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Posts posted by Tammy

  1. In her example.....COOKIES was mentioned.....and I don't know of too many cookies that are sugar free, LOL.


    And really....there are 26 kids? Are you the only one who doesn't want sugary foods? If so....then I would just tell your kids not to eat it.....or bring something for them you approve of.


    It seems to me you expect everyone to conform to 'your standards'.....



  2. A 2003 isn't really THAT old....especially for a Honda....BUT....if you are burning 1 quart of oil a month....well....that sounds like trouble. And with the electrical issues.....I think I would get rid of it.


    I think with a car....reliability is the number one thing for me.....I don't want to get stranded somewhere....(that is why I bought a Toyota, LOL)....so I would be afraid of getting stranded if I had your car, LOL.



  3. My goodness.....doctors just can't get enough money....can they, LOL. First they said I had to be seen once a year in order to get my migraine meds. Ok....I can see that. NOW....it has turned into every 9 months. Not to mention I had every test possible in January.....


    They sent me a letter stating "It is time for your 9 month follow up."......yea right....sure it is.



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