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Posts posted by Tammy

  1. I woke up Sunday morning with the exact same feeling....my throat hurt so bad I didn't know if I could actually eat anything, LOL. I ran a fever of 100 on Sunday and Monday morning. I just took Motrin for the fever and sore throat.


    I gargled with peroxide mixed 1:1 with water.....in the morning and night. By Monday....my throat was feeling a bit better.....


    By Tuesday....a LOT better. I still have a cough....but I never did get a runny nose or anything like that....


    Today....I feel great except my throat still feels 'swollen'....but nothing like it felt Sunday morning, LOL! I do still have the cough....



  2. Anyone see this yet? What a terrible thing to happen....


    British Schoolgirl Dies After VaccinationAOL / Wire Services

    posted: 12 HOURS 18 MINUTES


    (Sept. 28) - A 14-year-old British schoolgirl died Monday, shortly after receiving a cervical cancer vaccination. Local health authorities launched an "urgent" investigation but say a link between the death and the drug has not been established.


    The teenager was administered Cervarix, a vaccine for the human papillomavirus (HPV), at her school in Conventry, England. She became sick soon after and was sent to a hospital where she died.

    "No link can be made between the death and the vaccine until all the facts are known and a post-mortem takes place," said Dr Caron Grainger, the joint director of public health for NHS (National Health Service) Coventry. "We are conducting an urgent and full investigation into the events surrounding this tragedy."


    At least three other girls at the school who received the shot also reported mild symptoms, such as dizziness and nausea, but were not hospitalized.

    The batch of Cervarix vaccine used at the school has been quarantined.

    Cervarix, manufactured by UK-headquartered GlaxoSmithKline, has been used for the past year in Britain's national immunization program. It is estimated that about a million girls have already safely received the vaccine. It defends against two HPV strains which cause about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases.


    In the United States, a panel of vaccine experts at the FDA voted overwhelmingly earlier this month that Cervarix appears safe and effective for girls and women ages 10 to 25. If the FDA follows the group's advice, as it usually does, Glaxo would begin competing against Merck's Gardasil, which has controlled the U.S. market since 2006.


    2009-09-28 16:22:17


  3. I think that is a bit much.....if you ask me, LOL. Here is the article:


    American Girl released an addition to its collection of sociologically accurate dolls this year -- and she's homeless.


    The Wisconsin-based company, whose Web site declares that it celebrates girls and all they can be, is well-known for its tasteful, well-researched dolls reflecting certain periods in American history. Now, Gwen Thompson joins the company's line.


    Gwen's story is told through another doll's biography, which, according to The New York Post, is decidedly modern: Her father ran out on the family and her mother lost her job. By winter, the fatherless family is living in their car. The doll sells for $95 and is available online or at American Girl retail locations.


    We took a pause when we heard about a homeless doll.

  4. This started rather slowly....say after dinner in the afternoon.....to EVERY meal I eat now and has been going on for 5 days with every meal.


    I had a piece of toast with a little butter this morning....and I don't think I even got it down good before I was in the bathroom. What happens is....after I eat....or while I am eating....my stomach starts making gurgling noises....then I start to bloat....then the diarrhea.


    Usually I have to go to the bathroom within an hour of eating. I have also lost some weight...and I can't afford to lose much more. I weigh around 101-103....and am now down to 97.


    Any ideas what this could be?



  5. Miami Lakes teacher faces 5 years for putting hot sauce in autistic student's drink


    Wednesday, September 23, 2009


    A Miami-Dade County jury found a special needs teacher guilty of abuse after authorities said she put hot sauce in a student's soda, WFOR-Ch. 4 reports.


    Sylvia Tagle was convicted of abuse after she was accused of giving the soda with hot sauce mixture to an autistic student to teach him a lesson. But Tagle says the boy grabbed the soda from her desk when she was with other students.


    Jurors found Tagle not guilty of three other charges, including pulling a student's hair and not changing soiled diapers.


    Her attorney says she's a strict but dedicated teacher.


    Tagle taught at the Bob Graham Educational Center in Miami Lakes. Her sentencing is set for Oct. 7; she could face a maximum of five years in prison.


    For more information on this story, visit http://www.sun-sentinel.com

  6. What a joke....I can't believe someone actually did this.


    CINCINNATI (Sept. 16) — Police say a woman has been arrested for allegedly spanking another person's 2-year-old son in a Cincinnati store.

    Gloria Ballard was due in a Hamilton County on Wednesday to face an assault charge.

    Cincinnati police say the toddler said something that apparently annoyed Ballard inside a Salvation Army store on Tuesday. Police say she then told the boy's mother she didn't know how to take care of her son, put him over her knee, and spanked him three times.

    Police say the two women didn't know each other and that the 44-year-old Ballard wasn't given permission to touch the child.

    There was no attorney listed for Ballard.



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