using Lightning Lit and it's for a 6th grader. Has anyone used it before and found errors? We're only on week 3 and I believe there are errors in the Answer Key (from the Teacher's Guide) for two problems already. Week 1 Day 4 (Wizard of Oz): Collective nouns/verb agreement (pick the correct one): The battalion is/are scattering under the enemy onslaught. (The answer key says "are".) Week 3 Day 1 (Wizard of Oz): "a" and "the" are articles which are types of adjectives (underline all the adjectives): #7 An old, pointed blue hat was perched on his head, and the rest of the figure was a blue suit of clothes, worn and faded. (The answer key underlined all the adjectives including all the "the" and "a" words, but DID NOT underline the "the" in "the rest". Why not?) Am I incorrect? Or are they just errors? I'm honestly not sure anymore at this point and am second-guessing myself, but I am perplexed by these answers in the answer key. We love the content and lessons but just a bit concerned/confused.
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