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Posts posted by Tammy

  1. I will say....I am definitely in the minority here, LOL....so.....I think Latin is best taken in jr. high or high school....why? Well by that time the student has a good grasp of grammar which helps 'understand' Latin.


    Now....I see nothing wrong with teaching younger kids some Latin vocabulary...which is what most of the younger programs are anyway, LOL!


    I see no reason to invest so much time into Latin at a young age when the student can grasp it so much faster/easier a little later.

  2. Now I must say.....I have never thought of someone who gave me food as being 'unsanitary'.....really I haven't. Maybe that is why my neighbor brought over beer.....to kill all those germs from the other food I had received from the 'unsanitary' neighbors, LOLOLOLOLOL!

  3. Technically you DID run the light. If your back tire is past the line.....even if your car is still sitting there.....TOO BAD....you have technically run the light.


    I have looked it up before, LOL!


    And....it doesn't matter WHO was driving....if your neighbor was driving....you would still get the ticket. The car 'owner' gets the ticket.


    So....I hate to say this....but it looks like you will have to pay.



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